Class documentation of Concepts

No Matches

#include <sparseMatrix.hh>

Inheritance diagram for concepts::SparseMatrix< F >:
concepts::Matrix< F > concepts::CRSConvertable< F > concepts::Operator< F > concepts::OutputOperator

Public Types

typedef Realtype< F >::type r_type
 Real type of data type.
typedef Cmplxtype< F >::type c_type
 Complex type of data type.
typedef std::conditional< std::is_same< typenameRealtype< F >::type, F >::value, typenameRealtype< F >::type, typenameCmplxtype< F >::type >::type d_type
 Data type, depending if F is real or complex.
typedef _HashedSMatrix_iterator< F, F &, F * > iterator
typedef _HashedSMatrix_iterator< F, const F &, const F * > const_iterator
 Type of data, e.g. matrix entries.

Public Member Functions

template<class G >
 SparseMatrix (const Space< G > &spcX, const Space< G > &spcY)
 SparseMatrix (uint nofrows, uint nofcols)
 SparseMatrix (uint dim=0)
template<class G >
 SparseMatrix (const Space< G > &spcX, const Space< G > &spcY, const BilinearForm< F, G > &bf, const Real eps=0.0, const bool single=false)
template<class G >
 SparseMatrix (const Space< G > &spcX, const Space< G > &spcY, const Sequence< bool > &seq, const BilinearForm< F, G > &bf, const Real eps=0.0, const bool single=false)
template<class G >
 SparseMatrix (const Space< G > &spcX, const Space< G > &spcY, const BilinearForm< F, G > &bf, const Sequence< ElementWithCell< G > * > &seq, const Real eps=0.0)
template<class G >
 SparseMatrix (const Space< G > &spc, const BilinearForm< F, G > &bf, const Real eps=0.0)
 SparseMatrix (const Space< typename Realtype< F >::type > &spc, const BilinearFormContainer< F > bf, const Real eps=0.0)
template<class G >
 SparseMatrix (const Space< G > &spc, const Sequence< bool > &seq, const BilinearForm< F, G > &bf, const Real eps=0.0)
template<class G >
 SparseMatrix (const Space< G > &spc, const BilinearForm< F, G > &bf, const Sequence< ElementWithCell< G > * > &seq, const Real eps=0.0)
 SparseMatrix (const SparseMatrix< F > &m, bool t=false)
template<class G >
 SparseMatrix (const Space< G > &spc, const F *const v, const int i=-1)
template<class G >
 SparseMatrix (const Space< G > &spc, const Vector< F > &x, const Vector< F > &y)
template<class H >
 SparseMatrix (Operator< H > &A, bool slow=false)
void operator= (const SparseMatrix< F > &)
template<class H >
 SparseMatrix (const SparseMatrix< H > &fncX, F fnc(const H &))
template<class H >
 SparseMatrix (const SparseMatrix< H > &fncX, const F &fnc(const H &))
template<class H >
 SparseMatrix (const SparseMatrix< H > &fncX)
virtual void operator() (const Function< r_type > &fncY, Function< F > &fncX)
virtual void operator() (const Function< c_type > &fncY, Function< c_type > &fncX)
template<class H , class I >
void operator() (const Vector< H > &fncY, Vector< I > &fncX)
 Multiplies the matrix with fncY. The result is fncX.
const_iterator begin (uint row=0) const
iterator begin (uint row=0)
const_iterator end () const
 Last entrance of the particular order.
virtual void transpMult (const Vector< r_type > &fncY, Vector< F > &fncX)
virtual void transpMult (const Vector< c_type > &fncY, Vector< c_type > &fncX)
virtualoperator() (const uint i, const uint j) const
 Returns entry with indices i and j.
virtual F & operator() (const uint i, const uint j)
 Returns and allows access to entry with indices i and j.
SparseMatrix< F > & operator*= (const F factor)
virtual void resize (uint m, uint n)
 Sets a new size, previous data might be lost

