This is the complete list of members for cluster::CebysevLaplaceF< Fspc >, including all inherited members.
apply(uint m, const FColExp *Fexp, const Fspc src[], Fspc dst[]) const | cluster::CebysevLaplaceF< Fspc > | inlinevirtual |
apply(uint m, const FColReal Fexp[], const Fspc src[], Fspc dst[]) const (defined in cluster::CebysevLaplaceF< Fspc >) | cluster::CebysevLaplaceF< Fspc > | |
blksz(uint m) const | cluster::CebysevLaplaceF< Fspc > | inlinevirtual |
ceby2poly(uint m, const concepts::Real3d &z, concepts::Real F[]) const | cluster::CebysevLaplaceF< Fspc > | |
CebysevLaplaceF(uint m, concepts::Real eta) | cluster::CebysevLaplaceF< Fspc > | |
evaluate(uint m, const concepts::Real3d &z, FColExp *Fexp) const | cluster::CebysevLaplaceF< Fspc > | inlinevirtual |
evaluate(uint m, const concepts::Real3d &z, FColReal Fexp[]) const (defined in cluster::CebysevLaplaceF< Fspc >) | cluster::CebysevLaplaceF< Fspc > | inline |
fit(uint m, const concepts::Real3d &z, concepts::Real F[]) const | cluster::CebysevLaplaceF< Fspc > | |
getCol(uint blksz) const | cluster::CebysevLaplaceF< Fspc > | inlinevirtual |
m() const | cluster::CebysevLaplaceF< Fspc > | inlinevirtual |
~CebysevLaplaceF() (defined in cluster::CebysevLaplaceF< Fspc >) | cluster::CebysevLaplaceF< Fspc > | virtual |
~ExpansionF() (defined in cluster::ExpansionF< Fspc >) | cluster::ExpansionF< Fspc > | inlinevirtual |