Class documentation of Concepts

No Matches
hp3D::ZeroTangentialValue< F > Class Template Reference

#include <zerotangential.hh>

Inheritance diagram for hp3D::ZeroTangentialValue< F >:
constraints::AnalyticalConstraint< F > concepts::OutputOperator

Public Member Functions

 ZeroTangentialValue (concepts::Attribute a)
 ZeroTangentialValue (const ZeroTangentialValue &z)
virtual void lengthT (const concepts::Element< F > &e, uint &length)
virtual void assembly (const concepts::Element< F > &e, concepts::TColumn< F > *&t, uint &n, uint &j, uint length)
virtual constraints::AnalyticalConstraint< F > * clone () const
virtual void localMatrix (concepts::ElementMatrix< F > &em, uint &j, const constraints::Element< F > &elm) const
virtual void localVector (concepts::ElementMatrix< F > &em, uint &j, const constraints::Element< F > &elm) const

Protected Member Functions

virtual std::ostream & info (std::ostream &os) const
 Returns information in an output stream.

Detailed Description

template<typename F>
class hp3D::ZeroTangentialValue< F >

Sets the outer product of the coefficients and the normal vector to zero in every node on an edge with chosen attribute.

Does not work.
Philipp Frauenfelder, 2002

Definition at line 24 of file zerotangential.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ZeroTangentialValue() [1/2]

template<typename F >
hp3D::ZeroTangentialValue< F >::ZeroTangentialValue ( concepts::Attribute  a)


aAttribute to identify edges

Definition at line 29 of file zerotangential.hh.

◆ ZeroTangentialValue() [2/2]

template<typename F >
hp3D::ZeroTangentialValue< F >::ZeroTangentialValue ( const ZeroTangentialValue< F > &  z)

Definition at line 32 of file zerotangential.hh.

Member Function Documentation

◆ assembly()

template<typename F >
virtual void hp3D::ZeroTangentialValue< F >::assembly ( const concepts::Element< F > &  e,
concepts::TColumn< F > *&  t,
uint &  n,
uint &  j,
uint  length 

Returns the TColumns t for this constraint in element e. n contains the next free global index in the space of constraints.

When treating dof by dof constraints, n should be increased after the creation of the TColumn (which gets as global index the old value of n).

When treating global constraints such as a zero mean value, n should be increased only once and all local constraints have to give this index to idx in the constructor of the new TColumn.

A similar idea stands behind j: it counts the local constraints which have already been treated. It therefore has to be increased after treating a constraint. j can be taken as index for the created TColumn to fill in the correct entry.

eElement of the computational space
tList of TColumns
nNext free global index in the space of constraints. n is increased if a global constraint is hit for the first time.
jNext free local index for the constraints in this element. j is increased accordingly when treating constraints in this element.
lengthLength of TColumn
See also

Implements constraints::AnalyticalConstraint< F >.

◆ clone()

template<typename F >
virtual constraints::AnalyticalConstraint< F > * hp3D::ZeroTangentialValue< F >::clone ( ) const

Creates clone of itself and returns it. This clone function implements a virtual constructor (cf. Stroustrup p. 424).

Implements constraints::AnalyticalConstraint< F >.

◆ info()

template<typename F >
virtual std::ostream & hp3D::ZeroTangentialValue< F >::info ( std::ostream &  os) const

Returns information in an output stream.

Reimplemented from concepts::OutputOperator.

◆ lengthT()

template<typename F >
virtual void hp3D::ZeroTangentialValue< F >::lengthT ( const concepts::Element< F > &  e,
uint &  length 

Computes the length of the TColumn. This method decides if this constraint is active on element e and how many local equations it generates. This is added to length.

Implements constraints::AnalyticalConstraint< F >.

◆ localMatrix()

template<typename F >
virtual void hp3D::ZeroTangentialValue< F >::localMatrix ( concepts::ElementMatrix< F > &  em,
uint &  j,
const constraints::Element< F > &  elm 
) const

Fills the entries in the local constraints matrix em.

emLocal constraints matrix. Has to be filled. The rows correspond to local dofs, the columns correspond to the equations this constraints creates in this element.
jLocal number of the constraints. Everytime, when a active constraint on the element is treated, j has to be increased by the number of equations this constraint created.
elmElement of the constraints space

Implements constraints::AnalyticalConstraint< F >.

◆ localVector()

template<typename F >
virtual void hp3D::ZeroTangentialValue< F >::localVector ( concepts::ElementMatrix< F > &  em,
uint &  j,
const constraints::Element< F > &  elm 
) const

Fills the entries in the local constraints vector em. The parameters have the same meaning as in localMatrix.

Implements constraints::AnalyticalConstraint< F >.

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