Class documentation of Concepts

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Go to the documentation of this file.
9#ifndef Array_hh
10#define Array_hh
12#include <cstring>
13#include <memory>
14#include <iostream>
16#include "basics/typedefs.hh"
18#include "basics/exceptions.hh"
21// debugging
22#define ArrayConstr_D 0
23#define ArrayDestr_D 0
25namespace concepts {
27 // **************************************** Output operator for unique_ptr's **
31 template<class F>
32 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, std::unique_ptr<F>& a) {
33 return os << concepts::typeOf(a);
34 }
36 // ***************************************************************** Array **
45 template<class F>
46 class Array {
47 public:
49 Array(const uint sz = 0) : data_(sz ? new F[sz] : 0),
50 size_(sz), n_(sz) {
51 DEBUGL(ArrayConstr_D, "start: size = " << sz << ", data = " << data_);
52 }
59 Array(const uint sz, const F& dft)
60 : data_(sz ? new F[sz] : 0), size_(sz), n_(sz) {
61 F* d = data_; for(uint i = size_; i--;) *d++ = dft;
62 }
70 Array(const F* dft, const uint sz)
71 : data_(sz ? new F[sz] : 0), size_(sz), n_(sz)
72 {
73 memorycpy(data_, dft, sz);
74 }
84 Array(const uint sz, const F& first, const F& diff) :
85 data_(sz ? new F[sz] : 0), size_(sz), n_(sz) {
86 if (sz > 0) {
87 F* d = data_, *e = data_;
88 *d++ = first;
89 for(uint i = sz - 1; i--;) *d++ = *e++ + diff;
90 }
91 }
97 template<class H>
98 Array(const Array<H>& a, F fnc(const H&)) : data_(0), size_(0), n_(0) {
99 apply(a, fnc);
100 }
103 Array(const Array<F>& a)
104 : data_(a.n_ ? new F[a.n_] : 0), size_(a.n_), n_(a.n_) {
105 std::memcpy((void*)data_, (void*)a.data_, n_*sizeof(F));
106 }
108 template<class H>
109 Array(const Array<H>& a) : data_(0), size_(0), n_(0) { *this = a; }
111 ~Array() {
112 DEBUGL(ArrayDestr_D, "start: size = " << size_ << ", n = " << n_
113 << ", data = " << data_);
114 delete[] data_;
115 DEBUGL(ArrayDestr_D, "done.");
116 }
122 void resize(const uint sz);
126 void resizePreserve(const uint sz);
128 void zeros() { std::memset(data_, 0, n_*sizeof(F)); }
131 operator F*() { return data_; }
133 operator const F*() const { return data_; }
136 const F& operator[] (const int i) const {
137 conceptsAssert3(i < (int)size_, Assertion(),
138 "i = " << i << ", size = " << size_);
139 return data_[i];
140 }
142 F& operator[] (const int i) {
143 conceptsAssert3(i < (int)size_, Assertion(),
144 "i = " << i << ", size = " << size_);
145 return data_[i];
146 }
149 template<class G>
150 Array<F>& operator*=(const G n) {
151 F* d = data_;
152 for(uint i = size_; i--;) *d++ *= n;
153 return *this;
154 }
157 template<class H>
159 conceptsAssert(n_ <= a.size(), Assertion());
160 F* d = data_; const H* e = (const H*)a;
161 for(uint i = n_; i--;) *d++ *= *e++;
162 return *this;
163 }
166 Array<F>& operator=(const F n) {
167 F* d = data_; for(uint i = size_; i--;) *d++ = n;
168 return *this;
169 }
172 resize(a.size());
173 std::memcpy((void*)data_, (void*)a.data_, n_*sizeof(F));
174 return *this;
175 }
177 template<class H>
179 resize(a.size());
180 F* d = data_; const H* e = (const H*)a;
181 for(uint i = size_; i--;) *d++ = *e++;
182 return *this;
183 }
185 Array<F>& operator+=(const F n) {
186 F* d = data_; for(uint i = size_; i--;) *d++ += n;
187 return *this;
188 }
190 template<class H>
192 if (size_ == 0 && a.size() > 0) *this = Array<F>(a.size(), F(0));
193 F* d = data_; const H* e = (const H*)a;
194 for(uint i = size_; i--;) *d++ += *e++;
195 return *this;
196 }
198 Array<F>& operator-=(const F n) {
199 F* d = data_; for(uint i = size_; i--;) *d++ -= n;
200 return *this;
201 }
203 template<class H>