void write (char *fname) const
bool storeMatlab (const std::string filename, const std::string name="", bool append=false) const
const HashedSparseMatrix< F > * m () const
 Returns the sparse matrix itself.
template<class H , class I >
void addInto (Matrix< H > &dest, const I fact, const uint rowoffset=0, const uint coloffset=0) const
template<class H , class I >
void addIntoT (Matrix< H > &dest, const I fact, const uint rowoffset=0, const uint coloffset=0) const
template<class H , class I >
void add (const Vector< H > &v, const I fact, const uint rowoffset=0, const uint coloffset=0)
template<class H , class I >
void addT (const Vector< H > &v, const I fact, const uint rowoffset=0, const uint coloffset=0)
void multiply (const SparseMatrix< F > &fact, Matrix< F > &dest) const
 Multiplies this matrix with fact and adds the result to dest.
template<class H >
void multiply (const H &fact, Matrix< F > &dest) const
 Multiplies this matrix with fact and adds the result to dest.
virtual uint used () const
 Returns the number of used entries in the matrix.
float memory () const
 Memory usage in byte.
void symmetrize ()
 Makes sure a theoretically symmetric matrix is symmetric in memory too.
void compress (Real threshold=EPS)
void histogram (std::map< int, uint > &hist) const
 Creates a histogram of the matrix entries.
void copy (const SparseMatrix< F > &n)
 Copies n to this matrix.
virtual void convertCRS (F *a, int *asub, int *xa) const
virtual void convertCCS (F *a, int *asub, int *xa) const
virtual void convertIJK (F *, int *, int *) const
const uint nofRows () const
 Number of rows.
const uint nofCols () const
 Number of columns.
iterator end ()
 Iterator, standing behind last element.
virtual void set (const uint i, const uint j, const F value, const bool use_threshold=false, const Real threshold_value=1e-8)
virtual void add (const uint i, const uint j, const F value, const bool use_threshold=false, const Real threshold_value=1e-8)
virtual void operator() (const Function< r_type > &fncY, Function< F > &fncX)=0
 Computes fncX = A(fncY) where A is this matrix.
virtual void operator() ()
virtual bool operator== (const Matrix< F > &otherMat) const
virtual void transpMult (const Vector< r_type > &fncY, Vector< F > &fncX)=0
 Computes fncX = AT fncY where A is this matrix.
virtual const uint dimX () const
virtual const uint dimY () const
virtual void show_messages ()

Static Public Member Functions

template<class G >
static void assembly (Matrix< F > &dest, const Space< G > &spc, const BilinearForm< F, G > &bf, const Real threshold=0.0)
template<class G >
static void assembly (Matrix< F > &dest, Scan< Element< G > > *sc, const BilinearForm< F, G > &bf, const Real threshold=0.0)
template<class G >
static void assembly (Matrix< F > &dest, const Sequence< ElementWithCell< G > * > seq, const BilinearForm< F, G > &bf, const Real threshold=0.0)
template<class G >
static void assembly (Matrix< F > &dest, const Space< G > &spc, const Sequence< bool > &seq, const BilinearForm< F, G > &bf, const Real threshold=0.0)
template<class G >
static void assembly (Matrix< F > &dest, const Space< G > &spcX, const Space< G > &spcY, const BilinearForm< F, G > &bf, const Real threshold=0.0, const bool single=false)
template<class G >
static void assembly (Matrix< F > &dest, const Sequence< ElementWithCell< G > * > seqX, const Space< G > &spcY, const BilinearForm< F, G > &bf, const Real threshold=0.0)
template<class G >
static void assembly (Matrix< F > &dest, const BilinearForm< F, G > &bf, const ElementPairList< G > &pairs)
template<class G >
static void assembly (Matrix< F > &dest, const Space< G > &spcX, const Space< G > &spcY, const Sequence< bool > &seq, const BilinearForm< F, G > &bf, const Real threshold=0.0, const bool single=false)
Timing Interface

These functions are used to get timings from class internal computations. The values are stored in a user defined concepts::InOutParameters structure in different arrays (see setTimings). These arrays can be grouped into a table for easier postprocessing with

table.addMap(concepts::ResultsTable::DOUBLE, "jacobian", output);
table.addMap(concepts::ResultsTable::DOUBLE, "whole_sumfact", output);
std::ofstream ofs("table.gnuplot");
ofs << std::setprecision(20);
Set< F > makeSet(uint n, const F &first,...)
Definition set.hh:320
static void setTimings (InOutParameters *timings)
static bool timings ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual std::ostream & info (std::ostream &os) const
 Returns information in an output stream.

