Class documentation of Concepts

No Matches

#include <singularSet.hh>

Public Member Functions

 SingularEdge (const concepts::Connector1 *edge, const concepts::Real3d vtx0, const concepts::Real3d vtx1)
const concepts::Connector1edge () const
 Returns a pointer to the edge object (topological, connector)
Real distance (const concepts::Real3d point, const Hexahedron *elm) const
Real distanceV0 (const concepts::Real3d point, const Hexahedron *elm) const
 Returns the the square of the distance of point to vtx0_.
Real distanceV1 (const concepts::Real3d point, const Hexahedron *elm) const
 Returns the the square of the distance of point to vtx1_.


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SingularEdge &s)

Detailed Description

Class for storing a singular edge with coordinates of its corners. The class also provides methods to compute a distance from a given point (in local coordinates in an element) to the edge. The returned results are the Euclidiean distance squared.

Kersten Schmidt, 2002

Definition at line 30 of file singularSet.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SingularEdge()

hp3D::SingularEdge::SingularEdge ( const concepts::Connector1 edge,
const concepts::Real3d  vtx0,
const concepts::Real3d  vtx1 

Constructor. Precomputes diffVector_, diffVectorNormed_ and diffVectorTimesVtx0Normed_ to allow fast computations in the distance function.

edgeEdge object
vtx0,vtx1Coordinates of the corners of the edge

Definition at line 40 of file singularSet.hh.

Member Function Documentation

◆ distance()

Real hp3D::SingularEdge::distance ( const concepts::Real3d  point,
const Hexahedron elm 
) const

Returns the square of the distance from the edge to a point inside elm

pointPoint in reference coordinates $\xi \in [0,1]^3$
elmHexahedron in which the point is located

Let $k$ be a straight line along the edge, in parameters:

  k(t) := x_c + (x_{c'}- x_c) \cdot t = x_c + x_D \cdot t

where $x_c$ and $x_{c'}$ are the corners of the edge.

To determine the root point $k(t)$ of $x$ ( $x$ is $\xi$ in physical coordinates) on $k$, compute

  t = x \cdot\frac{x_D}{|x_D|^2} -
  \frac{x_c\cdot x_D}{|x_D|^2} = x \cdot a - b

where $a$ = diffVectorNormed_ and $b$ = diffVectorTimesVtx0Normed_ respectively.

If $0 < t < 1$, the closest point on the edge is not one of the corners and the distance $x - k(t)$ is computed. Otherwise, the distance to the closer corner is computed.

◆ edge()

const concepts::Connector1 * hp3D::SingularEdge::edge ( ) const

Returns a pointer to the edge object (topological, connector)

Definition at line 48 of file singularSet.hh.

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