Class documentation of Concepts

No Matches


  1. Introduction
  2. Variational Formulation
  3. Commented Program
  4. Results
  5. References
  6. Complete Source Code


In this tutorial the implementation of the so-called BGT-0 boundary condition (Bayliss-Gunzburger-Turkel boundary condition of order 0) is shown. The BGT-0 boundary condition deals as an approximation to the Sommerfeld radiation condition of scattering problems on a disc.

The equation solved is the 2D Helmholtz equation

    - \nabla \cdot \alpha \nabla u - \beta u = 0

on the disc $ \Omega = \{\mathbf{x}=(x,y)\in\mathbb{R}^2 \mid r=\sqrt{x^2+y^2} < R\} $ of radius $ R $, where the coefficient functions $ \alpha(x) $ and $ \beta(x) $ depend on whether the TE or TM mode is considered. In the TE-case, i.e. $ u $ corresponds to the third component of the magnetic field, $ \alpha $ and $ \beta $ are given by

    \alpha = \frac{1}{\epsilon}, \qquad \beta = \omega^2 \mu,

with the permittivity $ \epsilon $, the permeability $ \mu $ and the frequency $ \omega $. On the other hand, in the TM-case, i.e. $ u $ corresponds to the third component of the electric field, $ \alpha $ and $ \beta $ are given by

    \alpha \equiv 1, \qquad \beta = \omega^2 \epsilon \mu.

In the exterior domain $ \Omega^{\rm ext} = \mathbb{R}^2\setminus\Omega $ the total field $ u^{\rm ext} $ can be split into a known incoming field $ u^{\rm inc} $ and an unknown scattered field $ u^{\rm sc} $, i.e.

    u^{\rm ext} = u^{\rm inc} + u^{\rm sc}.

The coefficient functions $ \alpha $ and $ \beta $ are assumed to be constant in $ \Omega^{\rm ext} $. We will denote the constant values of the coefficient functions by $ \alpha_0 $ and $ \beta_0 $ and they are defined according to the definitions above $ \epsilon \equiv \epsilon_0 $ and $ \mu \equiv \mu_0 $ where $ \epsilon_0 $ denotes the the vacuum permittivity and $ \mu_0 $ denotes the vacuum permeability.

Now we introduce the BGT-0 boundary condition [1]

    \nabla u^{\rm sc} \cdot \mathbf{n} = {\rm i} k_0 u^{\rm sc} 
    \qquad \text{on }\partial\Omega,

where $ \mathbf{n} $ denotes the unit outward normal and $ k_0 = \omega\sqrt{\epsilon_0\mu_0} $ the wave number in the exterior domain.

Finally we assume the total field $ u $ and its co-normal derivative $ \alpha \nabla u \cdot \mathbf{n} $ to be continuous over $ \partial\Omega $.

Variational Formulation

Now we derive the corresponding variational formulation of the introduced problem: find $ u\in H^1(\Omega) $ such that

    \int_{\Omega}\alpha \nabla u \cdot \nabla v\;{\rm d}\mathbf{x}
    - \int_{\Omega}\beta uv\;{\rm d}\mathbf{x} 
    - \int_{\partial\Omega} \alpha \nabla u \cdot \mathbf{n} v \;{\rm d}s(\mathbf{x}) 
    = 0 \qquad\forall v\in H^1(\Omega).

Considering its continuity over $ \partial\Omega $ the co-normal of the total field $ u $ can be written in the form

    \alpha\nabla u\cdot \mathbf{n}
    = \alpha_0\nabla u^{\rm ext} \cdot \mathbf{n}
    \qquad \text{on }\partial\Omega.

Using the fact that the total field in the exterior domain can be split into an incoming field and a scattered field, and incorporating the BGT-0 boundary condition gives

    \alpha \nabla u \cdot \mathbf{n}
    = \alpha_0 \left( {\rm i}k_0u^{\rm sc}
                     + \nabla u^{\rm inc} \cdot \mathbf{n}
    \qquad \text{on }\partial\Omega.