Protected Attributes

uint dimX_
 Dimension of image space and the source space.
uint dimY_

Detailed Description

template<class F>
class concepts::SparseMatrix< F >

Sparse matrix. The matrix has the size m x n where m is the dimension of the image space (spaceX) and n is the dimension of the source space (spaceY).

The matrix is setup and assembled in the constructor. It calls the bilinear form on every element of the space and uses the T matrices of the elements to assemble the element matrices into the global matrix.

There are quite a few solver which can be used to solve the system.

See also





Examples,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and

Definition at line 65 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ c_type

template<class F >
typedef Cmplxtype<F>::type concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::c_type

Complex type of data type.

Definition at line 70 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ const_iterator

template<class F >
typedef _HashedSMatrix_iterator<F, const F&, const F*> concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::const_iterator

Definition at line 76 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ d_type

template<class F >
typedef std::conditional<std::is_same<typenameRealtype<F>::type,F>::value,typenameRealtype<F>::type,typenameCmplxtype<F>::type>::type concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::d_type

Data type, depending if F is real or complex.

Definition at line 73 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ iterator

template<class F >
typedef _HashedSMatrix_iterator<F, F&, F*> concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::iterator

Definition at line 75 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ r_type

template<class F >
typedef Realtype<F>::type concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::r_type

Real type of data type.

Definition at line 68 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ type

template<class F >
typedef F concepts::Operator< F >::type

Type of data, e.g. matrix entries.

Definition at line 45 of file compositions.hh.

◆ value_type

template<class F >
typedef F concepts::Matrix< F >::value_type

Definition at line 41 of file matrix.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SparseMatrix() [1/17]

template<class F >
template<class G >
concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::SparseMatrix ( const Space< G > &  spcX,
const Space< G > &  spcY 

Constructor. Creates an empty matrix.

Definition at line 81 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ SparseMatrix() [2/17]

template<class F >
concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::SparseMatrix ( uint  nofrows,
uint  nofcols 

Constructor. Creates an empty matrix.

Definition at line 90 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ SparseMatrix() [3/17]

template<class F >
concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::SparseMatrix ( uint  dim = 0)

Definition at line 96 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ SparseMatrix() [4/17]

template<class F >
template<class G >
concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::SparseMatrix ( const Space< G > &  spcX,
const Space< G > &  spcY,
const BilinearForm< F, G > &  bf,
const Real  eps = 0.0,
const bool  single = false 

Constructor. Computes the global matrix by assembling the element matrices.

This constructor features a double loop over the elements of the image and the source space. On each combination, the bilinear form is called. You can force this constructor to execute the double loop in such a way that only for diagonal combinations of the elements in both space the integration and assembling is executed. Use single and set it to true.

Use this constructor, if spcX != spcY or if you have local matrices which express the interaction of the two elements., const Real eps = 0.0, const Real eps = 0.0

In non-symmetric FEM (eg. DGFEM), one has to solve AT u = f. This constructor computes A and not AT.

spcXImage space
spcYSource space
bfBilinear form
epsentries, which absolute value is smaller then eps times the maximal absolute value of the element matrix are set to zero.

◆ SparseMatrix() [5/17]

template<class F >
template<class G >
concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::SparseMatrix ( const Space< G > &  spcX,
const Space< G > &  spcY,
const Sequence< bool > &  seq,
const BilinearForm< F, G > &  bf,
const Real  eps = 0.0,
const bool  single = false 

Constructor. Computes the global matrix by assembling the element matrices.