205 if (size_ == 0 && a.size() > 0) *this = Array<F>(a.size(), F(0));
206 F* d = data_; const H* e = (const H*)a;
207 for(uint i = size_; i--;) *d++ -= *e++;
208 return *this;
209 }
212 Array<F> a(size_);
213 F* d = (F*)a; const F* e = data_;
214 for(uint i = size_; i--;) *d++ = -*e++;
215 return a;
216 }
219 Array<F>& apply(F& fnc(F&)) {
220 F* d = data_;
221 for(uint i = size_; i--;++d) *d = fnc(*d);
222 return *this;
223 }
232 template<class H>
233 Array<F>& apply(const Array<H>& a, F fnc(const H&)) {
234 resize(a.size());
235 F* d = data_; const H* e = (const H*)a;
236 for(uint i = size_; i--; ++d)
237 *d = fnc(*e++);
238 return *this;
239 }
248 template<class H>
249 Array<F>& apply(const Array<H>& a, F fnc(const H&, const F&)) {
250 resize(a.size());
251 F* d = data_; const H* e = (const H*)a;
252 for(uint i = n_; i--;++d) {
253 *d = fnc(*e++, *d);
254 }
255 return *this;
256 }
259 uint size() const { return n_; }
262 uint cursize() const { return size_;}
265 int memory() const { return size_*sizeof(F); }
270 std::ostream& info(std::ostream& os) const;
271 protected:
278 };
280 template<class F>
281 void Array<F>::resize(const uint sz) {
282 if (sz > size_) {
283 if (size_ > 0) delete[] data_;
284 data_ = new F[size_ = sz];
285 }
286 n_ = sz;
287 }
289 template<class F>
291 if (sz > size_) {
292 F* data = new F[sz];
293 std::memcpy((void*)data, (void*)data_, n_*sizeof(F));
294 delete[] data_;
295 data_ = data;
296 size_ = sz;
297 }
298 n_ = sz;
299 }
301 template<class F>
302 std::ostream& Array<F>::info(std::ostream& os) const {
303 os << "Array<F>(" << n_ << ", [";
304 F* d = data_;
305 for (uint i = n_; i--;)
306 os << *d++ << ((i == 0) ? "" : ", ");
307 return os << "])";
308 }
310 template<class F>
312 F *d = data_, *e = data_ + (n_-1);
313 for(uint i = std::floor(double(n_)/2.0); i--; )
314 std::swap(*d++, *e--);
315 return *this;
316 }
318 template<class F>
319 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Array<F>& o) {
320#ifdef DEBUG
321 os << std::flush;
323 return;
324 }
326 template <class F>
327 inline bool operator==(const Array<F>& x, const Array<F>& y)
328 {
329 uint n = x.size();
330 if (n != y.size()) return false;
331 const F* d = (const F*)x; const F* e = (const F*)y;
332 for (uint i = n; i--;)
333 if (*d++ != *e++) return false;
334 return true;
335 }
337 template <class F>
338 inline bool operator==(const Array<F>& x, F& y)
339 {
340 uint n = x.size();
341 const F* d = (const F*)x;
342 for (uint i = n; i--;)
343 if (*d++ != y) return false;
344 return true;
345 }
347 template <class F>
348 inline bool operator==(F& y, const Array<F>& x)
349 {
350 return x == y;
351 }
358 template<class F, class G>
360 operator*(const concepts::Array<F>& array, const G& val) {
362 typename Combtype<F,G>::type* r = (typename Combtype<F,G>::type*)result;
363 const F* a = (const F*)array;
364 for(uint i = array.size(); i--;) *r++ = *a++ * val;
365 return result;
366 }
373 template<class F, class G>
375 operator*(const G& val, const Array<F>& array) {
376 return array * val;
377 }
379 // ************************************************************** Realtype **
381 template<typename F>
382 struct Realtype<Array<F> > {
383 typedef typename Realtype<F>::type type;
384 };
386 template<class F>
387 void pointerOutput(std::ostream& os, const Array<F>& array) {
388 os << "Array<F>(" << array.size() << ", [";
389 const F* d = (const F*)array;
390 for (uint i = array.size(); i--;) {
391 pointerOutput(os, *d++);
392 os << ((i == 0) ? "" : ", ");
393 }
394 os << "])";
395 }
397} // namespace concepts
399#endif // Array_hh
F * data_
Definition array.hh:273
Array< F > & operator*=(const G n)
Scaling operator.
