Class documentation of Concepts

No Matches
hp2D::SumFactorization< F > Class Template Reference

#include <sumfact.hh>

Public Member Functions

template<typename T >
void operator() (concepts::ElementMatrix< F > &em, const concepts::Array< F > &jacobian, T *coeff, const ShapeFunction2D< Real > &v, const ShapeFunction2D< Real > &u, const Real factor=1.0, const bool all=false)

Detailed Description

template<typename F = Real>
class hp2D::SumFactorization< F >

Sum factorization for an element matrix.

Implement changing order of sum factorization using a and b.
If the the sum factorization is reordered using a=0 and b=1, coeff (by use of coeffTmp) is not accessed in the correct order in the first loop to fill sumfact_.
Kersten Schmidt, 2003

Definition at line 37 of file sumfact.hh.

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator()()

template<typename F = Real>
template<typename T >
void hp2D::SumFactorization< F >::operator() ( concepts::ElementMatrix< F > &  em,
const concepts::Array< F > &  jacobian,
T *  coeff,
const ShapeFunction2D< Real > &  v,
const ShapeFunction2D< Real > &  u,
const Real  factor = 1.0,
const bool  all = false 

Application operator. Performs the numerical integration using sum factorization and writes the results into the elment matrix em.

emElement matrix
coeffCoefficients for the integration
vShape functions of test space
uShape functions of trial space
factorReal-valued factor, i.e. -1 or +1
allBoolean. If set to true, all steps are done, including the addition of zeros.

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