6#ifndef aglowavTree01_hh
7#define aglowavTree01_hh
18 template<
class BiClNode>
33 virtual inline ~Tree01() {destructor_(root_);
delete root_;}
36 inline uint
const {
return nclst_;}
38 inline uint
const {
return nlf_;}
40 inline const BiClNode*
const {
return root_;}
51 BiClNode* constructor_(BiClNode* lfset);
53 void destructor_(BiClNode* clst);
cluster::TreeTraits< BiClNode >::F F
Type of element (Real || Cmplx)
uint nclst() const
Number of clusters.
ClstBiTreeTraits< BiClNode > Traits
How a node has to behave.
Tree01(const concepts::Space< F > &spc, const cluster::BBall< F > &ball)
uint nleaf() const
Number of leafs.
const BiClNode * root() const
Root of the tree.
virtual ~Tree01()