Back scattering from a PEC disk with lowest order BGT boundary condition
Defining the mesh
Option 1: Reading mesh from files
The mesh will be imported from four files in the usual format in Concepts.
concepts::Import2dMeshGeneral msh
(SOURCEDIR "/app-mengyu/PEC-diskCoord.dat",
SOURCEDIR "/app-mengyu/PEC-diskElements.dat",
concepts::AttributesFile(SOURCEDIR "/app-mengyu/PEC-diskBoundary.dat"),
concepts::EdgRadiaFile(SOURCEDIR "/app-mengyu/PEC-diskEdgRadia.dat"));
Option 2: Generating mesh through class concepts::Circle
Alternatively, for the circular geometry, the mesh can also be imported using class
Real innerRadius(1.0);
Real R(8.0); // the outer radius
Real rdata[4] = {1.5,2.0,4.0,R};
concepts::Array<Real> rings(rdata,4);
concepts::Circle msh(innerRadius,rings);
The attributes of the boundary edges will be assigned during mesh generation.
The mesh data can be written to a MATLAB file, in order to view the mesh. About the output format, please refer to
Output of FE solution on 2D hp-adaptive space .
graphics::MatlabGraphics(msh, "PEC_disk.m");
Build the Space
The space will be built with class
hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceH1. The trace space will be built with class
The inner trace space
tspcInner will be built according to its attribute 2, and the outer
tspcOuter will be built according to its attribute 1.
uint p = 3; // polynomial degree
uint l = 1; // number of refinement
hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceH1 space(msh, l, p);
hp2D::TraceSpace tspcInner(space, concepts::makeSet<uint>(1, 2),
hp2D::TraceSpace tspcOuter(space, concepts::makeSet<uint>(1, 1),
Construct right hand side
The complex formula will be parsed using the constructor of class
sR << "((" << k << ")"<<"*x/sqrt(x*x+y*y)*sin(x*"<<"("<<k<<")"<<"))";
sI << "((-1)*(" << k << ")"<<"*x/sqrt(x*x+y*y)*cos(x*"<<"("<<k<<")"<<"))";
concepts::ParsedFormula<Cmplx> frm(sR.str(), sI.str());
linear form
lform is used to construct right hand side, to obtain
lform on trace space, class
hp1D::Riesz is applied.
hp1D::Riesz<Cmplx> lform(frm);
Construct right hand side
Finally, the right hand side will be constructed by the constructor of class
concepts::Vector<Cmplx> rhs(tspcInner, lform);
Build matrices
Matrices building
The matrices are built by the constructor of class
concepts::SparseMatrix<Cmplx> S(space.dim(), space.dim());
will give the empty sparse matrix, and
hp2D::Laplace<> la;
concepts::SparseMatrix<Real> stiff(space, la);
will construct matrices by bilinear form.
Summing up the matrices
for sparse matrices A and B, the function
A.add(B,coeff) adds A itself to B with multiplier coeff.
i.e. B <- B + coeff*A
stiff.addInto(S, 1.0); // stiff adds itself to S
Solve the system
The linear system is solved with a sparse direct solver
concepts::SuperLU<Cmplx> solver(S);
concepts::Vector<Cmplx> sol(space); // coefficient vector of the solution
solver(rhs, sol);
Output solution
The solution will be exported to a MATLAB file. To avoid losing precision with interpolation,
recomputeShapefunctions() is developed to compute precisely.
hp2D::IntegrableQuad::rule().set(concepts::TRAPEZE, true, 12);
space.recomputeShapefunctions(); // recomputation on new quadrature points
graphics::MatlabGraphics(space, "PEC_wedge_sol.m", sol);