Class documentation of Concepts

No Matches
concepts::OutputOperator Class Reference

#include <outputOperator.hh>

Inheritance diagram for concepts::OutputOperator:
aglowav::M< d > aglowav::M< 2 > cluster::ClstXY< NodeX > cluster::ClstXY< NodeY > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Set< concepts::IndexRange > > concepts::BaseSequence< Connector0 * > concepts::BaseSequence< Connector1 * > concepts::BaseSequence< Connector2 * > concepts::BaseSequence< bool > concepts::BaseSequence< const Connector0 * > concepts::BaseSequence< const Connector1 * > concepts::BaseSequence< const Connector2 * > concepts::BaseSequence< const Key * > concepts::BaseSequence< uint > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Vector< F > > concepts::BaseSequence< Real > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Point< Real, dimC > > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Edge2d * > concepts::BaseSequence< const concepts::SparseMatrix< F > * > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::SubMatrixN< concepts::SparseMatrix< F > > * > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Operator< F > * > concepts::BaseSequence< F * > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::CellConditions > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F > > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Set< uint > > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::InverseVertexQuadSector2d > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::GraphVertex< F > > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Point > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Vertex * > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Edge * > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Quad * > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Cell2 * > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Hexahedron * > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Cell3 * > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Sequence< concepts::Edge2d * > > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Cell1 * > concepts::BaseSequence< const hp2D::Quad< Real > * > concepts::BaseSequence< const concepts::Cell * > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Connector0 * > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Connector1 * > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Connector2 * > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Connector3 * > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::InputParameter * > concepts::BaseSequence< const concepts::Connector * > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::GraphVertex< type * > > concepts::BaseSequence< const concepts::ElementFormula< Real > * > concepts::BaseSequence< const concepts::ElementFormula< F > * > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::BilinearForm< F > * > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::LinearForm< F > * > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::ElementFunction< F > * > concepts::BaseSequence< geometry::edge_dof > concepts::BaseSequence< geometry::quad_loc > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::ParsedFormula< concepts::Real > > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::ParsedFormula< F > > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::SparseMatrix< Cmplx > * > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::SparseMatrix< Real > * > concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::ElementAndFacette > concepts::BaseSet< Attribute > concepts::BaseSet< Connector * > concepts::BaseSet< Connector0 * > concepts::BaseSet< Connector1 * > concepts::BaseSet< Connector2 * > concepts::BaseSet< IndexRange > concepts::BaseSet< const Connector * > concepts::BaseSet< const Connector0 * > concepts::BaseSet< const Connector1 * > concepts::BaseSet< const Connector2 * > concepts::BaseSet< const Key * > concepts::BaseSet< uint > concepts::BaseSet< const concepts::Connector * > concepts::BaseSet< concepts::Attribute > concepts::BaseSet< concepts::IndexRange > concepts::BaseSet< const typename concepts::JacobianCell< dim >::cell * > concepts::BaseSet< concepts::CellBox< dim > > concepts::BaseSet< concepts::CCell_F< dim > > concepts::BaseSet< std::string > concepts::BaseSet< concepts::Cell2 * > concepts::BilinearForm< concepts::Real > concepts::BilinearForm< F, typename Realtype< F >::type > concepts::BilinearForm< Real, Real > concepts::BilinearForm< Real > concepts::BilinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > concepts::BilinearForm< FX > concepts::BuildTColumnsBase< concepts::Real, SpacePreBuilder > concepts::BuildTColumnsBase< F, SpacePreBuilder > concepts::CellPostprocess< Real > concepts::CellPostprocess< typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > concepts::Dirichlet< Real > concepts::Element< concepts::Real > concepts::Element< typename Realtype< Real >::type > concepts::Element< H > concepts::Element< G > concepts::Element< typename Realtype< F >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< Real, concepts::Realtype< Real >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< concepts::Point< F, DIM >, typename Realtype< F >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< Point< F, DIM >, typename Realtype< F >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< F, typename Realtype< F >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< Real2d, concepts::Realtype< Real2d >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< Real > concepts::ElementFormula< F, G > concepts::ElementFormula< Real, typename Realtype< Real >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< Point< F, 2 > > concepts::ElementFormula< Point< Real, dim >, typename Realtype< Real >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< G, H > concepts::ElementFormula< H, G > concepts::ElementFormula< Cmplx, concepts::Realtype< Cmplx >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< concepts::Point< Cmplx, 2 >, concepts::Realtype< concepts::Point< Cmplx, 2 > >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< Point< Cmplx, 2 >, concepts::Realtype< Point< Cmplx, 2 > >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< Cmplx > concepts::ElementFormula< Cmplx2d, concepts::Realtype< Cmplx2d >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< typename Datatype< F >::type, typename Realtype< F >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< Real2d > concepts::ElementFormula< Real3d > concepts::ElementFormula< GeneralMapping< Cmplx, dim >::Type > concepts::ElementFormula< Mapping< F, dim >, typename Realtype< F >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< Mapping< F, 2 >, G > concepts::ElementFormula< F, concepts::Realtype< F >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< Point< H, dim >, concepts::Realtype< Point< H, dim > >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< H, concepts::Realtype< H >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< Point< F, dim >, typename Realtype< F >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< Point< F, dim >, G > concepts::ElementFormula< Point< F, dim >, concepts::Realtype< Point< F, dim > >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< concepts::Point< F, dim >, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< concepts::Point< Real, 2 >, typename Realtype< concepts::Point< Real, 2 > >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< concepts::Mapping< typename concepts::Realtype< Real >::type, 2 >, typename Realtype< concepts::Mapping< typename concepts::Realtype< Real >::type, 2 > >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< concepts::Point< F, 2 > > concepts::ElementFormula< Real, Real > concepts::ElementFormula< concepts::Point< concepts::Real, 2 >, typename Realtype< concepts::Point< concepts::Real, 2 > >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< concepts::Mapping< Real, 2 >, typename Realtype< concepts::Mapping< Real, 2 > >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< concepts::Point< Real, dim > > concepts::ElementFormula< concepts::Real > concepts::ElementFormula< Mapping< Cmplx, dim >, typename Realtype< Cmplx >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< concepts::Point, concepts::Realtype< concepts::Point >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< concepts::Point< F, 2 >, typename Realtype< concepts::Point< F, 2 > >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< Cmplx, typename Realtype< Cmplx >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< concepts::Point< F, dim *dim >, typename Realtype< F >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< concepts::Point< F, 2 >, G > concepts::ElementFormula< typename Datatype< F >::type, typename Realtype< typename Datatype< F >::type >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< concepts::Mapping< F, dim >, typename Realtype< F >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< Real2d, typename Realtype< Real2d >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< concepts::Mapping< typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type, 2 >, typename Realtype< concepts::Mapping< typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type, 2 > >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< concepts::Point, typename Realtype< concepts::Point >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< Point< Real, dim >, Real > concepts::ElementFormula< concepts::Point< F, 3 >, typename Realtype< concepts::Point< F, 3 > >::type > concepts::ElementFormula< concepts::Real, typename Realtype< concepts::Real >::type > concepts::ElementFunction< F, typename Realtype< F >::type > concepts::ElementFunction< H, G > concepts::ElementFunction< Real, typename concepts::Realtype< Real >::type > concepts::ElementFunction< Cmplx, Q::type > concepts::ElementFunction< Real, Q::type > concepts::ElementFunction< F, Q::type > concepts::ElementFunction< F, Real > concepts::ElementFunction< F, concepts::Real > concepts::ElementFunction< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > concepts::ElementFunction< I, G > concepts::ElementFunction< Real, F > concepts::ElementFunction< Cmplx, F > concepts::ElementFunction< Real, Real > concepts::ElementFunction< concepts::Cmplx, Real > concepts::Function< Real > concepts::Function< Cmplx > concepts::Function< concepts::Real > concepts::Function< ScalarT > concepts::Function< G > concepts::GlobalPostprocess< F > concepts::GlobalPostprocess< Real > concepts::HashMap< Set< Connector1 * > > concepts::HashMap< concepts::PiecewiseFormula::FormulaFactor > concepts::HashMap< Real > concepts::HashMap< concepts::AdaptiveAdjustP< dim > > concepts::HashMap< concepts::Array< F > > concepts::HashMap< uint > concepts::HashMap< concepts::Point > concepts::HashMap< concepts::CellMap< dim, typename Realtype< F >::type > > concepts::HashMap< concepts::HashMap< const concepts::ElementWithCell< typename Realtype< F >::type > * > > concepts::HashMap< concepts::ElementMatrix< F > > concepts::HashMap< const ushort * > concepts::HashMap< concepts::MeshGraph2_Edge * > concepts::HashMap< concepts::MacroElementNode * > concepts::HashMap< ElementFormulaContainer< F, typename Realtype< F >::type > > concepts::HashMap< DuffyData > concepts::HashMap< const concepts::Cell * > concepts::HashMap< concepts::AdaptiveAdjustP< 2 > > concepts::HashMap< concepts::Vertex * > concepts::HashMap< concepts::Edge * > concepts::HashMap< concepts::Quad * > concepts::HashMap< concepts::Quad2d * > concepts::HashMap< const hp2D::Quad< Real > * > concepts::HashMap< concepts::Array< ushort > > concepts::HashMap< const concepts::Connector * > concepts::HashMap< geometry::EdgePatch > concepts::HashMap< geometry::ElementPatch > concepts::HashMap< concepts::Set< uint > > concepts::HashMap< concepts::ElementMatrix< concepts::Real > > concepts::HashMap< concepts::Sequence< concepts::ElementAndFacette > > concepts::HashMap< concepts::Vector< concepts::Real > > concepts::HashMap< concepts::Array< Real > > concepts::HashMap< concepts::DenseMatrix< Real > > concepts::HashMap< concepts::Vector< Real > > concepts::HashMap< concepts::LapackChol * > concepts::HashMap< concepts::Sequence< UnderlyingElement > > concepts::HashMap< concepts::Sequence< uint > > concepts::HashMap< const concepts::Edge * > concepts::HashMap< hp2D::NeumannTraceElement< Real > * > concepts::HashMap< hp1D::GenericElement< Real > * > concepts::HashMap< concepts::AdaptiveControl > concepts::HashMap< concepts::AdaptiveControlP > concepts::HashMap< ushort > concepts::HashMap< concepts::StiffArray< 2, ushort > > concepts::HashMap< std::set< uint > > concepts::HashMap< hp3D::NeumannTraceElement3d< Real > * > concepts::HashMap< hp2D::Quad< Real > * > concepts::InnerResidual< concepts::Real > concepts::LinearForm< concepts::Real > concepts::LinearForm< Real > concepts::LinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > concepts::Model< Cmplx > concepts::ModelControlBase< Model< Cmplx > > concepts::ModelControlBase< hp2D::Maxwell2D_H_Base > concepts::MultiArray< 3, concepts::Triangle * > concepts::MultiArray< 4, concepts::Quad * > concepts::MultiArray< 1, concepts::Vertex * > concepts::MultiArray< 2, concepts::Edge * > concepts::MultiArray< 1, int > concepts::MultiArray< 2, int > concepts::MultiArray< 2, concepts::MultiIndex< 2 > > concepts::MultiArray< 2, Real > concepts::MultiArray< 2, concepts::MappingEdge2d * > concepts::MultiArray< 1, concepts::Attribute > concepts::MultiArray< 2, concepts::Attribute > concepts::MultiArray< 3, concepts::Attribute > concepts::MultiArray< 4, concepts::Attribute > concepts::MultiArray< 6, concepts::Attribute > concepts::MultiArray< 8, concepts::Attribute > concepts::MultiArray< dim-1, T > concepts::Operator< concepts::Real > concepts::Operator< TreeTraits< NodeX >::F > concepts::Operator< T > concepts::Operator< Real > concepts::Operator< Cmplx > concepts::Operator< FX > concepts::Operator< G > concepts::Operator< U > concepts::Operator< V > concepts::Operator< typename eigensolver::OperatorType< F, concepts::Real >::type > concepts::Operator< typename eigensolver::OperatorType< Cmplx, Real >::type > concepts::Quadrature< 4 > concepts::Quadrature< 0 > concepts::Quadrature< 5 > concepts::SMatrixBase< Real > concepts::Semantics< bool > concepts::Semantics< Boundary > concepts::Semantics< CellCondition > concepts::Semantics< EdgeTraceType > concepts::Semantics< FacetteTraceType< NormalVectorRule > > concepts::Semantics< FacetteTraceType< concepts::FaceNormalVectorRule > > concepts::ShapeFunction1D< Real > concepts::SolverFabric< Real > concepts::Space< concepts::Real > concepts::Space< typename Realtype< Real >::type > concepts::Space< H > concepts::Space< G > concepts::Space< Real > concepts::Space< typename Realtype< F >::type > concepts::SpaceHelper< concepts::Real, SpacePreBuilder > concepts::SpaceHelper< F, SpacePreBuilder > concepts::SpaceHelper< Real, hp2D::SpacePreBuilder > concepts::SpaceHelper< F, hp2D::SpacePreBuilder > concepts::StiffArray< dim, uint > concepts::TColumn< bool > concepts::TColumnSet< Real, 2 > concepts::TMatrixBase< concepts::Real > concepts::TMatrixBase< Real > concepts::TMatrixBase< typename BaseT::FieldT > concepts::_Matrix_iterator_base< F::type, _Ref, _Ptr > concepts::multiplies< G, G, F > eigensolver::EigenSolver< ScalarT > eigensolver::EigenSolver< Real > eigensolver::EigenSolver< concepts::Cmplx > eigensolver::EigenSolver< G > eigensolver::EigenSolver< Cmplx > estimator::LocalProjectionBase< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > estimator::Refinement< Real > hp2D::ApproxMoments< concepts::Real > hp2D::GridInfo< Real > aglowav::M< d > cluster::ClstF< NodeX, NodeY > cluster::ClstXY< Node > concepts::BaseSequence< F > concepts::BaseSet< F > concepts::BilinearForm< F, G > concepts::Boundary concepts::BuildTColumnsBase< F, G > concepts::CCell_F< dimC > concepts::CCell_F_dist< dimC > concepts::CartesianPMLFormulas concepts::Cell concepts::CellBox< dimC > concepts::CellCondition concepts::CellDiameter concepts::CellMap< dimC, H > concepts::CellPostprocess< F > concepts::CellStripeElement< dimC > concepts::CellToCellMapping< sdim, tdim > concepts::Connector concepts::Dirichlet< F > concepts::DynArrayBase concepts::EddyGeometry2D concepts::EdgeNormalVectorRule concepts::EdgeTraceType concepts::Element< F > concepts::ElementAndFacette< F > concepts::ElementFormula< F, G > concepts::ElementFunction< F, G > concepts::ElementGraphicsBase concepts::Estimator< F > concepts::ExceptionBase concepts::FaceNormalVectorRule concepts::FacetteTraceType< NormalVectorRule > concepts::Function< F > concepts::GlobalPostprocess< F > concepts::HamburgerPMLFormulas concepts::HashMap< F > concepts::Hex3dSubdivision concepts::InOutParameters concepts::InnerResidual< F > concepts::InputParameter concepts::InputParser concepts::LinearForm< F, G > concepts::MacroElementNode concepts::Map1d concepts::Map2d concepts::Map3d concepts::MatfileIO concepts::Mesh concepts::MeshGraph2 concepts::MeshGraph2_Edge concepts::Model< F > concepts::ModelControlBase< F > concepts::MultiArray< dim, T > concepts::MultiArray< 1, T > concepts::MultiEntrance< dim, T > concepts::MultiEntrance< 1, T > concepts::Operation< F > concepts::Operator< F > concepts::OutputMatlab< F > concepts::OutputMatlab< Array< F > > concepts::OutputMatlab< F * > concepts::OutputMatlab< Mapping< F, dim > > concepts::OutputMatlab< Point< F, dim > > concepts::OutputMatlab< Sequence< F > > concepts::OutputMatlab< StiffArray< dim, F > > concepts::OutputMatlab< bool > concepts::OutputMatlab< std::map< F, G > > concepts::OutputMatlab< std::queue< F > > concepts::OutputMatlab< std::set< F > > concepts::OutputMatlab< std::string > concepts::OutputMatlab< std::vector< F > > concepts::OutputTecplot< F > concepts::OutputTecplot< Array< F > > concepts::OutputTecplot< Point< F, dim > > concepts::OutputTecplot< std::complex< F > > concepts::ParseObjectFromString< F > concepts::PiecewiseFormula< F >::FormulaFactor concepts::PointInCell< dim > concepts::PointInCell< 1 > concepts::ProcessParameter concepts::Quad2dSubdivision concepts::QuadRuleFactory concepts::QuadRuleFactoryBase2d concepts::Quadrature< type > concepts::QuadratureRule concepts::QuadratureRule1d concepts::RadialPMLFormulas concepts::RadialPML_2D concepts::RelativeCells concepts::ResultsTable concepts::SMatrixBase< F > concepts::Semantics< T > concepts::Set< IndexRange >::index_iterator concepts::ShapeFunction1D< F > concepts::SolverFabric< F > concepts::Space< F > concepts::SpaceDebug< F > concepts::SpaceHelper< F, G > concepts::SpacePreBuilder concepts::StiffArray< dim, F > concepts::StiffArray< 0, F > concepts::StiffArray< 1, F > concepts::Subdivision concepts::TColumn< F > concepts::TColumnSet< F, dim > concepts::TMatrix< F >::Control concepts::TMatrix< F >::Data concepts::TMatrixBase< F > concepts::_Matrix_iterator_base< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr > concepts::multiplies< F, G, H > constraints::AnalyticalConstraint< F > eigensolver::EigenSolver< F > eigensolver::SolverFabric< F > estimator::LocalProjectionBase< F, H > estimator::Marking estimator::Refinement< F > estimator::error_index geometry::EdgePatch geometry::ElementPatch geometry::VtxToEdgeSupportMap geometry::VtxToElmSupportMap geometry::VtxToPatchMaps geometry::edge_dof geometry::quad_loc graphics::MatlabMesh graphics::OutputBase graphics::TecplotMesh hp1D::AdvectionElementMatrix hp1D::MassElementMatrix hp1D::StiffElementMatrix hp2D::APrioriRefinementRule hp2D::APrioriRefinementRuleFactory hp2D::ApproxMoments< F > hp2D::Eddy2D_H_Interior hp2D::EquilibratedMomentsAO< F > hp2D::Extrema< T > hp2D::GridInfo< F > hp2D::PolyEdgeRule hp2D::QuadEdgeBase hp2D::RecomputeShapefct hp2Dedge::QuadEdgeBase hp3D::HexahedronFaceBase parallel::Communicator parallel::ListHead< ListNode > parallel::Mesh parallel::SFCDstr test::Container< F > timestepping::TimeStepStrategy timestepping::TimeStepping

