Class documentation of Concepts

No Matches
hp2D Namespace Reference


namespace  l2


class  AdaptiveModel
class  Advection
class  ApproxMoments
class  APrioriGeometricRefinement
class  APrioriRefinement
class  APrioriRefinementNew
class  APrioriRefinementRule
class  APrioriRefinementRuleFactory
class  APrioriRegularRefinement
class  ArrayElementFormula
class  ArrayQuadWeights
class  BaseEdge
class  BaseQuad
class  BaseQuadGraphics
class  BilinearFormHelper_0_0
class  BilinearFormHelper_0_1_Part
class  BilinearFormHelper_1_1
class  BilinearFormHelper_2_1
class  BilinearFormHelper_2_2
class  BilinearFormOnePartDeriv
class  BilinearFormTwoPartDeriv
class  BuildDofsBase
class  BuildEdgeDofs
class  BuildH1EdgeTColumns
class  BuildH1InnerTColumns
class  BuildH1InnerTColumnsHypTrunk
class  BuildH1InnerTColumnsLinTrunk
class  BuildH1VtxTColumns
class  BuildHCurlEdgeTColumns
class  BuildHCurlInnerTColumns
class  BuildInnerDofs
class  BuildInnerDofsHypTrunk
class  BuildInnerDofsLinTrunk
class  BuildL2InnerTColumns
class  BuildL2InnerTColumnsHypTrunk
class  BuildL2InnerTColumnsLinTrunk
class  BuildTColumnsBase
class  BuildVertexDofs
struct  DegreeDim
struct  DegreeDim< concepts::InfiniteQuad >
struct  DegreeDim< concepts::Quad >
struct  DegreeDim< concepts::Triangle >
class  DistancePost
class  DivDiv
class  Eddy2D_dissipation
class  Eddy2D_E
class  Eddy2D_eField
class  Eddy2D_H
class  Eddy2D_H_Interior
class  EdgeGraphics
class  Element
class  ElementFormulaEdgeJump
class  ElementFormulaEdgeMean
class  ElementFormulaInterpGrad
class  ElementFormulaInterpGrad< F, 2 >
class  ElementFormulaInterpGradN
class  ElementFormulaInterpGradN< F, 2 >
class  ElementFormulaSignNormalVector
class  ElementFunction
class  ElementFunction< 1, F, Q >
class  EquilibratedMomentsAO
class  Extrema
class  FormulaFromWeight
class  Grad
class  GradLinearForm
class  GridInfo
class  H1Extension
class  hpAdaptiveSpace
class  hpAdaptiveSpaceDG
class  hpAdaptiveSpaceH1
class  hpAdaptiveSpaceHCurl
class  hpAdaptiveSpaceHCurl_H1
class  hpAdaptiveSpaceL2
class  hpFull
class  Identity
class  InfiniteLaguerreQuad
class  InfiniteQuad
class  InfiniteQuadFunctions
class  InfiniteQuadGraphics
class  InputEddy2D_E
class  InputEddy2D_H
class  InputMaxwell2D_E
class  InputMaxwell2D_H
class  IntegrableQuad
class  KarniadakisDeriv2
class  Laplace
class  LaplaceBase
class  LaplaceMatrix
class  Laplacian
class  LinearFormHelper_0
class  LinearFormHelper_1
class  LinearFormHelper_2
class  LinearFormHelper_t
class  Maxwell2D_dissipation
class  Maxwell2D_E
class  Maxwell2D_eField
class  Maxwell2D_H
class  Maxwell2D_H_Base
class  Maxwell2D_H_DD
class  Maxwell2D_hField
class  MaxwellSharedData
class  NeumannTrace
class  NeumannTraceElement
class  NeumannTraceSpace
class  NotConnectedIndex
class  NTElement_BA
class  Partial_xx
class  Partial_yy
class  PlCurl
class  PlCurlLinearForm
class  PolyEdgeMax
class  PolyEdgeMin
class  PolyEdgeMinNeighMaxChild
class  PolyEdgeRule
class  Postprocess4
class  Postprocess7
class  Postprocess8
class  Postprocess9
class  PostprocessSqrt
class  Quad
class  QuadEdgeBase
class  QuadEdgeFirst
class  QuadEdgeJump
class  QuadEdgeMean
class  QuadFunctions
class  QuadGraphics
class  QuadShapeFunctions
class  RecomputeShapefct
class  Riesz
class  RotRot
class  ShapeFunction2D
class  ShortestDist
class  SingularSet
class  SingularVertex
class  Space
class  SpacePreBuilder
class  SumFactorization
class  Trace
class  TraceDeriv
class  TraceSpace
class  TransmissionWeight
class  TransmissionWeightProd
class  TrivialWeight
class  Value