This constructor features a double loop over the elements of the image and the source space. On each combination, the bilinear form is called. You can force this constructor to execute the double loop in such a way that only for diagonal combinations of the elements in both space the integration and assembling is executed. Use single and set it to true.

Use this constructor, if spcX != spcY or if you have local matrices which express the interaction of the two elements., const Real eps = 0.0, const Real eps = 0.0

In non-symmetric FEM (eg. DGFEM), one has to solve AT u = f. This constructor computes A and not AT.

spcXImage space
spcYSource space
seqFlag on where the elements have to be built
bfBilinear form
epsentries, which absolute value is smaller then eps times the maximal absolute value of the element matrix are set to zero.
singleDiagonal parameter flag

◆ SparseMatrix() [6/17]

template<class F >
template<class G >
concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::SparseMatrix ( const Space< G > &  spcX,
const Space< G > &  spcY,
const BilinearForm< F, G > &  bf,
const Sequence< ElementWithCell< G > * > &  seq,
const Real  eps = 0.0 

Constructor. Computes the global matrix by assembling the element matrices.

This constructor features a double loop over the elements of the image and the source space. On each combination, the bilinear form is called. You can force this constructor to execute the double loop in such a way that only for diagonal combinations of the elements in both space the integration and assembling is executed. Use single and set it to true.

Use this constructor, if spcX != spcY or if you have local matrices which express the interaction of the two elements., const Real eps = 0.0, const Real eps = 0.0

In non-symmetric FEM (eg. DGFEM), one has to solve AT u = f. This constructor computes A and not AT.

spcXImage space
spcYSource space
bfBilinear form
seqSequence of elements to take into account for the Image space
epsentries, which absolute value is smaller then eps times the maximal absolute value of the element matrix are set to zero.

◆ SparseMatrix() [7/17]

template<class F >
template<class G >
concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::SparseMatrix ( const Space< G > &  spc,
const BilinearForm< F, G > &  bf,
const Real  eps = 0.0 

Constructor. Computes the global matrix by assembling the element matrices.

spcImage and source space
bfBilinear form
epsentries, which absolute value is smaller then eps times the maximal absolute value of the element matrix are set to zero.

◆ SparseMatrix() [8/17]

template<class F >
concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::SparseMatrix ( const Space< typename Realtype< F >::type > &  spc,
const BilinearFormContainer< F >  bf,
const Real  eps = 0.0 

Constructor. Computes the global matrix by assembling the element matrices.

spcImage and source space
bfbilinearform Container
epsentries, which absolute value is smaller then eps times the maximal absolute value of the element matrix are set to zero.

◆ SparseMatrix() [9/17]

template<class F >
template<class G >
concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::SparseMatrix ( const Space< G > &  spc,
const Sequence< bool > &  seq,
const BilinearForm< F, G > &  bf,
const Real  eps = 0.0 

Constructor. Computes the global matrix by assembling the element matrices.

spcImage and source space
seqFlag on where the elements have to be built
bfBilinear form
epsentries, which absolute value is smaller then eps times the maximal absolute value of the element matrix are set to zero.

◆ SparseMatrix() [10/17]

template<class F >
template<class G >
concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::SparseMatrix ( const Space< G > &  spc,
const BilinearForm< F, G > &  bf,
const Sequence< ElementWithCell< G > * > &  seq,
const Real  eps = 0.0 

Constructor. Computes the partial matrix by assembling the element matrices on a given subdomain

spcImage and source space
bfBilinear form
seqSequence of elements to take into account
epsentries, which absolute value is smaller then eps times the maximal absolute value of the element matrix are set to zero.

