Class documentation of Concepts

No Matches

#include <shortestDist.hh>

Public Member Functions

Real operator() (const SingularSet &singularities, concepts::Real3d point, const Hexahedron *elm) const

Detailed Description

Computes the product of all distances in the singular set singularities.

\[ w = \left( \prod_{c\in C} r_c^2 \right)
        \left( \prod_{e\in E} \rho_e^2 \right) \]

where $C$ is the set of singular corners, $E$ the set of singular edges and $\rho_e$ is defined by $r_e = \rho_e r_c r_{c'}$ where $c$ and $c'$ are the corners of the edge.

Philipp Frauenfelder, 2003

Definition at line 192 of file shortestDist.hh.

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