Class documentation of Concepts

No Matches
concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >, including all inherited members.

begin(uint row=0) constconcepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >
begin(uint row=0)concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >
c_type typedefconcepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >
cols() constconcepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >inline
compress(Real threshold=EPS)concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >
const_iterator typedef (defined in concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >)concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >
d_type typedefconcepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >
end()concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >static
HashBits() const (defined in concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >)concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >inline
HashedSparseMatrix(uint r, uint c, uint h)concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >
info(std::ostream &os) const (defined in concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >)concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >
iterator typedef (defined in concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >)concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >
Matrix() const (defined in concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >)concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >inline
memory() const (defined in concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >)concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >inline
multiply(const HashedSparseMatrix< T > *const fact, concepts::Matrix< T > &dest) constconcepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >
multiply(const concepts::Matrix< T > *const fact, concepts::Matrix< T > &dest) constconcepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >
operator()(const uint r, const uint c)concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >
operator()(const uint r, const uint c) const (defined in concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >)concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >
operator()(const F f[], G g[]) constconcepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >
operator*=(const T factor)concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >
outputMatlab(std::ostream &ofs) const (defined in concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >)concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >
outputSparseQR(std::ostream &ofs) const (defined in concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >)concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >
r_type typedefconcepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >
rows() constconcepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >inline
transpMult(const F f[], G g[]) constconcepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >
used() constconcepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >inline
value_type typedef (defined in concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >)concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >
write(std::ostream &ofs) const (defined in concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >)concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >
~HashedSparseMatrix() (defined in concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >)concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >