Class documentation of Concepts

No Matches
concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX > Class Template Reference

#include <vectorsMatrices.hh>

Public Member Functions

 Mapping ()
 Mapping (const Mapping< F, DimY, DimX > &m)
 Copy constructor.
template<class H >
 Mapping (const Mapping< H, DimY, DimX > &m)
template<class G >
 Mapping (G x)
template<class... FieldTs>
 Mapping (FieldTs... data)
 Mapping (const Point< F, DimY > first)
 Mapping (const Point< F, DimY > first, const Point< F, DimY > second)
 Mapping (const Point< F, DimY > first, const Point< F, DimY > second, const Point< F, DimY > third)
 Mapping (const UnitNd< DimY > &n)
determinant () const
 Returns the determinant of the matrix (only valid for square matrices)
Mapping< F, DimY, DimXadjugate () const
Mapping< F, DimY-1, DimX-1 > subMatrix (uint i, uint j) const
trace () const
 Returns the trace (only valid for square matrices)
Mapping< F, DimX, DimYinverse () const
 Returns the inverse of the matrix.
const F & operator() (uint i, uint j) const
 Returns an entry of the matrix.
F & operator() (uint i, uint j)
 Returns an entry of the matrix (for read / write access)
template<class H >
Point< typename Combtype< F, H >::type, DimYoperator* (const Point< H, DimX > &p) const
 Returns a mapped Point.
template<class H >
Point< H, DimYmapPoint (const Point< H, DimX > &b) const
template<class G , uint DimZ>
Mapping< typename Combtype< G, F >::type, DimY, DimZoperator* (const Mapping< G, DimX, DimZ > &m) const
 Multiplication operator.
Mapping< F, DimY, DimX > & operator*= (const F n)
 Scaling operator.
Mapping< F, DimY, DimX > & operator*= (const Mapping< F, DimY, DimX > &m)
 Multiplication operator ( *this = operator()(*this, m); )
template<class G >
Mapping< typename Combtype< G, F >::type, DimY, DimXoperator* (const G n) const
 Scaling operator.
Mapping< F, DimY, DimX > & operator+= (const Mapping< F, DimY, DimX > &M)
 Addition operator.
Mapping< F, DimY, DimX > & scaleRows (const Point< F, DimY > &s)
 Scales the rows with the respective entries in s.
Mapping< F, DimY, DimX > & scaleCols (const Point< F, DimX > &s)
 Scales the columns with the respective entries in s.
Mapping< F, DimX, DimYtranspose () const
 Returns the transpose of the matrix.
Mapping< F, DimY, DimYprodTranspose () const
 Returns the product with the transpose of the matrix.
Point< F, DimYcolumn (const uint i) const
 Returns a column of the matrix.
void zeros ()
 Fills the matrix with zeros.
template<class H >
void mapTranspose (const Point< H, DimY > &y, Point< H, DimX > &x) const
void rank1Product (const Point< F, DimX > x, const Point< F, DimY > y)
 Computes x yT and adds the result to the matrix.
template<class H , class J , uint dimy, uint dimx>
void operator() (const Point< H, dimy > &y, Point< J, dimx > &x) const
std::ostream & info (std::ostream &os) const

Detailed Description

template<class F, uint DimY, uint DimX = DimY>
class concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX >

Basic class for a 2D or 3D map. The template parameters make it possible to use this class for real or complex values. The main use is to represent linear maps in 2D or 3D.

Philipp Frauenfelder, 2001

Definition at line 313 of file vectorsMatrices.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Mapping() [1/9]

template<class F , uint DimY, uint DimX = DimY>
concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX >::Mapping ( )

Default constructor. The elements of the matrix are left uninitialized.

Definition at line 318 of file vectorsMatrices.hh.

◆ Mapping() [2/9]

template<class F , uint DimY, uint DimX = DimY>
concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX >::Mapping ( const Mapping< F, DimY, DimX > &  m)

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 321 of file vectorsMatrices.hh.

◆ Mapping() [3/9]

template<class F , uint DimY, uint DimX = DimY>
template<class H >
concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX >::Mapping ( const Mapping< H, DimY, DimX > &  m)

Constructor. Useful to generate a Mapping<Cmplx,DimX,DimY> out of a Mapping<Real,DimX,DimY>.

F has a function F.operator=(H)

Definition at line 331 of file vectorsMatrices.hh.