Definition array.hh:150
Array< F > operator-() const
Negation operator.
Definition array.hh:211
Array< F > & operator*=(const Array< H > &a)
Multiplication operator.
Definition array.hh:158
uint size_
Current real size of the array.
Definition array.hh:275
Array< F > & operator+=(const F n)
Addition operator.
Definition array.hh:185
Array(const Array< F > &a)
Copy constructor.
Definition array.hh:103
Array(const uint sz, const F &dft)
Definition array.hh:59
Array< F > & operator=(const Array< F > &a)
Assignement operator.
Definition array.hh:171
Array< F > & apply(F &fnc(F &))
Definition array.hh:219
const F & operator[](const int i) const
Index operator.
Definition array.hh:136
uint size() const
Returns the requested size of the array.
Definition array.hh:259
void resize(const uint sz)
Definition array.hh:281
Array(const uint sz, const F &first, const F &diff)
Definition array.hh:84
Array< F > & operator=(const F n)
Assignement operator.
Definition array.hh:166
Array< F > & apply(const Array< H > &a, F fnc(const H &))
Definition array.hh:233
int memory() const
Returns the memory usage in bytes.
Definition array.hh:265
Array< F > & operator=(const Array< H > &a)
Assignement operator.
Definition array.hh:178
Array(const Array< H > &a, F fnc(const H &))
Definition array.hh:98
Array< F > & operator-=(const F n)
Subtraction operator.
Definition array.hh:198
Array(const uint sz=0)
Definition array.hh:49
uint n_
Requested size of the array.
Definition array.hh:277
Array< F > & apply(const Array< H > &a, F fnc(const H &, const F &))
Definition array.hh:249
Array< F > & reverse()
Reverse the order of the entries.
Definition array.hh:311
void zeros()
Fills the memory with zeros.
Definition array.hh:128
Array(const Array< H > &a)
Type conversion constructor.
Definition array.hh:109
Array< F > & operator-=(const Array< H > &a)
Subtraction operator.
Definition array.hh:204
void resizePreserve(const uint sz)
Definition array.hh:290
Array(const F *dft, const uint sz)
Definition array.hh:70
uint cursize() const
Returns the size of the allocated memory.
Definition array.hh:262
Array< F > & operator+=(const Array< H > &a)
Addition operator.
Definition array.hh:191
#define conceptsAssert(cond, exc)
#define DEBUGL(doit, msg)
Definition debug.hh:40
#define conceptsAssert3(cond, exc, msg)
std::string typeOf(const T &t)
Definition output.hh:43
void memorycpy(F *dest, const G *src, size_t n)
Copies n entries from src to dest (faster than std::memcpy)
Set< F > makeSet(uint n, const F &first,...)
Definition set.hh:320