Now we use the continuity of the total field $ u $ over $ \partial\Omega $ to obtain

    \alpha \nabla u \cdot \mathbf{n}
    = \alpha_0 \left( {\rm i}k_0 u^{\rm ext}
                     - {\rm i}k_0 u^{\rm inc}
                     + \nabla u^{\rm inc} \cdot \mathbf{n}
    = \alpha_0 \left( {\rm i}k_0 u
                     - {\rm i}k_0 u^{\rm inc}
                     + \nabla u^{\rm inc} \cdot \mathbf{n}
    \qquad \text{on }\partial\Omega.

Incorporating this into the variational formulation yields

    \int_{\Omega}\alpha \nabla u \cdot \nabla v\;{\rm d}\mathbf{x}
    - \int_{\Omega}\beta uv\;{\rm d}\mathbf{x} 
    - \alpha_0\int_{\partial\Omega} {\rm i} k_0 u \;{\rm d}s(\mathbf{x}) 
    = \alpha_0\int_{\partial\Omega} \left(\nabla u^{\rm inc} \cdot \mathbf{n} 
      - {\rm i} k_0 u^{\rm inc}\right) v \;{\rm d}s(\mathbf{x})
    \qquad\forall v\in H^1(\Omega).

Commented Program

First, system files

#include <iostream>

and concepts files

#include "basics.hh"
#include "formula.hh"
#include "function.hh"
#include "geometry.hh"
#include "graphics.hh"
#include "hp1D.hh"
#include "hp2D.hh"
#include "operator.hh"
#include "space.hh"
#include "toolbox.hh"

are included. With the following using directives

double Real
Definition typedefs.hh:39
std::complex< Real > Cmplx
Type for a complex number. It also depends on the setting of Real.
Definition typedefs.hh:42

we do not need to prepend concepts:: to Real and Cmplx everytime.

Main Program

We start the main program

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
try {

by setting the values of the parameters

const Real R = 15.0; // outer radius
const Real innerR = 1.0; // inner radius (i.e. radius of scatterer)
const Real omega = 1.0; // frequency
const Real eps0 = 1.0; // permittivity outside the scatterer
const Real mu0 = 1.0; // permeability outside the scatterer
const Cmplx epsSc (4.0, 0.0); // permittivity inside the scatterer
const Real muSc = 1.0; // permeability inside the scatterer

and defining the attributes of the boundary, the area of the scatterer and the surrounding area respectively.

const uint attrBoundary = 11; // boundary
const uint attrSc = 21; // scatterer
const uint attr0 = 22; // computational domain without scatterer

We specify whether the TE-case or the TM-case is computed.

enum TETM {TE, TM};
TETM mode = TM;

Then we declare $ \alpha $ and $ \beta $ as PiecewiseConstFormula and $ \alpha_0 $ as ConstFormula.

We write the values of $ \alpha $, $ \beta $ and $ \alpha_0 $ according to the defined mode. If the TE-case was chosen we write

if (mode == TE) {
alpha[concepts::Attribute(attrSc)] = Cmplx(pow(epsSc,-1.0));
alpha[concepts::Attribute(attr0)] = Cmplx(pow(eps0,-1.0),0.0);
beta[concepts::Attribute(attrSc)] = Cmplx(omega*omega*muSc,0.0);
beta[concepts::Attribute(attr0)] = Cmplx(omega*omega*mu0,0.0);
alpha0 = Cmplx(pow(eps0,-1.0),0.0);

and in the TM-case we write

if (mode == TM) {
alpha[concepts::Attribute(attrSc)] = Cmplx(1.0, 0.0);
alpha[concepts::Attribute(attr0)] = Cmplx(1.0, 0.0);
beta[concepts::Attribute(attrSc)] = Cmplx(omega*omega*epsSc*muSc);
beta[concepts::Attribute(attr0)] = Cmplx(omega*omega*eps0*mu0,0.0);
alpha0 = Cmplx(1.0, 0.0);

The wave number

const Real k0 = omega*sqrt(mu0*eps0);

in the exterior domain and the BGT-0 coefficient

const Cmplx BGTcoeff(0.0,k0);

are introduced and the incoming field $ u^{\rm inc} = e^{{\rm i} k_0 x} $, its normal gradient $ \nabla u^{\rm inc} \cdot \mathbf{n}$ and its product with the BGT-0 coefficient $ {\rm i} k_0 u^{\rm inc} $ are set as ParsedFormula.

std::stringstream uIncReal, uIncImag, uIncGradReal, uIncGradImag, uIncBGTReal, uIncBGTImag;
uIncReal << "(cos((" << k0 << ")*x))";
uIncImag << "(sin((" << k0 << ")*x))";
uIncGradReal << "(-(x/(sqrt(x*x+y*y)))*" << k0 << "*sin((" << k0 << ")*x))";
uIncGradImag << "( (x/(sqrt(x*x+y*y)))*" << k0 << "*cos((" << k0 << ")*x))";
uIncBGTReal << "(" << real(BGTcoeff) << "*" << uIncReal.str() << "-" << imag(BGTcoeff) << "*" << uIncImag.str() << ")";
uIncBGTImag << "(" << real(BGTcoeff) << "*" << uIncImag.str() << "+" << imag(BGTcoeff) << "*" << uIncReal.str() << ")";
concepts::ParsedFormula<Cmplx> uInc( uIncReal.str(), uIncImag.str());
concepts::ParsedFormula<Cmplx> uIncGrad(uIncGradReal.str(), uIncGradImag.str());
concepts::ParsedFormula<Cmplx> uIncBGT( uIncBGTReal.str(), uIncBGTImag.str());

The mesh is created as a circle surrounded by a ring.

Real ringData[3] = {innerR,(innerR+R)/2.0,R};
uint quadAttrData[3] = {attrSc,attr0,attr0};
uint edgeAttrData[3] = {0,0,attrBoundary};
concepts::Array<Real> ring(ringData,3);
concepts::Array<uint> ringQuadAttr(quadAttrData,3);
concepts::Array<uint> ringEdgeAttr(edgeAttrData,3);
concepts::Circle msh(ring,ringQuadAttr,ringEdgeAttr);
std::cout << std::endl << "Mesh: " << msh << std::endl;

Now the mesh is plotted using a scaling factor of 100, a greyscale of 1.0 and 20 points per edge.

MeshEPS< Real > drawMeshEPS(concepts::Mesh &msh, std::string filename, const Real scale=100, const Real greyscale=1.0, const unsigned int nPoints=2)

The space is built by refining the mesh once and setting the polynomial degree to 10. Then the elements of the space are built and the space is plotted.

hp2D::Space spc(msh, 1, 10);
std::cout << std::endl << "Space: " << spc << std::endl;

Now the trace space of the boundary $ \partial\Omega $ can be built.

hp2D::TraceSpace tspc(spc,concepts::makeSet<uint>({attrBoundary}),hp2D::TraceSpace::FIRST);
std::cout << std::endl << "Trace Space: " << tspc << std::endl;
Set< F > makeSet(uint n, const F &first,...)
Definition set.hh:320

The right hand side

hp1D::Riesz<Cmplx> lform(alpha0*uIncGrad - alpha0*uIncBGT);
concepts::Vector<Cmplx> rhs(tspc, lform);

and the system matrix

concepts::SparseMatrix<Cmplx> S(spc.dim(), spc.dim());
A.addInto(S, 1.0);
M2D.addInto(S, -1.0);
hp1D::Identity<Cmplx> id1D(alpha0);
M1D.addInto(S, -BGTcoeff);
std::cout << std::endl << "System Matrix: " << S << std::endl;

are computed.