typedef hpAdaptiveSpaceDG< hpAdaptiveSpaceH1hpAdaptiveSpaceH1_DG
typedef hpAdaptiveSpaceDG< hpAdaptiveSpaceL2hpAdaptiveSpaceL2_DG
typedef concepts::Adaptivity< concepts::Connector, concepts::AdaptiveAdjustP< 2 > > Adaptivity


enum  partDerivType { NO_DERIV = 0 , X_DERIV = 1 , Y_DERIV = 2 }


template<class F >
void setupAdvection (vectorial::BilinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > &bf, const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Point< F, 2 > > frm, bool transpose=true)
template<class F >
void setupDivDiv (vectorial::BilinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > &bf, const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > frm=concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type >())
template<class F >
void setupIdDiv (vectorial::BilinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > &bf, const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F > frm=concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F >())
template<class F >
void setupIdentity (vectorial::BilinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > &bf, const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F > frm=concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F >())
template<class F >
void setupIdentity (vectorial::BilinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > &bf, const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Mapping< F, 2 > > frm, bool transpose=false)
template<class F >
void setupLaplace (vectorial::BilinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > &bf, const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > frm=concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type >())
template<class F >
void setupLinStrainStrain (vectorial::BilinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > &bf, const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > frm=concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type >())
hpAdaptiveSpaceH1hpAdaptiveSpaceH1FromInput (concepts::Mesh2 &msh, const concepts::InOutParameters input, bool verbose=false)
hpAdaptiveSpaceH1_DGhpAdaptiveSpaceH1_DGFromInput (concepts::Mesh2 &msh, const concepts::InOutParameters input, bool verbose=false)
hpAdaptiveSpaceL2hpAdaptiveSpaceL2FromInput (concepts::Mesh2 &msh, const concepts::InOutParameters input, bool verbose=false)
template<class F >
void setupRiesz (vectorial::LinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > &lf, const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Point< F, 2 > > frm)
template<class F >
void setupGradLinearForm (vectorial::LinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > &lf, const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Point< F, 2 > > frm1, const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Point< F, 2 > > frm2)
void setQuadrature (enum concepts::intRule rule, uint noP)
void refinehpFull (hp2D::hpFull &prebuild, std::string refinement)
template<class F >
ShapeFunction2D< F > makeShapeFunction2D (const Quad< F > &quad)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const TrivialWeight &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ShortestDist &p)
template<typename DistClass , typename Function >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DistancePost< DistClass, Function > &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Postprocess4 &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Postprocess7 &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Postprocess8 &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Postprocess9 &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const PostprocessSqrt &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const TransmissionWeight &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const TransmissionWeightProd &p)
hpAdaptiveSpaceHCurlhpAdaptiveSpaceHCurlFromInput (concepts::Mesh2 &msh, const concepts::InOutParameters input, bool verbose=false)

Detailed Description

2D hp-FEM for H1-conforming elements.

The Space can be built using full tensor product polynomial spaces in the elements or trunk spaces (and much more) by changing the way the degrees of freedom are built in the BuildDofsBase class (and its specializations).

Philipp Frauenfelder, 2001

Typedef Documentation

◆ Adaptivity

◆ hpAdaptiveSpaceH1_DG

◆ hpAdaptiveSpaceL2_DG

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ partDerivType

Direction of partial derivative

NO_DERIV no derivative X_DERIV partial derivative in x Y_DERIV partial derivative in y

Definition at line 59 of file bf_partialderiv.hh.

Function Documentation

◆ hpAdaptiveSpaceH1_DGFromInput()

hpAdaptiveSpaceH1_DG * hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceH1_DGFromInput ( concepts::Mesh2 msh,
const concepts::InOutParameters  input,
bool  verbose = false 

Builds and refines a piecewise hp-adaptive H^1-conforming space with use of input parameters.

As input parameter is needed:

"p"             - an integer value for the polynomial degrees,
"domain_Attrib" - cell attributes of the domains,
                  e.g. taking "1 2 3;4" there are two sub-domains with continuous basis
                  functions in each, where the first sub-domain consists of cells with
                  attributes 1, 2 or 3, and the second of cells with attributes 4.