◆ SparseMatrix() [11/17]

template<class F >
concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::SparseMatrix ( const SparseMatrix< F > &  m,
bool  t = false 

Copy constructor. If t is set to true, the matrix is transposed during the copy process

◆ SparseMatrix() [12/17]

template<class F >
template<class G >
concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::SparseMatrix ( const Space< G > &  spc,
const F *const  v,
const int  i = -1 

Constructor of partial rank 1 matrix. The matrix is set to $ \vec x \cdot \vec x^\top $ where the bottom entries of x are given by v and, if i >= 0, x(i) = 1 and x(0:i) = 0.

spcImage and source space
vPartial vector for rank 1 product
iShift index, i==-1 means that v has the full size of x

◆ SparseMatrix() [13/17]

template<class F >
template<class G >
concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::SparseMatrix ( const Space< G > &  spc,
const Vector< F > &  x,
const Vector< F > &  y 

Constructor of rank 1 matrix. The matrix is set to $ \vec x \cdot \vec y^\top $.

spcImage and source space
xFirst vector
ySecond vector

◆ SparseMatrix() [14/17]

template<class F >
template<class H >
concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::SparseMatrix ( Operator< H > &  A,
bool  slow = false 

Constructor. Converts A to a sparse matrix.

In case, the slow mode is allowed, the matrix is computed by multiplying A with the standard basis vectors and entering the results into the matrix. This is a O(n^2) operation.

AOperator to store as sparse matrix
slowAlso do slow O(n^2) conversion if nothing else is left.

◆ SparseMatrix() [15/17]

template<class F >
template<class H >
concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::SparseMatrix ( const SparseMatrix< H > &  fncX,
F   fncconst H & 

Constructor. Use this constructor to create a matrix of type F out of a matrix with entries of type H. The F type vector consists of elementwise evaluations of the function fnc.

Definition at line 482 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ SparseMatrix() [16/17]

template<class F >
template<class H >
concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::SparseMatrix ( const SparseMatrix< H > &  fncX,
const F &  fncconst H & 

Definition at line 518 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ SparseMatrix() [17/17]

template<class F >
template<class H >
concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::SparseMatrix ( const SparseMatrix< H > &  fncX)

Constructor. Use this constructor to create a matrix of type F out of a matrix with entries of type H. The F type vector consists of elementwise conversions.

Definition at line 500 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ ~SparseMatrix()

template<class F >
virtual concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::~SparseMatrix ( )

Definition at line 313 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add() [1/2]

template<class F >
virtual void concepts::Matrix< F >::add ( const uint  i,
const uint  j,
const F  value,
const bool  use_threshold = false,
const Real  threshold_value = 1e-8 

Addition operator Add the value to the entry (i,j) if not zero (for use_threshold = false), or if the absolute avlue is bigger than the threshold_value (for use_threshold = true)

◆ add() [2/2]

template<class F >
template<class H , class I >
void concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::add ( const Vector< H > &  v,
const I  fact,
const uint  rowoffset = 0,
const uint  coloffset = 0 

Copies the vector v multiplied by fact on position (rowoffset, coloffset)

Definition at line 597 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ addInto()

template<class F >
template<class H , class I >
void concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::addInto ( Matrix< H > &  dest,
const I  fact,
const uint  rowoffset = 0,
const uint  coloffset = 0 
) const

This matrix is added as block to the given matrix dest.

destMatrix into which this matrix should be added.
factFactor by which this matrix should be multiplied.
rowoffsetRow in dest, where block begins.
coloffsetColumn in dest, where block begins.

For example: Given a real matrix R. Then one construct a complex one by

SparseMatrix<Cmplx> C(spc,spc);
R.addInto(C, 1.0);
Examples,,,,,,,,, and

Definition at line 538 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ addIntoT()

template<class F >
template<class H , class I >
void concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::addIntoT ( Matrix< H > &  dest,
const I  fact,
const uint  rowoffset = 0,
const uint  coloffset = 0 
) const

The transposed of this matrix is added as block to the given matrix.

destMatrix into which this matrix should be added.
factFactor by which this matrix should be multiplied.
rowoffsetRow in dest, where block begins.
coloffsetColumn in dest, where block begins.