◆ Mapping() [4/9]

template<class F , uint DimY, uint DimX = DimY>
template<class G >
concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX >::Mapping ( x)

Constructor. All elements are initialized to x.

Definition at line 344 of file vectorsMatrices.hh.

◆ Mapping() [5/9]

template<class F , uint DimY, uint DimX = DimY>
template<class... FieldTs>
concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX >::Mapping ( FieldTs...  data)

Constructor with variadic templates. Can be sed to construct matrices of any size by giving the entries as parameters, e.g. Mapping<Real,2,2>(1.,2.,3.,4.) creates a 2x2 matrix, while Mapping<Real,2,2>(1.,2.,3.) will produce an assertion as the number of entries (i.e. 3) mismatches the dimension 2x2.

The flag MappingConstructorHack has to be set to 1 considering Py++ with C++11 standard

Definition at line 359 of file vectorsMatrices.hh.

◆ Mapping() [6/9]

template<class F , uint DimY, uint DimX = DimY>
concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX >::Mapping ( const Point< F, DimY first)

Constructor for a 1D.

firstFirst column of the matrix

◆ Mapping() [7/9]

template<class F , uint DimY, uint DimX = DimY>
concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX >::Mapping ( const Point< F, DimY first,
const Point< F, DimY second 

Constructor for a 2D mapping.

firstFirst column of the matrix
secondSecond column of the matrix

◆ Mapping() [8/9]

template<class F , uint DimY, uint DimX = DimY>
concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX >::Mapping ( const Point< F, DimY first,
const Point< F, DimY second,
const Point< F, DimY third 

Constructor for a 3D mapping.

firstFirst column of the matrix
secondSecond column of the matrix
thirdThird column of the matrix

◆ Mapping() [9/9]

template<class F , uint DimY, uint DimX = DimY>
concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX >::Mapping ( const UnitNd< DimY > &  n)

Constructor for rotation

nNormal vector of the rotation

Member Function Documentation

◆ adjugate()

template<class F , uint DimY, uint DimX = DimY>
Mapping< F, DimY, DimX > concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX >::adjugate ( ) const

Returns the adjugate of the matrix (only valid for square matrices) [f \mbox{adj}(M) = M^{-1}\det(M) \f]

◆ mapPoint()

template<class F , uint DimY, uint DimX = DimY>
template<class H >
Point< H, DimY > concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX >::mapPoint ( const Point< H, DimX > &  b) const

Definition at line 459 of file vectorsMatrices.hh.

◆ mapTranspose()

template<class F , uint DimY, uint DimX>
template<class H >
void concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX >::mapTranspose ( const Point< H, DimY > &  y,
Point< H, DimX > &  x 
) const

Computes x = AT y

Hcan be F or any more general class that can operate on instances of F.

Definition at line 540 of file vectorsMatrices.hh.

◆ operator()() [1/3]

template<class F , uint DimY, uint DimX>
template<class H , class J , uint dimy, uint dimx>
void concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX >::operator() ( const Point< H, dimy > &  y,
Point< J, dimx > &  x 
) const

Application operator. Computes x = A y where A is the matrix. If the dimensions do not match the matrix A is extended by the identity matrix.

Definition at line 557 of file vectorsMatrices.hh.

◆ operator()() [2/3]

template<class F , uint DimY, uint DimX = DimY>
F & concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX >::operator() ( uint  i,
uint  j 

Returns an entry of the matrix (for read / write access)

Definition at line 446 of file vectorsMatrices.hh.

◆ operator()() [3/3]

template<class F , uint DimY, uint DimX = DimY>
const F & concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX >::operator() ( uint  i,
uint  j 
) const

Returns an entry of the matrix.

Definition at line 437 of file vectorsMatrices.hh.

◆ operator*()

template<class F , uint DimY, uint DimX>
template<class H >
Point< typename Combtype< F, H >::type, DimY > concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX >::operator* ( const Point< H, DimX > &  p) const

Returns a mapped Point.

Definition at line 531 of file vectorsMatrices.hh.

◆ subMatrix()

template<class F , uint DimY, uint DimX = DimY>
Mapping< F, DimY-1, DimX-1 > concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX >::subMatrix ( uint  i,
uint  j 
) const

Returns the submatrix where the ith and jth column are erased

◆ zeros()

template<class F , uint DimY, uint DimX = DimY>
void concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX >::zeros ( )

Fills the matrix with zeros.

Definition at line 497 of file vectorsMatrices.hh.

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