Class documentation of Concepts

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concepts::Set< IndexRange > Member List

This is the complete list of members for concepts::Set< IndexRange >, including all inherited members.

BaseSet()concepts::BaseSet< IndexRange >inline
BaseSet(const std::string &str)concepts::BaseSet< IndexRange >
BaseSet(const concepts::Array< IndexRange > &a)concepts::BaseSet< IndexRange >
BaseSet(const G &set)concepts::BaseSet< IndexRange >inline
dim() constconcepts::Set< IndexRange >
erase(const IndexRange &i)concepts::Set< IndexRange >
exist(uint i) constconcepts::Set< IndexRange >
BaseSet< IndexRange >::exist(IndexRange val) constconcepts::BaseSet< IndexRange >inline
index_begin(uint i=0) constconcepts::Set< IndexRange >
index_end() constconcepts::Set< IndexRange >
info(std::ostream &os) constconcepts::Set< IndexRange >protectedvirtual
insert(const IndexRange &i)concepts::Set< IndexRange >
isempty() constconcepts::BaseSet< IndexRange >inline
max() constconcepts::Set< IndexRange >
operator()(G(H::*fun)() const) constconcepts::BaseSet< IndexRange >inline
operator()(G &(H::*fun)() const) constconcepts::BaseSet< IndexRange >inline
operator()(G(H::*fun)(I) const, J i) constconcepts::BaseSet< IndexRange >inline
operator()(const Set< uint > &set) constconcepts::BaseSet< IndexRange >inline
operator==(const IndexRange val) constconcepts::BaseSet< IndexRange >inline
operator[](uint i) constconcepts::Set< IndexRange >
operator|=(const Set< IndexRange > &set) (defined in concepts::Set< IndexRange >)concepts::Set< IndexRange >
Set() (defined in concepts::Set< IndexRange >)concepts::Set< IndexRange >inline
Set(const F &set) (defined in concepts::Set< IndexRange >)concepts::Set< IndexRange >inline
Set(const IndexRange set) (defined in concepts::Set< IndexRange >)concepts::Set< IndexRange >inline
~OutputOperator() (defined in concepts::OutputOperator)concepts::OutputOperatorvirtual
~Set() (defined in concepts::Set< IndexRange >)concepts::Set< IndexRange >inlinevirtual