Class documentation of Concepts

No Matches
hp1D::LinearFormHelper< 1, F > Class Template Reference

#include <formula.hh>

Public Member Functions

 LinearFormHelper (const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F > frm)

Protected Member Functions

void computeIntermediate_ (const Element< Real > &elm) const

Protected Attributes

concepts::Array< F > intermediateValue_
const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F > frm_

Detailed Description

template<class F>
class hp1D::LinearFormHelper< 1, F >

Helper class for linearforms l(v), where v is a 1-form.

\[\displaystyle l(v)
= \int\limits_K f(x)^\top v\,dx
= \int\limits_{\hat{K}} f(F_K(\xi))^\top
\hat{v}\,\circ F_K^{-1} \,d\xi\]

$F_K$ is the element mapping from reference element $\hat{K} = [0,1]$. $v$ is for a example the derivative of a shape function, and $\hat{v}$ the derivative of the local corresponding local shape function.

Computes intermediate data for element matrix computation.

Kersten Schmidt, 2009

Definition at line 155 of file formula.hh.

Member Function Documentation

◆ computeIntermediate_()

template<class F >
void hp1D::LinearFormHelper< 1, F >::computeIntermediate_ ( const Element< Real > &  elm) const

Compute the intermediate data for element matrix computation

This method is important for the derivated linear forms.

Member Data Documentation

◆ frm_

template<class F >
const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer<F> hp1D::LinearFormHelper< 1, F >::frm_


Definition at line 174 of file formula.hh.

◆ intermediateValue_

template<class F >
concepts::Array<F> hp1D::LinearFormHelper< 1, F >::intermediateValue_

Intermediate value (on each quadrature point)

\[f(F_K(\xi))^\top \det J\]

Definition at line 171 of file formula.hh.

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