Protected Member Functions

virtual std::ostream & info (std::ostream &os) const
 Returns information in an output stream.


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const OutputOperator &o)

Detailed Description

Class providing an output operator. This class provides an output operator and a virtual member info which is called by the output operator. Every class which needs an output operator can derive from this class and overload the info member.

You should not derive from this class if one of the following cases applies to your class:

  • the objects of your class are very frequent (e.g. in an array)
  • the objects of your class are created and destroyed very frequently (e.g. in loops)

and your class does not yet have virtual members. In this case, the memory or performance penalty resp. would be too large.

The format of the output of info should have the following form:

ClassName(additional information)

and it must not end with a line break. Usually, no line breaks are necessary inside the output, too.

Philipp Frauenfelder, 2001

Definition at line 42 of file outputOperator.hh.

Member Function Documentation

◆ info()

virtual std::ostream & concepts::OutputOperator::info ( std::ostream &  os) const

Returns information in an output stream.

Reimplemented in concepts::Mumps< F >, concepts::MumpsOverlap< F >, aglowav::M< d >, aglowav::M< 2 >, aglowav::M< d >, aglowav::Haar3d000< F >, aglowav::C2W< F >, aglowav::W2C< F >, aglowav::C2_tl2< F >, aglowav::C2tl2< F >, aglowav::CGt2< F >, aglowav::ComposeN< F >, aglowav::BiHaar3d< F >, aglowav::BiHaar3d< concepts::Real >, aglowav2::Haar3d000< F >, aglowav2::Haar3d000< concepts::Real >, aglowav2::Haar3d000< F >, aglowav2::Operator00< F >, aglowav2::Haar3d0< F >, aglowav2::Haar3d0< concepts::Real >, aglowav2::C2W< F >, aglowav2::W2C< F >, concepts::FormulaExpImag1D, concepts::FormulaExpImag2D, concepts::FormulaExpImag2DRadialDer, concepts::FormulaExpImag2DGrad, concepts::FormulaNormalOuterSP2D< F >, concepts::ComposeFormulaMatVec< F, DIM, G >, concepts::ComposeFormulaVecEntry< F, DIM, G >, concepts::FormulaIncPlaneWaveSource, concepts::FormulaPMLPowerSigma< F >, concepts::FormulaPMLPowerSigma2D< F >, concepts::FormulaPMLPowerSigmaB2D< F >, concepts::FormulaPMLCart, concepts::FormulaPMLBoxRestriction< F, G >, concepts::FormulaPMLRadia, concepts::ExceptionBase, concepts::WrongInputException, concepts::MissingFeature, concepts::Assertion, concepts::FileOpenError, concepts::FortranException, concepts::NoConvergence, concepts::multiplies< F, G, H >, concepts::multiplies< G, G, F >, concepts::OutputMatlab< F >, concepts::OutputMatlab< Point< F, dim > >, concepts::OutputMatlab< Mapping< F, dim > >, concepts::OutputMatlab< F * >, concepts::OutputMatlab< std::string >, concepts::OutputMatlab< bool >, concepts::OutputMatlab< std::set< F > >, concepts::OutputMatlab< std::map< F, G > >, concepts::OutputMatlab< std::vector< F > >, concepts::OutputMatlab< std::queue< F > >, concepts::OutputTecplot< F >, concepts::OutputTecplot< std::complex< F > >, concepts::OutputTecplot< Array< F > >, concepts::OutputTecplot< Point< F, dim > >, concepts::NoMPIInit_Error, test::TestSuiteError, bem::Dirac3d000< F >, bem::Linear3d000< F >, bem::Constant3d000< F >, bem::Constant3d001< F >, bem::Constant3d001< F >, bem::Constant3d002< F >, bem::Constant3d002< concepts::Real >, bem::Constant3d002< F >, bem::LinTriGraphics, bem::ConstTriGraphics, bem::D< F >, bem::D_1< F >, bem::Dirac3d< F >, bem::Linear3d< F >, bem::Constant3d< F >, bem::AdaptiveSpace< F >, bem::AdaptiveSpace< concepts::Real >, bem::AdaptConst3d000< F >, bem::AdaptConst3d001< F >, bem::AdaptConst3d002< F >, bem::TriangleGraphics< F >, cluster::F01< NodeX, NodeY >, cluster::F02< NodeX, NodeY >, cluster::F03< NodeX, NodeY >, cluster::F04< NodeX, NodeY >, cluster::Operator01< NodeX, NodeY >, cluster::Operator02< NodeX, NodeY >, cluster::X01< Node >, cluster::Y01< Node >, constraints::ConstraintsList< F >, constraints::Element< F >, constraints::Space< F >, parallel::SFCDstr, eigensolver::ArPack< F, G, H >, eigensolver::ArPack< Real >, eigensolver::ArPackFabric, eigensolver::ArPackppStd< T >, eigensolver::ArPackppStd< F >, eigensolver::ArPackppStd< typename eigensolver::OperatorType< Cmplx, Real >::type >, eigensolver::ArPackppSymGen, eigensolver::ArPackppGen< F, G, H >, eigensolver::ArPackppGen< typename eigensolver::OperatorType< F, concepts::Real >::type, F, concepts::Real >, eigensolver::ArPackSymm, eigensolver::Constrained, eigensolver::DirPowIt< F, G >, eigensolver::EigenSolver< F >, eigensolver::EigenSolver< Cmplx >, eigensolver::EigenSolver< concepts::Cmplx >, eigensolver::EigenSolver< G >, eigensolver::EigenSolver< Real >, eigensolver::EigenSolver< ScalarT >, concepts::ShiftAndInvertOperatorForGEVPs< F >, eigensolver::InexactInvFabric, eigensolver::InexactInv< F >, eigensolver::JdbSym, eigensolver::JdbSymFabric, eigensolver::SmallES< F >, estimator::LocalMesh2, estimator::LocalProjections_S< F, H >, estimator::LocalProjections_P< dim, F, H >, estimator::BuergDoerfler< F >, estimator::BuergRefinement< F >, concepts::ExplicitResidual< F >, hp2D::ExplicitResidual2D< F >::Distance, hp2D::ExplicitResidual2D< F >::EdgeWeight, concepts::FluxesError, concepts::ImplicitEquilibratedA0Error, concepts::InnerResidual< F >, concepts::InnerResidual< concepts::Real >, estimator::error_index, estimator::AMarking, estimator::BMarking, estimator::MVMarking, concepts::MacroElementNode, concepts::MeshGraph2, hp2D::ApproxMoments< F >, hp2D::ApproxMoments< concepts::Real >, hp2D::EquilibratedMomentsAO< F >, geometry::quad_loc, geometry::edge_dof, geometry::ElementPatch, geometry::EdgePatch, geometry::VtxToElmSupportMap, geometry::VtxToEdgeSupportMap, geometry::VtxToPatchMaps, estimator::Prediction< F, dim >, estimator::AprioriVertex< F, dim >, estimator::PolynomialDegrees< dim >, estimator::KeysInfo< F >, concepts::BesselJ< n >, concepts::BesselY< n >, concepts::Boundary, concepts::ConstFormula< F >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F, G >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< Cmplx >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Mapping< F, dim >, typename Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Mapping< Real, 2 > >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Mapping< typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type, 2 > >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Mapping< typename concepts::Realtype< Real >::type, 2 > >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Point >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Point< concepts::Real, 2 > >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Point< F, 2 > >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Point< F, 2 >, G >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Point< F, 3 > >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Point< F, dim *dim >, typename Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Point< Real, 2 > >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Real >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F, typename Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< Real >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< Real, Real >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< Real2d >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< typename Datatype< F >::type >, concepts::ElementNotInDomainOfFormula, concepts::PointerToEmptyElementFormula, concepts::PointerToEmptyFormula, concepts::FormulaContainer< F >, concepts::Exp_i_n_phi, concepts::Cos_n_phi, concepts::Sin_n_phi, concepts::Exp_i_n_x, concepts::Cos_n_x, concepts::Sin_n_x, concepts::Exp_i_n_y, concepts::Cos_n_y, concepts::Sin_n_y, concepts::Frm_Product< F, H, J >, concepts::Frm_Sum< F, H, J >, concepts::FrmE_Component< F, G, H >, concepts::FrmE_Component_Matrix< F, G, H >, concepts::FrmE_Conjugate< F, G >, concepts::FrmE_Inverse< F, G >, concepts::FrmE_PointToMapping< dim, F, G >, concepts::FrmE_PointsToMapping< 2, F, G >, concepts::FrmE_Trace< dim, F, G >, concepts::FrmE_Product< F, H, J, G >, concepts::FrmE_Sum< F, H, J, G >, concepts::FormulaSyntaxError, concepts::ParsedFormula< Real >, concepts::ParsedFormula< Cmplx >, concepts::ParsedFormula< Real2d >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaBase< F >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaBase< Cmplx >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaBase< Cmplx2d >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaBase< concepts::Point >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaBase< concepts::Point< Cmplx, 2 > >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaBase< H >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaBase< Point< Cmplx, 2 > >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaBase< Point< F, dim > >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaBase< Point< H, dim > >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaBase< Real >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaBase< Real2d >, concepts::SphericalFormula< Real >, concepts::SphericalFormula< Real2d >, Cube, Cube2, Cube3, test::Container< F >, concepts::VectorElementFormulaBase< F, dim, G >, concepts::VectorElementFormulaBase< F, 2, G >, concepts::VectorElementFormulaBase< F, 3, G >, concepts::VectorElementFormulaBase< F, dim, typename Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::VectorFormula< F, dim >, concepts::Function< F >, concepts::Function< Cmplx >, concepts::Function< concepts::Real >, concepts::Function< G >, concepts::Function< Real >, concepts::Function< ScalarT >, concepts::CmplxPart, concepts::RealPart, concepts::ImagPart, concepts::ComplexFunction, concepts::ElementFormulaVector< dim, F, G, H >, concepts::ElementFormulaVector< dim, Real, Real, Real >, concepts::ElementFormulaVector< 1, F, G, H >, concepts::LinearForm< F, G >, concepts::LinearForm< concepts::Real >, concepts::LinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::LinearForm< Real >, concepts::Neumann< F >, concepts::Neumann< Real >, concepts::SubVector< F >, concepts::Vector< F >, concepts::Vector< Cmplx >, concepts::Vector< concepts::Real >, concepts::Vector< G >, concepts::Vector< Real >, concepts::Vector< ScalarT >, concepts::BoundaryConditions, concepts::EdgeNd, concepts::Edge1d, concepts::Edge2d, concepts::Triangle2d, concepts::Quad2dSubdiv4, concepts::Quad2dSubdiv2H, concepts::Quad2dSubdiv2V, concepts::Quad2d, concepts::InfiniteQuad2d, concepts::InfiniteRect2d, concepts::Triangle3d, concepts::Quad3d, concepts::NegativeJacobian, concepts::Tetrahedron3d, concepts::Hex3dSubdiv8, concepts::Hex3dSubdiv2x, concepts::Hex3dSubdiv2y, concepts::Hex3dSubdiv2z, concepts::Hex3dSubdiv4x, concepts::Hex3dSubdiv4y, concepts::Hex3dSubdiv4z, concepts::Hexahedron3d, concepts::Parallelepiped3d, concepts::CellCondition, concepts::CellConditions, concepts::Circle, concepts::Connector, Cube, Cube2, Cube3, concepts::Cuboid, concepts::CellDiameter, concepts::EdgeMesh, concepts::CircleBoundary, concepts::StraightPeriodicBoundary, concepts::EdgeTraceType, concepts::EdgeTraceTypes, concepts::Map1d, concepts::Map2d, concepts::MapEdge1d, concepts::MappingEdge2d, concepts::PartMappingEdge2d, concepts::InverseMappingEdge2d, concepts::MappingStraightEdge2d, concepts::CircleMappingEdge2d, concepts::EllipseMappingEdge2d, concepts::ParabelMappingEdge2d, concepts::MappingParallelEdge2d, concepts::MappingQuadEdge2d, concepts::VertexTriangle2d, concepts::MapTriangle2d, concepts::MappingQuad2d, concepts::MapQuad2d, concepts::VertexQuad2d, concepts::BlendingQuad2d, concepts::PartMappingQuad2d, concepts::InverseVertexQuadSector2d, concepts::Map3d, concepts::MapHexahedron3d, concepts::FacetteTraceType< NormalVectorRule >, concepts::FacetteTraceTypes< NormalVectorRule >, concepts::FacetteTraceTypes< concepts::FaceNormalVectorRule >, concepts::PiecewiseFormula0< F >, concepts::PiecewiseConstFormula< F >, concepts::PiecewiseConstFormula< concepts::Point >, concepts::PiecewiseConstFormula< Real >, concepts::PiecewiseConstDynArrayFormula< F >, concepts::PiecewiseFormula< F >::FormulaFactor, concepts::PiecewiseFormula< F >, concepts::PiecewiseFormula< Cmplx >, concepts::PiecewiseFormula< Cmplx2d >, concepts::PiecewiseFormula< concepts::Point >, concepts::PiecewiseFormula< Real >, concepts::PiecewiseElementFormula< F, G >, concepts::Operation< F >, concepts::OpMult< F >, concepts::OpAdd< F >, concepts::OpRecipr< F >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaFun< F, G >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaFun< Cmplx, Real >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaFun< Real, Real >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaCombine< F, G, H, I >, concepts::CurvatureElementFormula, concepts::CellStripeElement< dimC >, concepts::CellBox< dimC >, concepts::CCell_F< dimC >, concepts::CCell_F_dist< dimC >, concepts::CellMap< dimC, H >, concepts::FFEF_Error, concepts::FormulaFromElementFormula< dim, F, G >, concepts::FrmE_NormalVector, concepts::FrmE_TangentialVector, concepts::FrmE_NormalVector3d, concepts::HexSubdiv8, concepts::HexSubdiv2x, concepts::HexSubdiv2y, concepts::HexSubdiv2z, concepts::HexSubdiv4x, concepts::HexSubdiv4y, concepts::HexSubdiv4z, concepts::SquareTwoInfiniteRects, concepts::SquareOneInfiniteRect, concepts::Mesh, concepts::Import3DTetMesh, concepts::ConvertMeshQuads, concepts::Line, concepts::Import2dMeshBase, concepts::Import2dMesh, concepts::Import2dMeshEz4u, concepts::Ez4uException, concepts::Import2dMeshGeneral, concepts::Import2DMeshGmsh, concepts::GmshInputException, concepts::Import3dMesh, concepts::Import3DMeshGmsh, concepts::PointInCell< dim >, concepts::PointInCell< 1 >, concepts::CellToCellMapping< sdim, tdim >, concepts::RelativeCells, concepts::MutableMesh1, concepts::MutableMesh2, concepts::EdgeNormalVectorRule, concepts::EdgeNormalVectorRuleAttrib, concepts::EdgeNormalVectorRuleMidPoint, concepts::FaceNormalVectorRule, concepts::QuadSubdiv4, concepts::QuadSubdiv2H, concepts::QuadSubdiv2V, concepts::InfQuadSubdiv2V, concepts::Semantics< T >, concepts::Semantics< bool >, concepts::Semantics< Boundary >, concepts::Semantics< CellCondition >, concepts::Semantics< EdgeTraceType >, concepts::Semantics< FacetteTraceType< concepts::FaceNormalVectorRule > >, concepts::Semantics< FacetteTraceType< NormalVectorRule > >, concepts::AttributeBool, concepts::Square, concepts::Square2, concepts::StrategyChange, concepts::Vertex, concepts::Edge, concepts::InfiniteEdge, concepts::Triangle, concepts::Quad, concepts::InfiniteQuad, concepts::Tetrahedron, concepts::Hexahedron, parallel::Mesh, parallel::Mesh1, parallel::Mesh2, parallel::Mesh3, graphics::OutputBase, graphics::BaseOutputCell< F >, graphics::BaseOutputCell< Real >, graphics::BaseOutputCell< typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type >, graphics::BaseDataCell< F, G >, graphics::BaseElementFormulaCell< F, G >, graphics::BaseFormulaCell< F, G >, graphics::BaseMeshCell, graphics::MatlabGraphics, graphics::MatlabMesh, graphics::MatrixCounterCell, graphics::MatrixBaseElementFormulaCell< F, G >, graphics::MatrixSolutionEvaluationCell< F, G >, graphics::TecplotGraphics, graphics::TecplotMesh, graphics::VertexList, hp1D::Laplace< F >, hp1D::Identity< F >, hp1D::IdentityParallel< F >, hp1D::BiLaplace< F >, hp1D::Jump1Jump1< F >, hp1D::Mean2Jump1< F >, hp1D::Jump1Mean2< F >, hp1D::DualSpace, hp1D::BaseElement< F >, hp1D::BaseElement< Real >, hp1D::ElementFormulaInterpGrad< F >, hp1D::Value< F, G >, hp1D::Grad< F, G >, hp1D::Riesz< F >, hp1D::LinearFormGradInterp_Grad< F >, hp1D::GradLinearForm< F >, hp1D::PointEvaluation< F >, hp1D::LineGraphics, hp1D::StiffElementMatrix, hp1D::MassElementMatrix, hp1D::AdvectionElementMatrix, hp1D::RysSpace, hp1D::Space, hp2D::APrioriRefinement, hp2D::APrioriRefinementRule, hp2D::APrioriGeometricRefinement, hp2D::APrioriRegularRefinement, hp2D::BaseQuadGraphics< F >, hp2D::Advection< F >, hp2D::Identity< F >, hp2D::Laplace< F >, hp2D::LaplaceMatrix< F >, hp2D::BilinearFormOnePartDeriv< F >, hp2D::BilinearFormTwoPartDeriv< F >, hp2D::BuildH1VtxTColumns< F >, hp2D::BuildH1EdgeTColumns< F >, hp2D::BuildH1InnerTColumns< F >, hp2D::BuildH1InnerTColumns< concepts::Real >, hp2D::BuildH1InnerTColumnsLinTrunk< F >, hp2D::BuildH1InnerTColumnsHypTrunk< F >, hp2D::BuildL2InnerTColumns< F >, hp2D::BuildL2InnerTColumns< concepts::Real >, hp2D::BuildL2InnerTColumnsLinTrunk< F >, hp2D::BuildL2InnerTColumnsHypTrunk< F >, hp2D::DivDiv< Weight >, hp2D::QuadEdgeBase, hp2D::QuadEdgeFirst, hp2D::QuadEdgeMean, hp2D::QuadEdgeJump, hp2D::EdgeGraphics, hp2D::PolyEdgeRule, hp2D::PolyEdgeMax, hp2D::PolyEdgeMin, hp2D::PolyEdgeMinNeighMaxChild, hp2D::Element< F >, hp2D::Element< Real >, hp2D::H1Extension< F >, hp2D::ElementFormulaInterpGrad< F, 2 >, hp2D::ElementFormulaInterpGradN< F, 2 >, hp2D::ElementFormulaEdgeMean< F >, hp2D::ElementFormulaEdgeJump< F >, hp2D::ElementFormulaSignNormalVector, hp2D::Value< F, G >, hp2D::Grad< F >, hp2D::Grad< Cmplx >, hp2D::Laplacian< F, G >, hp2D::Partial_xx< F, Q >, hp2D::Partial_yy< F, Q >, hp2D::PlCurl< F >, hp2D::PlCurl< Cmplx >, hp2D::Trace< F, G >, hp2D::TraceDeriv< F, G >, hp2D::NeumannTrace< F, G >, hp2D::GridInfo< F >, hp2D::GridInfo< Real >, hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpace< F >, hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpace< Real >, hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceDG< F >, hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceH1, hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceL2, hp2D::Riesz< F >, hp2D::GradLinearForm< F >, hp2D::GradLinearForm< F >, hp2D::PlCurlLinearForm< F >, hp2D::l2::Riesz< F >, hp2D::NTElement_BA< F >::ShapeFunction, hp2D::NTElement_BA< F >, hp2D::NeumannTraceElement< F >::NTShapeFunction, hp2D::NeumannTraceElement< F >, hp2D::NeumannTraceSpace, hp2D::BaseQuad< F >, hp2D::BaseQuad< H >, hp2D::BaseQuad< Real >, hp2D::Quad< F >, hp2D::Quad< H >, hp2D::Quad< Real >, hp2D::InfiniteQuad, hp2D::InfiniteLaguerreQuad, hp2D::KarniadakisDeriv2, hp2D::QuadGraphics< F >, hp2D::InfiniteQuadGraphics, hp2D::RecomputeShapefct, hp2D::APrioriRefinementRuleFactory, hp2D::RotRot, hp2D::Space, hp2D::hpFull, hp2D::TraceSpace, concepts::DirichletElementFormula< F, G >, hp2Dedge::Graduv< F >, hp2Dedge::GraduvMatrix< F >, hp2Dedge::Identity< F >, hp2Dedge::IdentityMatrix< F >, hp2Dedge::RotRot< F >, hp2Dedge::Rotuv, hp2Dedge::EdgeIdentity, hp2Dedge::DirichletCoefficients, hp2Dedge::DirichletRotRot, hp2Dedge::DirichletIdentity, hp2Dedge::QuadEdgeBase, hp2Dedge::QuadEdgeFirst, hp2Dedge::QuadEdgeMean, hp2Dedge::QuadEdgeJump, hp2Dedge::Value< F, G, H >, hp2Dedge::Rot< F, G >, hp2Dedge::Rot< Cmplx >, hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceHCurl, hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceHCurl_H1, hp2Dedge::Riesz, hp2Dedge::EdgeRiesz, hp2Dedge::Quad< F >, hp2Dedge::Edge< F >, hp2Dedge::QuadGraphics< F >, hp2Dedge::Space, hp2Dedge::TraceSpace, hp3D::APrioriRefinement, hp3D::LinearElasticity< F >, hp3D::BilinearFormTwoPartDeriv< F >, hp3D::Laplace< F >, hp3D::Identity< F >, hp3D::Advection< F >, hp3D::DivDiv< Weight >, hp3D::Element< F >, hp3D::HexahedronFaceBase, hp3D::HexahedronFaceFirst, hp3D::Hexahedron, hp3D::HexahedronGraphics, hp3D::Hook, hp3D::Riesz, hp3D::NeumannTraceElement3d< F >, hp3D::NeumannTraceSpace3d, hp3D::RotRot, hp3D::Space, hp3D::SpaceTransition, Cube, Cube2, Cube3, hp3D::TraceSpace, hp3D::ElementFormulaVectorOnTrace< dim, F, G >, hp3D::ZeroTangentialValue< F >, concepts::Karniadakis< type, mode >, concepts::Karniadakis< 1, 1 >, concepts::Laguerre, concepts::LaguerreBasis< mode >, concepts::Legendre, concepts::Quadrature< type >, concepts::Quadrature< 0 >, concepts::Quadrature< 4 >, concepts::Quadrature< 5 >, concepts::QuadratureRule1dGaussLobatto, concepts::QuadratureRule1dGaussJacobi, concepts::QuadratureRule1dTrapeze, concepts::QuadRuleFactory, concepts::QuadratureRule2dQuadTensor, concepts::QuadratureRule2dQuadDuffy, concepts::QuadRuleFactoryTensor2d, concepts::QuadRuleFactoryTensorDuffy2d, concepts::Rys, hp1D::LevelRiesz, hp1D::LevelRieszElement, linDG1D::Linear1d, linDG2D::Space, linDG2D::SpaceP1, linDG2D::SpaceP0, linDG2D::Triangle, linDG2D::TriangleP1, linDG2D::TriangleP0, linDG2D::TriangleGraphics, linDG3D::FvdgElement, linDG3D::FvdgP0TetElem, linDG3D::FvdgP1TetElem, linDG3D::FvdgP0TetGraphics, linDG3D::FvdgP1TetGraphics, linDG3D::FvdgSpace, linDG3D::FvdgSpaceP0, linDG3D::FvdgSpaceP1, linearFEM::Line, linearFEM::Triangle, linearFEM::Quad, linearFEM::Tetrahedron, linearFEM::LineGraphics, linearFEM::QuadGraphics, linearFEM::Linear1d, linearFEM::Linear2d, linearFEM::Linear3d, linearFEM::TetrahedronGraphics, linearFEM::TriangleGraphics, concepts::MatfileIOError, concepts::MatfileIO, concepts::InputAdaptiveModels, concepts::Wsym_x< dim >, concepts::Wsym_y< dim >, concepts::Wunsym_x< dim >, concepts::Wunsym_y< dim >, hp2D::Eddy2D_E, hp2D::InputEddy2D_E, concepts::EddyGeometry2D, concepts::EddyGeometry2DRotational, concepts::EddyGeometry2DRectImport, concepts::EddyGeometry2DRotateImport, concepts::InputEddy2DGeometries, hp2D::Eddy2D_H_Interior, hp2D::Eddy2D_H, hp2D::InputEddy2D_H, hp2D::Eddy2D_eField, hp2D::Eddy2D_dissipation, hp2D::Maxwell2D_E, hp2D::InputMaxwell2D_E, hp2D::Maxwell2D_hField, hp2D::Maxwell2D_H_Base, hp2D::Maxwell2D_H, hp2D::Maxwell2D_H_DD, hp2D::InputMaxwell2D_H, hp2D::Maxwell2D_eField, hp2D::Maxwell2D_dissipation, mechanics::Stress3D< F, G >, concepts::Model< F >, concepts::Model< Cmplx >, concepts::ModelControlBase< F >, concepts::ModelControlBase< hp2D::Maxwell2D_H_Base >, concepts::ModelControlBase< Model< Cmplx > >, concepts::AfterIteration< F >, concepts::BelosSolver< T >, concepts::BiCGStab< F, G >, concepts::BiCGStabFabric< F, G >, concepts::BilinearForm< F, G >, concepts::BilinearForm< concepts::Real >, concepts::BilinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::BilinearForm< F, typename Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::BilinearForm< FX >, concepts::BilinearForm< Real >, concepts::BilinearForm< Real, Real >, concepts::BilinearFormLiCo< F, G >, concepts::BilinearFormContainer< F, G >, concepts::BilinearFormContainer< F, typename Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::BilinearFormContainer< Real, Real >, concepts::PointerToEmptyBilinearForm, concepts::BilinearF_Sum< F, H, J, G >, concepts::BilinearF_W< F, H, J, G >, concepts::CG< F >, concepts::CGFabric< F >, concepts::Operator< F >, concepts::Operator< Cmplx >, concepts::Operator< concepts::Real >, concepts::Operator< FX >, concepts::Operator< G >, concepts::Operator< Real >, concepts::Operator< T >, concepts::Operator< TreeTraits< NodeX >::F >, concepts::Operator< typename eigensolver::OperatorType< Cmplx, Real >::type >, concepts::Operator< typename eigensolver::OperatorType< F, concepts::Real >::type >, concepts::Operator< U >, concepts::Operator< V >, concepts::VecOperator< F >, concepts::VecOperator< Cmplx >, concepts::VecOperator< F::d_type >, concepts::VecOperator< Real >, concepts::VecOperator< T >, concepts::Compose< F, H >, concepts::Multiple< F >, concepts::LiCoI< F >, concepts::LiCo< F >, concepts::Constrained, concepts::DenseMatrix< F >, concepts::DiagonalMatrix< F >, concepts::DiagonalSolver< F >, concepts::DiagonalSolverFabric< F >, concepts::DDSolver< F, G >, concepts::GMRes< F >, concepts::GMResFabric< F >, concepts::_HashedSMatrix_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr >, concepts::LapackChol, concepts::_Matrix_iterator_base< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr >, concepts::_Matrix_iterator_base< F::type, _Ref, _Ptr >, concepts::_Matrix_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr >, concepts::MumpsException, concepts::MumpsFabric< F >, concepts::MumpsOverlapFabric< F >, concepts::NewtonException, concepts::NRLSolver, concepts::Pardiso, concepts::PardisoFabric, concepts::Permutation< F >, concepts::Permutation< Real >, concepts::TrivExtendRestrict< F >, concepts::TrivExtendRestrict< Real >, concepts::PETSc, concepts::PETScMat, concepts::PETScFabric, concepts::SolverConjugate, concepts::SparseMatrix< F >, concepts::SparseMatrix< FX >, concepts::SparseMatrix< Real >, concepts::Spooles, concepts::SubMatrixN< F >, concepts::_SubMatrix_iterator< F, _Ref, _Ptr >, concepts::SuperLU< F >, concepts::SuperLUFabric< F >, concepts::Transpose< F >, concepts::Umfpack, concepts::UmfpackFabric, concepts::Dirichlet< F >, concepts::Dirichlet< Real >, concepts::DDSpace< F >, concepts::DDSpace< F::t_type >, concepts::DDSpace< typename Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::DomainDecomp< F >, concepts::ElementAndFacette< F >, concepts::ElementFormulaLiCo< F, G, H, J >, concepts::ElementFormulaCompose< F, G, H >, concepts::ElementFormulaBoundary, concepts::ElementFormulaRotate2D< F >, concepts::FrmE_ScalarProductNormalEdge2d< F >, concepts::ElementFunction< F, G >, concepts::ElementFunction< Cmplx, F >, concepts::ElementFunction< Cmplx, Q::type >, concepts::ElementFunction< concepts::Cmplx, Real >, concepts::ElementFunction< F, concepts::Real >, concepts::ElementFunction< F, Q::type >, concepts::ElementFunction< F, Real >, concepts::ElementFunction< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::ElementFunction< F, typename Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::ElementFunction< H, G >, concepts::ElementFunction< I, G >, concepts::ElementFunction< Real, F >, concepts::ElementFunction< Real, Q::type >, concepts::ElementFunction< Real, Real >, concepts::ElementFunction< Real, typename concepts::Realtype< Real >::type >, concepts::Squared< F, G >, concepts::AbsoluteComp< F, G >, concepts::Absolute< F, G >, concepts::HRefinement< F, dim >, concepts::PRefinement< F, dim >, concepts::CellIntegral< F >, concepts::CellFaceIntegral< F >, concepts::CellEdgeIntegral< F >, concepts::CellPostprocess< F >, concepts::CellPostprocess< Real >, concepts::CellPostprocess< typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::GlobalPostprocess< F >, concepts::GlobalPostprocess< F >, concepts::GlobalPostprocess< Real >, concepts::RestrictionSpace< F >, concepts::SMatrixBase< F >, concepts::SMatrixBase< Real >, concepts::SMatrix1D, concepts::SMatrixTensor< F, dim >, concepts::SMatrixCompose< F >, concepts::SMatrixGeneralTensor< F, dim >, concepts::SMatrixBlock< F, dim >, concepts::Space< F >, concepts::Space< concepts::Real >, concepts::Space< G >, concepts::Space< H >, concepts::Space< Real >, concepts::Space< typename Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::Space< typename Realtype< Real >::type >, concepts::SpaceOnCells< F >, concepts::SpaceOnCells< concepts::Real >, concepts::SpaceOnCells< Real >, concepts::SpaceOnCoarseCells< dimC, F >, concepts::SpaceOnCoarseCells< 2, F >, concepts::SpaceOnCoarseCells< 2, Real >, concepts::SpaceOnCoarseCells< 2u, Real >, concepts::DummySpace< F >, concepts::DummySpace< concepts::Real >, concepts::DummySpace< Real >, concepts::DummySpace< typename Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::SpaceDebug< F >, concepts::SpacePreBuilder, concepts::SpaceHelper< F, G >, concepts::SpaceHelper< concepts::Real, SpacePreBuilder >, concepts::SpaceHelper< F, hp2D::SpacePreBuilder >, concepts::SpaceHelper< F, SpacePreBuilder >, concepts::SpaceHelper< Real, hp2D::SpacePreBuilder >, concepts::SubspaceHelper< F, G >, concepts::SubspaceHelper< F, hp2D::SpacePreBuilder >, concepts::SubspaceHelper< Real, hp2D::SpacePreBuilder >, concepts::BuildTColumnsBase< F, G >, concepts::BuildTColumnsBase< concepts::Real, SpacePreBuilder >, concepts::BuildTColumnsBase< F, SpacePreBuilder >, concepts::Set< IndexRange >::index_iterator, concepts::Set< IndexRange >, sparseqr::Driver, sparseqr::GivensRotations< F >, sparseqr::GivensRotations< Real >, timestepping::Alpha, timestepping::Euler, timestepping::LimitingEuler, timestepping::Newmark, timestepping::Nystroem, timestepping::RungeKutta2, timestepping::RungeKutta4, timestepping::Theta, timestepping::TimeStepping, timestepping::TvdRK2, timestepping::LimitingTvdRK2, concepts::DynArrayBase, concepts::DynArray< T >, concepts::DynArray< bem::AdaptiveAdjust >, concepts::DynArray< bem::EdgeMap >, concepts::DynArray< bool >, concepts::DynArray< concepts::AdaptiveAdjustP< 1 > >, concepts::DynArray< concepts::AdaptiveAdjustP< 2 > >, concepts::DynArray< concepts::AdaptiveControl<> >, concepts::DynArray< concepts::AdaptiveControlP< 1 > >, concepts::DynArray< Real >, concepts::DynArray< uint >, concepts::HashMap< F >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::AdaptiveAdjustP< 2 > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::AdaptiveAdjustP< dim > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::AdaptiveControl >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::AdaptiveControlP >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Array< F > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Array< Real > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Array< ushort > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::CellMap< dim, typename Realtype< F >::type > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::DenseMatrix< Real > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Edge * >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::ElementMatrix< concepts::Real > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::ElementMatrix< F > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::HashMap< const concepts::ElementWithCell< typename Realtype< F >::type > * > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::LapackChol * >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::MacroElementNode * >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::MeshGraph2_Edge * >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::PiecewiseFormula::FormulaFactor >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Point >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Quad * >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Quad2d * >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Sequence< concepts::ElementAndFacette > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Sequence< uint > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Sequence< UnderlyingElement > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Set< uint > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::StiffArray< 2, ushort > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Vector< concepts::Real > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Vector< Real > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Vertex * >, concepts::HashMap< const concepts::Cell * >, concepts::HashMap< const concepts::Connector * >, concepts::HashMap< const concepts::Edge * >, concepts::HashMap< const hp2D::Quad< Real > * >, concepts::HashMap< const ushort * >, concepts::HashMap< DuffyData >, concepts::HashMap< ElementFormulaContainer< F, typename Realtype< F >::type > >, concepts::HashMap< geometry::EdgePatch >, concepts::HashMap< geometry::ElementPatch >, concepts::HashMap< hp1D::GenericElement< Real > * >, concepts::HashMap< hp2D::NeumannTraceElement< Real > * >, concepts::HashMap< hp2D::Quad< Real > * >, concepts::HashMap< hp3D::NeumannTraceElement3d< Real > * >, concepts::HashMap< Real >, concepts::HashMap< Set< Connector1 * > >, concepts::HashMap< std::set< uint > >, concepts::HashMap< uint >, concepts::HashMap< ushort >, concepts::MissingParameter, concepts::InOutParameters, concepts::InputParser, concepts::InputParameter, concepts::InputFile, concepts::ProcessParameter, concepts::MultiIndex< dim >, concepts::MultiEntrance< dim, T >, concepts::MultiEntrance< 1, T >, concepts::MultiArray< dim, T >, concepts::MultiArray< 1, concepts::Attribute >, concepts::MultiArray< 1, concepts::Vertex * >, concepts::MultiArray< 1, int >, concepts::MultiArray< 2, concepts::Attribute >, concepts::MultiArray< 2, concepts::Edge * >, concepts::MultiArray< 2, concepts::MappingEdge2d * >, concepts::MultiArray< 2, concepts::MultiIndex< 2 > >, concepts::MultiArray< 2, int >, concepts::MultiArray< 2, Real >, concepts::MultiArray< 3, concepts::Attribute >, concepts::MultiArray< 3, concepts::Triangle * >, concepts::MultiArray< 4, concepts::Attribute >, concepts::MultiArray< 4, concepts::Quad * >, concepts::MultiArray< 6, concepts::Attribute >, concepts::MultiArray< 8, concepts::Attribute >, concepts::MultiArray< dim-1, T >, concepts::MultiArray< 1, T >, concepts::OutputMatlab< Array< F > >, concepts::OutputMatlab< StiffArray< dim, F > >, concepts::OutputMatlab< Sequence< F > >, concepts::ResultsTable, concepts::BaseSequence< F >, concepts::BaseSequence< bool >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::BilinearForm< F > * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Cell1 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Cell2 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Cell3 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::CellConditions >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Connector0 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Connector1 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Connector2 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Connector3 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Edge * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Edge2d * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::ElementAndFacette >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F > >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::ElementFunction< F > * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::GraphVertex< F > >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::GraphVertex< type * > >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Hexahedron * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::InputParameter * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::InverseVertexQuadSector2d >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::LinearForm< F > * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Operator< F > * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::ParsedFormula< concepts::Real > >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::ParsedFormula< F > >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Point >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Point< Real, dimC > >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Quad * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Sequence< concepts::Edge2d * > >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Set< concepts::IndexRange > >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Set< uint > >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::SparseMatrix< Cmplx > * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::SparseMatrix< Real > * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::SubMatrixN< concepts::SparseMatrix< F > > * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Vector< F > >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Vertex * >, concepts::BaseSequence< Connector0 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< Connector1 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< Connector2 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< const concepts::Cell * >, concepts::BaseSequence< const concepts::Connector * >, concepts::BaseSequence< const concepts::ElementFormula< F > * >, concepts::BaseSequence< const concepts::ElementFormula< Real > * >, concepts::BaseSequence< const concepts::SparseMatrix< F > * >, concepts::BaseSequence< const Connector0 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< const Connector1 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< const Connector2 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< const hp2D::Quad< Real > * >, concepts::BaseSequence< const Key * >, concepts::BaseSequence< F * >, concepts::BaseSequence< geometry::edge_dof >, concepts::BaseSequence< geometry::quad_loc >, concepts::BaseSequence< Real >, concepts::BaseSequence< uint >, concepts::BaseSet< F >, concepts::BaseSet< Attribute >, concepts::BaseSet< concepts::Attribute >, concepts::BaseSet< concepts::CCell_F< dim > >, concepts::BaseSet< concepts::Cell2 * >, concepts::BaseSet< concepts::CellBox< dim > >, concepts::BaseSet< concepts::IndexRange >, concepts::BaseSet< Connector * >, concepts::BaseSet< Connector0 * >, concepts::BaseSet< Connector1 * >, concepts::BaseSet< Connector2 * >, concepts::BaseSet< const concepts::Connector * >, concepts::BaseSet< const Connector * >, concepts::BaseSet< const Connector0 * >, concepts::BaseSet< const Connector1 * >, concepts::BaseSet< const Connector2 * >, concepts::BaseSet< const Key * >, concepts::BaseSet< const typename concepts::JacobianCell< dim >::cell * >, concepts::BaseSet< IndexRange >, concepts::BaseSet< std::string >, concepts::BaseSet< uint >, concepts::StiffArray< dim, F >, concepts::StiffArray< dim, uint >, concepts::StiffArray< 1, F >, concepts::ParseObjectFromString< F >, parallel::ComMPI, vectorial::BlockOperator< F >, vectorial::BramblePasciak, vectorial::BramblePasciakFabric, vectorial::CGUzawa, vectorial::CGUzawaFabric, vectorial::ElementFunction< F, G >, vectorial::ElementFunctionComponent< F, G >, vectorial::ElementFunctionAllComponents< F, G >, vectorial::SymmetrizeTensor< dim, F, G >, vectorial::Graphics< F >, vectorial::LinearForm< F, G >, Cube, Cube2, Cube3, vectorial::TimeLinearForm, vectorial::TMatrixOffset< F >, vectorial::TMatrix< F >, vectorial::BilinearForm< F, G >, concepts::FormulaPMLEdgeRadia, concepts::RadialPML_2D, concepts::FormulaPMLPowerSigma< F >, concepts::FormulaPMLPowerSigma2D< F >, concepts::FormulaPMLPowerSigmaB2D< F >, concepts::FormulaPMLCart, concepts::FormulaPMLBoxRestriction< F, G >, concepts::FormulaPMLRadia, concepts::RadialPMLFormulas, concepts::FormulaPMLCartNew, concepts::CartesianPMLFormulas, concepts::FormulaPMLHamburger, concepts::HamburgerPMLFormulas, concepts::FormulaExpImag1D, concepts::FormulaExpImag2D, concepts::FormulaExpImag2DRadialDer, concepts::FormulaExpImag2DGrad, concepts::FormulaNormalOuterSP2D< F >, concepts::ComposeFormulaMatVec< F, DIM, G >, concepts::ComposeFormulaVecEntry< F, DIM, G >, concepts::FormulaIncPlaneWaveSource, concepts::FormulaLayerPlaneWaveSource, concepts::FormulaLayerPlaneWaveSourceGrad, concepts::FormulaLayerPlaneWaveLayer, concepts::FormulaLayerPlaneWaveLayerGrad, concepts::Estimator< F >, concepts::LocalEstimator< F >, estimator::Refinement< F >, concepts::Cell, concepts::MappingHexahedron3d, concepts::ShapeFunction1D< F >, concepts::BlendingHexahedron3d, concepts::PartMappingHexahedron3d, concepts::MappingEdge3d, concepts::MappingStraightEdge3d, concepts::CircleMappingEdge3d, concepts::MappingHexahedronEdge3d, concepts::SphericalSurface3d, concepts::Sphere3d, concepts::SphericalSurface, concepts::Sphere, hp1D::hpAdaptiveSpaceL2, hp2D::Extrema< T >, estimator::Refinement< Real >, and concepts::ShapeFunction1D< Real >.

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