We solve the equation using the direct solver SuperLU.

std::cout << std::endl << "Solver: " << solver << std::endl;
solver(rhs, sol);

In order to plot the solution the shape functions are computed on equidistant points using the trapezoidal quadrature rule.

hp2D::IntegrableQuad::factory().get()->setTensor(concepts::TRAPEZE, true, 10);
graphics::MatlabBinaryGraphics(spc, "BGT_0", sol);
static std::unique_ptr< concepts::QuadRuleFactoryTensor2d > & factory()
Definition quad.hh:144

Finally, exceptions are caught and a sane return value is given back.

std::cout << e << std::endl;
return 1;
#ifdef HAS_MPI
return 0;


Output of the program:

Mesh: Circle(ncell = 13, cells: Quad2d(idx = Level<2>(0, 0); 0, 0), cntr = Quad(Key(0), (Vertex(Key(0)), Vertex(Key(1)), Vertex(Key(2)), Vertex(Key(3))), Attribute(21)), vtx = [<2>(0.5, 0), <2>(0, 0.5), <2>(-0.5, 0), <2>(0, -0.5)]), Quad2d(idx = Level<2>(0, 0); 0, 0), cntr = Quad(Key(1), (Vertex(Key(1)), Vertex(Key(0)), Vertex(Key(4)), Vertex(Key(5))), Attribute(21)), vtx = [<2>(0, 0.5), <2>(0.5, 0), <2>(1, 0), <2>(0, 1)]), Quad2d(idx = Level<2>(0, 0); 0, 0), cntr = Quad(Key(2), (Vertex(Key(2)), Vertex(Key(1)), Vertex(Key(5)), Vertex(Key(6))), Attribute(21)), vtx = [<2>(-0.5, 0), <2>(0, 0.5), <2>(0, 1), <2>(-1, 0)]), Quad2d(idx = Level<2>(0, 0); 0, 0), cntr = Quad(Key(3), (Vertex(Key(3)), Vertex(Key(2)), Vertex(Key(6)), Vertex(Key(7))), Attribute(21)), vtx = [<2>(0, -0.5), <2>(-0.5, 0), <2>(-1, 0), <2>(0, -1)]), Quad2d(idx = Level<2>(0, 0); 0, 0), cntr = Quad(Key(4), (Vertex(Key(0)), Vertex(Key(3)), Vertex(Key(7)), Vertex(Key(4))), Attribute(21)), vtx = [<2>(0.5, 0), <2>(0, -0.5), <2>(0, -1), <2>(1, 0)]),
Quad2d(idx = Level<2>(0, 0); 0, 0), cntr = Quad(Key(5), (Vertex(Key(5)), Vertex(Key(4)), Vertex(Key(8)), Vertex(Key(9))), Attribute(22)), vtx = [<2>(0, 1), <2>(1, 0), <2>(8, 0), <2>(0, 8)]), Quad2d(idx = Level<2>(0, 0); 0, 0), cntr = Quad(Key(6), (Vertex(Key(6)), Vertex(Key(5)), Vertex(Key(9)), Vertex(Key(10))), Attribute(22)), vtx = [<2>(-1, 0), <2>(0, 1), <2>(0, 8), <2>(-8, 0)]), Quad2d(idx = Level<2>(0, 0); 0, 0), cntr = Quad(Key(7), (Vertex(Key(7)), Vertex(Key(6)), Vertex(Key(10)), Vertex(Key(11))), Attribute(22)), vtx = [<2>(0, -1), <2>(-1, 0), <2>(-8, 0), <2>(0, -8)]), Quad2d(idx = Level<2>(0, 0); 0, 0), cntr = Quad(Key(8), (Vertex(Key(4)), Vertex(Key(7)), Vertex(Key(11)), Vertex(Key(8))), Attribute(22)), vtx = [<2>(1, 0), <2>(0, -1), <2>(0, -8), <2>(8, 0)]), Quad2d(idx = Level<2>(0, 0); 0, 0), cntr = Quad(Key(9), (Vertex(Key(9)), Vertex(Key(8)), Vertex(Key(12)), Vertex(Key(13))), Attribute(22)), vtx = [<2>(0, 8), <2>(8, 0), <2>(15, 0), <2>(0, 15)]), Quad2d(idx = Level<2>(0, 0); 0, 0), cntr = Quad(Key(
10), (Vertex(Key(10)), Vertex(Key(9)), Vertex(Key(13)), Vertex(Key(14))), Attribute(22)), vtx = [<2>(-8, 0), <2>(0, 8), <2>(0, 15), <2>(-15, 0)]), Quad2d(idx = Level<2>(0, 0); 0, 0), cntr = Quad(Key(11), (Vertex(Key(11)), Vertex(Key(10)), Vertex(Key(14)), Vertex(Key(15))), Attribute(22)), vtx = [<2>(0, -8), <2>(-8, 0), <2>(-15, 0), <2>(0, -15)]), Quad2d(idx = Level<2>(0, 0); 0, 0), cntr = Quad(Key(12), (Vertex(Key(8)), Vertex(Key(11)), Vertex(Key(15)), Vertex(Key(12))), Attribute(22)), vtx = [<2>(8, 0), <2>(0, -8), <2>(0, -15), <2>(15, 0)]))
Space: Space(dim = 2485, nelm = 52)
Trace Space: TraceSpace(QuadEdgeFirst(), dim = 2485, nelm = 8)
System Matrix: SparseMatrix(2485x2485, HashedSparseMatrix: 228397 (3.6986%) entries bound.)
Solver: SuperLU(n = 2485)