Definition at line 567 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ addT()

template<class F >
template<class H , class I >
void concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::addT ( const Vector< H > &  v,
const I  fact,
const uint  rowoffset = 0,
const uint  coloffset = 0 

Copies the transpose of the vector v multiplied by fact on position (rowoffset, coloffset)

Definition at line 613 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ assembly() [1/8]

template<class F >
template<class G >
static void concepts::Matrix< F >::assembly ( Matrix< F > &  dest,
const BilinearForm< F, G > &  bf,
const ElementPairList< G > &  pairs 

Assembly operator for dest using the bilinear form bf. This assembly operator uses the element pairs taken from pairs. For every two elements found in a ElementPair in pairs, the bilinear form is evaluated and the result assembled into dest.

◆ assembly() [2/8]

template<class F >
template<class G >
static void concepts::Matrix< F >::assembly ( Matrix< F > &  dest,
const Sequence< ElementWithCell< G > * >  seq,
const BilinearForm< F, G > &  bf,
const Real  threshold = 0.0 

Assembly operator for dest using the bilinear form bf. This assembly operator does not compute element matrices for two different elements. The elements are taken from the element sequence seq.

◆ assembly() [3/8]

template<class F >
template<class G >
static void concepts::Matrix< F >::assembly ( Matrix< F > &  dest,
const Sequence< ElementWithCell< G > * >  seqX,
const Space< G > &  spcY,
const BilinearForm< F, G > &  bf,
const Real  threshold = 0.0 

Assembly operator for dest using the bilinear form bf. This assembly operator computes also the element matrices for two different elements. The elements are taken from the element sequence seqX for the test space, and the trial space spcY is fully taken into account.

◆ assembly() [4/8]

template<class F >
template<class G >
static void concepts::Matrix< F >::assembly ( Matrix< F > &  dest,
const Space< G > &  spc,
const BilinearForm< F, G > &  bf,
const Real  threshold = 0.0 

Assembly operator for dest using the bilinear form bf. This assembly operator does not compute element matrices for two different elements. The elements are taken from the space spc.


◆ assembly() [5/8]

template<class F >
template<class G >
static void concepts::Matrix< F >::assembly ( Matrix< F > &  dest,
const Space< G > &  spc,
const Sequence< bool > &  seq,
const BilinearForm< F, G > &  bf,
const Real  threshold = 0.0 

Assembly operator for dest using the bilinear form bf on space spc. This assembly operator does not compute element matrices for two different elements. The elements are computing on the cells that are flagged by seq.

◆ assembly() [6/8]

template<class F >
template<class G >
static void concepts::Matrix< F >::assembly ( Matrix< F > &  dest,
const Space< G > &  spcX,
const Space< G > &  spcY,
const BilinearForm< F, G > &  bf,
const Real  threshold = 0.0,
const bool  single = false 

Assembly operator for dest using the bilinear form bf. This assembly operator computes also the element matrices for two different elements (coming from test space spcX and trial space spcY).

◆ assembly() [7/8]

template<class F >
template<class G >
static void concepts::Matrix< F >::assembly ( Matrix< F > &  dest,
const Space< G > &  spcX,
const Space< G > &  spcY,
const Sequence< bool > &  seq,
const BilinearForm< F, G > &  bf,
const Real  threshold = 0.0,
const bool  single = false 

Assembly operator for dest using the bilinear form bf. This assembly operator computes also the element matrices for two different elements (coming from test space spcX and trial space spcY). The elements are computing on the cells that are flagged by seq.

◆ assembly() [8/8]

template<class F >
template<class G >
static void concepts::Matrix< F >::assembly ( Matrix< F > &  dest,
Scan< Element< G > > *  sc,
const BilinearForm< F, G > &  bf,
const Real  threshold = 0.0 

Assembly operator for dest using the bilinear form bf. This assembly operator does not compute element matrices for two different elements. The elements are taken from the space scanner sc.

