22 typedef typename Cmplxtype<F>::type
38 template<
class H,
class I>
54 std::ostream&
virtual const uint dimY() const
virtual const uint dimX() const
The transpose of another matrix.
Realtype< F >::type r_type
Real type of data type.
void operator()(const Vector< H > &fncY, Vector< I > &fncX)
Computes fncX = A(fncY) where A is this matrix.
virtual void transpMult(const Vector< r_type > &fncY, Vector< F > &fncX)
Computes fncX = AT fncY where A is this matrix.
virtual void operator()(const Function< r_type > &fncY, Function< F > &fncX)
Computes fncX = A(fncY) where A is this matrix.
virtual F & operator()(const uint i, const uint j)
Returns and allows access to entry with indices i and j.
virtual void operator()(const Function< c_type > &fncY, Function< c_type > &fncX)
Transpose(Matrix< F > &a)
std::ostream & info(std::ostream &os) const
Returns information in an output stream.
virtual void transpMult(const Vector< c_type > &fncY, Vector< c_type > &fncX)
Computes fncX = AT fncY where A is this matrix.
virtual F operator()(const uint i, const uint j) const
Returns entry with indices i and j.
Cmplxtype< F >::type c_type
Real type of data type.
Set< F > makeSet(uint n, const F &first,...)