Class documentation of Concepts

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hp2D::Extrema< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for hp2D::Extrema< T >, including all inherited members.

Extrema(const concepts::SpaceOnCells< Real > &spc, const concepts::ElementFormula< Real > &formula, const concepts::ElementFormula< Real2d > *formulaGrad=0, uint np=2, bool report=false)hp2D::Extrema< T >
get() const (defined in hp2D::Extrema< T >)hp2D::Extrema< T >
info(std::ostream &os) const overridehp2D::Extrema< T >protectedvirtual
pt2Objecthp2D::Extrema< T >static
~OutputOperator() (defined in concepts::OutputOperator)concepts::OutputOperatorvirtual