Class documentation of Concepts

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graphics::MeshDX< F > Class Template Reference

#include <meshDX.hh>

Public Member Functions

 MeshDX (concepts::Mesh &msh, std::string filename)
 MeshDX (concepts::Space< F > &spc, std::string filename, uint dim)

Detailed Description

template<class F>
class graphics::MeshDX< F >

Draws a picture of a mesh in DX format and stores the result in a file. This class is just an executor class for MeshDXCell and BoundaryDXCell, the real work to draw the picture is done there.

The created file contains information on the cells of the mesh and the attribute of the boundary cells (if it is set). graphics/dx/ contains a Visual Program for OpenDX to display this information.

The class has a template parameter which is not very handy. For this purpose, there are two trampoline functions drawMeshDX which create this class and handle the template parameter corretctly.

See also
drawMeshDX the trampoline function of this class
MeshDXCell on of the classes which does the real work
BoundaryDXCell on of the classes which does the real work
Homepage of OpenDX
Homepage of OpenDX at IBM research
Philipp Frauenfelder, 2001
Include more information: attribute for cells, diameter etc.

Definition at line 89 of file meshDX.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MeshDX() [1/2]

template<class F >
graphics::MeshDX< F >::MeshDX ( concepts::Mesh msh,
std::string  filename 

Constructor. The coarsest grid will be depicted. To store the results, a new file is created.

mshMesh which should be drawn
filenameFile where the data for OpenDX should be stored

◆ MeshDX() [2/2]

template<class F >
graphics::MeshDX< F >::MeshDX ( concepts::Space< F > &  spc,
std::string  filename,
uint  dim 

Constructor. The currently used grid in the space will be depicted. To store the results, a new file is created.

spcSpace which should be drawn
filenameFile where the data for OpenDX should be stored
dimSpatial dimensions of the space, this parameter can be determined by the spaceDimensionTraits by using spaceDimension
See also

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