Class documentation of Concepts

No Matches
cluster::TaylorY< Fspc > Member List

This is the complete list of members for cluster::TaylorY< Fspc >, including all inherited members.

apply(const concepts::Real Y[], const Fspc src[], Fspc dst[]) constcluster::TaylorY< Fspc >
apply(const XYColExpPtr *Y, const Fspc src[], Fspc dst[]) const (defined in cluster::TaylorY< Fspc >)cluster::TaylorY< Fspc >inline
cluster::ExpansionXY::apply(const XYColExpPtr *XY, const F src[], F dst[]) const =0cluster::ExpansionXY< F >pure virtual
blksz() constcluster::TaylorY< Fspc >inlinevirtual
evaluate(const concepts::Real3d &z, concepts::Real Y[]) constcluster::TaylorY< Fspc >
evaluate(const concepts::Element< Fspc > &elm, const concepts::Real3d &c, XYColExpPtr *Y[]) constcluster::TaylorY< Fspc >
evaluate(const bem::Dirac3d000< Fspc > &elm, const concepts::Real3d &c, XYColExpPtr *Y[]) constcluster::TaylorY< Fspc >
evaluate(const bem::Constant3d000< Fspc > &elm, const concepts::Real3d &c, XYColExpPtr *Y[]) constcluster::TaylorY< Fspc >
evaluate(const bem::Constant3d001< Fspc > &elm, const concepts::Real3d &c, XYColExpPtr *Y[]) constcluster::TaylorY< Fspc >
evaluate(const bem::Constant3d002< Fspc > &elm, const concepts::Real3d &c, XYColExpPtr *Y[]) constcluster::TaylorY< Fspc >
evaluate(const bem::Linear3d000< Fspc > &elm, const concepts::Real3d &c, XYColExpPtr *Y[]) constcluster::TaylorY< Fspc >
cluster::ExpansionXY::evaluate(const concepts::Element< F > &elm, const concepts::Real3d &c, XYColExpPtr *XY[]) const =0cluster::ExpansionXY< F >pure virtual
fee_ (defined in cluster::TaylorY< Fspc >)cluster::TaylorY< Fspc >protected
foo_cluster::TaylorY< Fspc >protected
gauss() const (defined in cluster::TaylorY< Fspc >)cluster::TaylorY< Fspc >inline
getCol(uint blksz, uint n) constcluster::TaylorY< Fspc >inlinevirtual
m() constcluster::TaylorY< Fspc >inlinevirtual
shift(const concepts::Real3d &z, const concepts::Real src[], concepts::Real dst[]) constcluster::TaylorY< Fspc >inlinevirtual
shift(const concepts::Real3d &z, const concepts::Cmplx src[], concepts::Cmplx dst[]) const (defined in cluster::TaylorY< Fspc >)cluster::TaylorY< Fspc >inlinevirtual
shift(const concepts::Real3d &z, const F src[], F dst[], uint foo) const (defined in cluster::TaylorY< Fspc >)cluster::TaylorY< Fspc >
TaylorY(uint m, uint gauss)cluster::TaylorY< Fspc >
~ExpansionXY() (defined in cluster::ExpansionXY< F >)cluster::ExpansionXY< F >inlinevirtual
~TaylorY() (defined in cluster::TaylorY< Fspc >)cluster::TaylorY< Fspc >inline