Class documentation of Concepts

No Matches
cluster::Operator01< NodeX, NodeY >::NfldMatrix Class Reference

#include <operator01.hh>

Public Member Functions

 NfldMatrix (concepts::BilinearForm< FX > &bf, NfldMatrix *lnk, concepts::DynArray< uint > &idxX, uint nidxX, concepts::DynArray< const concepts::Element< FX > * > &elmX, uint nelmX, concepts::DynArray< uint > &idxY, uint nidxY, concepts::DynArray< const concepts::Element< FY > * > &elmY, uint nelmY)
void operator() (const concepts::Vector< FY > &fncY, concepts::Vector< FX > &fncX)
 Application operator.
NfldMatrixlink () const
 Next near field entries.
float memory () const
 Memory usage in byte.

Detailed Description

template<class NodeX, class NodeY>
class cluster::Operator01< NodeX, NodeY >::NfldMatrix

Class to hold the near field entries for two clusters

Definition at line 42 of file operator01.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ NfldMatrix()

template<class NodeX , class NodeY >
cluster::Operator01< NodeX, NodeY >::NfldMatrix::NfldMatrix ( concepts::BilinearForm< FX > &  bf,
NfldMatrix lnk,
concepts::DynArray< uint > &  idxX,
uint  nidxX,
concepts::DynArray< const concepts::Element< FX > * > &  elmX,
uint  nelmX,
concepts::DynArray< uint > &  idxY,
uint  nidxY,
concepts::DynArray< const concepts::Element< FY > * > &  elmY,
uint  nelmY 


bfBilinear form to evaluate the matrix entries
lnkLink to the near field entries of the next cluster pair
idxXDoF numbers of one cluster
nidxXNumber of DoF's in one cluster
elmXElements contained in one cluster
nelmXNumber of elements contained in one cluster
idxYDoF numbers of the other cluster
nidxYNumber of DoF's in the other cluster
elmYElements contained in the other cluster
nelmYNumber of elements contained in the other cluster

◆ ~NfldMatrix()

template<class NodeX , class NodeY >
cluster::Operator01< NodeX, NodeY >::NfldMatrix::~NfldMatrix ( )

Definition at line 74 of file operator01.hh.

Member Function Documentation

◆ link()

template<class NodeX , class NodeY >
NfldMatrix * cluster::Operator01< NodeX, NodeY >::NfldMatrix::link ( ) const

Next near field entries.

Definition at line 80 of file operator01.hh.

◆ memory()

template<class NodeX , class NodeY >
float cluster::Operator01< NodeX, NodeY >::NfldMatrix::memory ( ) const

Memory usage in byte.

Definition at line 135 of file operator01.hh.

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