Plot of the refined mesh: Mesh output

Matlab plots of the total field $ u $: Matlab output


[1] A. Bayliss, M. Gunzburger, and E. Turkel, "Boundary conditions for the numerical solution of elliptic equations in exterior domains", SIAM J. Appl. Math., vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 430-451, 1982.

Complete Source Code

Dirk Klindworth, 2011
#include <iostream>
#include "basics.hh"
#include "formula.hh"
#include "function.hh"
#include "geometry.hh"
#include "graphics.hh"
#include "hp1D.hh"
#include "hp2D.hh"
#include "operator.hh"
#include "space.hh"
#include "toolbox.hh"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
try {
#ifdef HAS_MPI
// Initialisation is necessary if parallel version of Mumps is compiled
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
// ** parameters **
const Real R = 15.0; // outer radius
const Real innerR = 1.0; // inner radius (i.e. radius of scatterer)
const Real omega = 1.0; // frequency
const Real eps0 = 1.0; // permittivity outside the scatterer
const Real mu0 = 1.0; // permeability outside the scatterer
const Cmplx epsSc (4.0, 0.0); // permittivity inside the scatterer
const Real muSc = 1.0; // permeability inside the scatterer
// ** attributes of the computational domain **
const uint attrBoundary = 11; // boundary
const uint attrSc = 21; // scatterer
const uint attr0 = 22; // computational domain without scatterer
// ** set mode **
enum TETM {TE, TM};
TETM mode = TM;
// ** declare piecewise constant formulas for alpha and beta **
// ** Piecewise constant alpha and beta (TE-case) **
if (mode == TE) {
alpha[concepts::Attribute(attrSc)] = Cmplx(pow(epsSc,-1.0));
alpha[concepts::Attribute(attr0)] = Cmplx(pow(eps0,-1.0),0.0);
beta[concepts::Attribute(attrSc)] = Cmplx(omega*omega*muSc,0.0);
beta[concepts::Attribute(attr0)] = Cmplx(omega*omega*mu0,0.0);
alpha0 = Cmplx(pow(eps0,-1.0),0.0);
// ** Piecewise constant alpha and beta (TM-case) **
if (mode == TM) {
alpha[concepts::Attribute(attrSc)] = Cmplx(1.0, 0.0);
alpha[concepts::Attribute(attr0)] = Cmplx(1.0, 0.0);
beta[concepts::Attribute(attrSc)] = Cmplx(omega*omega*epsSc*muSc);
beta[concepts::Attribute(attr0)] = Cmplx(omega*omega*eps0*mu0,0.0);
alpha0 = Cmplx(1.0, 0.0);
// ** wave vector in the exterior **
const Real k0 = omega*sqrt(mu0*eps0);
// ** BGT-0 coefficient **
const Cmplx BGTcoeff(0.0,k0);
// ** incoming wave, its normal gradient and its product with the BGT-0 coefficient **