There may be used the input parameters:

"refinement"       - string with refinement rules, e.g. "h1|0 in 1 -> v2".
"dirichl_bdAttrib" - string with attributes of edges with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition, e.g. "100; 102"

"hpAdaptiveSpace_isTrunk" - boolean indicating the use of linear trunk space or not, by default,
                            the trunk space is built.
See also
Kersten Schmidt, 2010

◆ hpAdaptiveSpaceH1FromInput()

hpAdaptiveSpaceH1 * hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceH1FromInput ( concepts::Mesh2 msh,
const concepts::InOutParameters  input,
bool  verbose = false 

Builds and refines a hp-adaptive H^1-conforming space with use of input parameters.

As input parameter is needed:

"p" - an integer value for the polynomial degrees.

There may be used the input parameters:

"refinement"       - string with refinement rules, e.g. "h1|0 in 1 -> v2".
"dirichl_bdAttrib" - string with attributes of edges with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition, e.g. "100; 102"

"hpAdaptiveSpace_isTrunk" - boolean indicating the use of linear trunk space or not, by default, non trunk space is built.
See also
Kersten Schmidt, 2009

◆ hpAdaptiveSpaceHCurlFromInput()

hpAdaptiveSpaceHCurl * hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceHCurlFromInput ( concepts::Mesh2 msh,
const concepts::InOutParameters  input,
bool  verbose = false 

Builds and refines a hp-adaptive H(curl)-conforming space with use of input parameters.

As input parameter is needed:

"p" - an integer value for the polynomial degrees.

There may be used the input parameters:

"refinement"       - string with refinement rules, e.g. "h1|0 in 1 -> v2".
"dirichl_bdAttrib" - string with attributes of edges with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition, e.g. "100; 102".
See also
Kersten Schmidt, 2009

◆ hpAdaptiveSpaceL2FromInput()

hpAdaptiveSpaceL2 * hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceL2FromInput ( concepts::Mesh2 msh,
const concepts::InOutParameters  input,
bool  verbose = false 

Builds and refines a hp-adaptive $L^2$-conforming space with use of input parameters.

As input parameter is needed:

"p" - an integer value for the polynomial degrees.

There may be used the input parameters:

"refinement"       - string with refinement rules, e.g. "h1|0 in 1 -> v2".
"dirichl_bdAttrib" - string with attributes of edges with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition, e.g. "100; 102"

"hpAdaptiveSpace_isTrunk" - boolean indicating the use of linear trunk space or not, by default, non trunk space is built.
See also
Kersten Schmidt, 2016

◆ operator<<()

template<typename DistClass , typename Function >
std::ostream & hp2D::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const DistancePost< DistClass, Function > &  p 

Definition at line 84 of file shortestDist.hh.

◆ refinehpFull()

void hp2D::refinehpFull ( hp2D::hpFull prebuild,
std::string  refinement 

Refines the space prebuilder prebuild where the refinement rules are given in the string refinement.

The string can consist of several refinement rules of the following form separated by commas, e.g. "p5, h3", which are applied one after the other.

There are the following refinement strategies.

"p"    - uniform polynomal degree enhancement (p-refinement)
"h"    - uniform refinement of the cells (h-refinement) or 
         h-refinement towards edges or vertices
"hp"   - geometrical hp-refinement towards edges or vertices

Each refinement strategy can be complemented with numbers.

"p5"   - polynomial degrees are enhanced by 5
"p2|1" - polynomial degree is first local direction of the quadrilateral
         is enhanced by 2, in the other direction by 1
"h2"   - twice uniform refinement of the cells
"h2|1" - twice uniform refinement of the cells in first local direction
         and a single refinement in the other direction
"hp2"  - twice geometrical hp-refinement towards edges or vertices

If a number is missing it means a single refinement or polynomial degree enhancement by 1.

Note, that the local directions of the quadrilateral are given by the order of the vertices. The first direction is from the 1st vertex to the 2nd or from the 4th to the 3th.

Each refinement rule can be restricted to a number of cells with a common attribute, e.g. "h in 1" means a uniform refinement in all cells with attribute 1.

For the h- and the hp-refinement rules vertices or edges can be given to which should be refined.

"h  -> v1"  - h-refinement  toward vertices with attribute 1
"h  -> e22" - h-refinement  toward edges with attribute 22
"hp -> v1"  - hp-refinement toward vertices with attribute 1
"hp -> e22" - hp-refinement toward edges with attribute 22

The cells touching these specified vertices and edges are refinement, and for hp-refinement the polynomial degrees in the other cells are increased by 1.

A combination of restriction towards cells and of refinement towards vertices or edges is possible, e.g. "h1|0 in 1 -> v2".

