7#ifndef sparseMatrixTest_hh
8#define sparseMatrixTest_hh
47 void testCRS_R_Large();
48 void testCCS_R_Large();
void testMult()
Tests multiplication of two matrices.
void testCRS_R()
Tests conversion to CRS and CCS format.
virtual void run()
Runs the tests. Must be overwritten by the specialization.
void testCompress()
Tests compressing a matrix.
void testConstr()
Tests the constructors.
void testAppl()
Tests the application operator.
void testTranspMult()
Tests the transposed multiplication operator.
void testSubMatrix()
Tests submatrices.
void testResize()
Test resizing.
void testSymmetrize()
Tests symmetrization of a matric.
void testAddInto()
Tests the addition of two matrices.