std::stringstream uIncReal, uIncImag, uIncGradReal, uIncGradImag, uIncBGTReal, uIncBGTImag;
uIncReal << "(cos((" << k0 << ")*x))";
uIncImag << "(sin((" << k0 << ")*x))";
uIncGradReal << "(-(x/(sqrt(x*x+y*y)))*" << k0 << "*sin((" << k0 << ")*x))";
uIncGradImag << "( (x/(sqrt(x*x+y*y)))*" << k0 << "*cos((" << k0 << ")*x))";
uIncBGTReal << "(" << real(BGTcoeff) << "*" << uIncReal.str() << "-" << imag(BGTcoeff) << "*" << uIncImag.str() << ")";
uIncBGTImag << "(" << real(BGTcoeff) << "*" << uIncImag.str() << "+" << imag(BGTcoeff) << "*" << uIncReal.str() << ")";
concepts::ParsedFormula<Cmplx> uInc( uIncReal.str(), uIncImag.str());
concepts::ParsedFormula<Cmplx> uIncGrad(uIncGradReal.str(), uIncGradImag.str());
concepts::ParsedFormula<Cmplx> uIncBGT( uIncBGTReal.str(), uIncBGTImag.str());
// ** create mesh **
Real ringData[3] = {innerR,(innerR+R)/2.0,R};
uint quadAttrData[3] = {attrSc,attr0,attr0};
uint edgeAttrData[3] = {0,0,attrBoundary};
concepts::Array<Real> ring(ringData,3);
concepts::Array<uint> ringQuadAttr(quadAttrData,3);
concepts::Array<uint> ringEdgeAttr(edgeAttrData,3);
concepts::Circle msh(ring,ringQuadAttr,ringEdgeAttr);
std::cout << std::endl << "Mesh: " << msh << std::endl;
// ** space **
hp2D::Space spc(msh, 1, 10);
std::cout << std::endl << "Space: " << spc << std::endl;
// ** build trace space of boundary **
hp2D::TraceSpace tspc(spc,concepts::makeSet<uint>({attrBoundary}),hp2D::TraceSpace::FIRST);
std::cout << std::endl << "Trace Space: " << tspc << std::endl;
// ** right hand side **
hp1D::Riesz<Cmplx> lform(alpha0*uIncGrad - alpha0*uIncBGT);
concepts::Vector<Cmplx> rhs(tspc, lform);
// ** system matrix **
A.addInto(S, 1.0);
M2D.addInto(S, -1.0);
hp1D::Identity<Cmplx> id1D(alpha0);
M1D.addInto(S, -BGTcoeff);
std::cout << std::endl << "System Matrix: " << S << std::endl;
// ** solve **
#ifdef HAS_MUMPS
std::cout << std::endl << "Solver: " << solver << std::endl;
solver(rhs, sol);
std::cout << " ... solved " << std::endl;
// ** plot solution **
hp2D::IntegrableQuad::factory().get()->setTensor(concepts::TRAPEZE, true, 10);
graphics::MatlabBinaryGraphics(spc, "BGT_0", sol);
std::cout << e << std::endl;
return 1;
#ifdef HAS_MPI
return 0;
void addInto(Matrix< H > &dest, const I fact, const uint rowoffset=0, const uint coloffset=0) const
void recomputeShapefunctions()
virtual uint dim() const
Returns the dimension of the space.
Definition space.hh:393
Space rebuild()