Kersten Schmidt, 2009

◆ setQuadrature()

void hp2D::setQuadrature ( enum concepts::intRule  rule,
uint  noP 

Tensor integration setter routine in hp2D for hp2D::IntegrableQuads

ruleQuadrature rule type, e.g. concepts::TRAPEZE, concepts::GAUSS_JACOBI
noPconstant number of quadrature points of given type

◆ setupAdvection()

template<class F >
void hp2D::setupAdvection ( vectorial::BilinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > &  bf,
const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Point< F, 2 > >  frm,
bool  transpose = true 

Function to setup a bilinear form related to the vector Advection, namely

\[\sum_{i,j=1}^2 \int_K w_j u_i\frac{\partial v_i}{\partial x_j}\mathrm{d}x
= \sum_{i=1}^2 \int_K \underline{w}\cdot\nabla v_i u_i \mathrm{d}x
= \int_K \underline{w}^\top(\nabla\underline{v})^\top\underline{u}\mathrm{d}x\]

if transpose is set to true or

\[\sum_{i,j=1}^2 \int_K w_i u_j\frac{\partial v_i}{\partial x_j}\mathrm{d}x
= \sum_{i=1}^2 \int_K w_i\underline{u}\cdot\nabla v_i \mathrm{d}x
= \int_K \underline{w}^\top(\nabla\underline{v})\underline{u}\mathrm{d}x\]

if transpose is set to false, both on vectorial spaces, where $\underline{u}$ and $\underline{v}$ are trial and test functions respectively, $\underline{w}$ is a given vectorial formula, and

\nabla \underline{v} = \left(\begin{array}{cc}
\frac{\partial u_1}{\partial x_1} & 
\frac{\partial u_1}{\partial x_2} \\
\frac{\partial u_2}{\partial x_1} & 
\frac{\partial u_2}{\partial x_2} .

◆ setupDivDiv()

template<class F >
void hp2D::setupDivDiv ( vectorial::BilinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > &  bf,
const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type >  frm = concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type >() 

Function to setup a bilinear form

\[\int_K f(x)\mathrm{div}\underline{u} \mathrm{div}\underline{v}\mathrm{d}x\]

on vectorial spaces.


◆ setupGradLinearForm()

template<class F >
void hp2D::setupGradLinearForm ( vectorial::LinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > &  lf,
const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Point< F, 2 > >  frm1,
const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Point< F, 2 > >  frm2 

Function to setup a linear form related to the vectorial linear form

\[\int_K \underline{f}_1\cdot \mbox{\bf grad}{v_1} + \underline{f}_2\cdot \mbox{\bf grad}{v_2}\mathrm{d}x\]

on vectorial spaces, where $v_1$ and $v_2$ are the first and second component of the test function $\underline{v}$, respectively.

◆ setupIdDiv()

template<class F >
void hp2D::setupIdDiv ( vectorial::BilinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > &  bf,
const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F >  frm = concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F >() 

Function to setup a bilinear form related to the vector Identity, namely

\[\int_K f(x) u \mathrm{div}\underline{v}\mathrm{d}x\]

where the test space is a vectorial one.

◆ setupIdentity() [1/2]

template<class F >
void hp2D::setupIdentity ( vectorial::BilinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > &  bf,
const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Mapping< F, 2 > >  frm,
bool  transpose = false 

Function to setup a bilinear form related to the vector Identity, namely

\[\int_K f(x) \underline{u}^\top A\underline{v}\mathrm{d}x\]

on vectorial spaces. If transpose is true the transpose of the given matrix is taken.

◆ setupIdentity() [2/2]

template<class F >
void hp2D::setupIdentity ( vectorial::BilinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > &  bf,
const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F >  frm = concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F >() 

Function to setup a bilinear form related to the vector Identity, namely

\[\int_K f(x) \underline{u}\cdot\underline{v}\mathrm{d}x\]

on vectorial spaces.

◆ setupLaplace()

template<class F >
void hp2D::setupLaplace ( vectorial::BilinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > &  bf,
const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type >  frm = concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type >() 

Function to setup a bilinear form related to the vector Laplace, namely

\[\int_K f(x)\mathrm{grad}\underline{u}:\mathrm{grad}\underline{v}\mathrm{d}x\]

on vectorial spaces.

◆ setupRiesz()

template<class F >
void hp2D::setupRiesz ( vectorial::LinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type > &  lf,
const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Point< F, 2 > >  frm 

Function to setup a linear form related to the vector Riesz, namely

\[\int_K \underline{f}\cdot\underline{v}\mathrm{d}x\]

on vectorial spaces.