◆ begin() [1/2]

template<class F >
iterator concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::begin ( uint  row = 0)

Iterator over the elements, standing at position (row,c), where row is the given row number and c the first non-zero entry. If there is not entry in this line, the iterators stand at the next non-zero entry or it is end(), if the matrix is empty.

◆ begin() [2/2]

template<class F >
const_iterator concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::begin ( uint  row = 0) const

Constant iterator over the elements, standing at position (row,c), where row is the given row number and c the first non-zero entry. If there is not entry in this line, the iterators stand at the next non-zero entry or it is end(), if the matrix is empty.

◆ compress()

template<class F >
void concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::compress ( Real  threshold = EPS)

Compresses the matrix by dropping small entries. All matrix entries which are smaller than a certain threshold times the largest entry of the matrix are deleted from the matrix.

Examples,,,,,, and

Definition at line 444 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ convertCCS()

template<class F >
virtual void concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::convertCCS ( F *  a,
int asub,
int xa 
) const

Converts to Compressed Column Storage (CCS) format and writes values to field a, the row number asub and the index of the first value of each column xa. The fields have to be allocated with enough memory.

Implements concepts::CRSConvertable< F >.

◆ convertCRS()

template<class F >
virtual void concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::convertCRS ( F *  a,
int asub,
int xa 
) const

Converts to Compressed Row Storage (CRS) format and writes values to field a, the column number asub and the index of the first value of each row xa. The fields have to be allocated with enough memory.

Implements concepts::CRSConvertable< F >.

◆ convertIJK()

template<class F >
virtual void concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::convertIJK ( F *  a,
int irn,
int jcn 
) const

Convert to coordinate (COO) format and writes values to field a, the row indices to irn and the column indices to jcn. The fields have to be allocated with enough memory.

Implements concepts::CRSConvertable< F >.

◆ dimX()

template<class F >
virtual const uint concepts::Operator< F >::dimX ( ) const

Returns the size of the image space of the operator (number of rows of the corresponding matrix)

Examples,, and

Definition at line 93 of file compositions.hh.

◆ dimY()

template<class F >
virtual const uint concepts::Operator< F >::dimY ( ) const

Returns the size of the source space of the operator (number of columns of the corresponding matrix)


Definition at line 98 of file compositions.hh.

◆ end()

template<class F >
iterator concepts::Matrix< F >::end ( )

Iterator, standing behind last element.

Definition at line 66 of file matrix.hh.

◆ info()

template<class F >
virtual std::ostream & concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::info ( std::ostream &  os) const

Returns information in an output stream.

Reimplemented from concepts::Operator< F >.

◆ m()

template<class F >
const HashedSparseMatrix< F > * concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::m ( ) const

Returns the sparse matrix itself.

Definition at line 378 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ memory()

template<class F >
float concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::memory ( ) const

Memory usage in byte.

Definition at line 435 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ multiply() [1/2]

template<class F >
template<class H >
void concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::multiply ( const H &  fact,
Matrix< F > &  dest 
) const

Multiplies this matrix with fact and adds the result to dest.

Definition at line 429 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ multiply() [2/2]

template<class F >
void concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::multiply ( const SparseMatrix< F > &  fact,
Matrix< F > &  dest 
) const

Multiplies this matrix with fact and adds the result to dest.

Definition at line 424 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ nofCols()

template<class F >
const uint concepts::Matrix< F >::nofCols ( ) const

Number of columns.

Definition at line 58 of file matrix.hh.

◆ nofRows()

template<class F >
const uint concepts::Matrix< F >::nofRows ( ) const

Number of rows.

Definition at line 56 of file matrix.hh.

◆ operator()() [1/6]

◆ operator()() [2/6]

template<class F >
virtual void concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::operator() ( const Function< c_type > &  fncY,
Function< c_type > &  fncX 

Application operator for complex function fncY.

Computes fncX = A(fncY) where A is this operator. fncX becomes complex.

In derived classes its enough to implement the operator() for complex Operator's. If a real counterpart is not implemented, the function fncY is splitted into real and imaginary part and the application operator for real functions is called for each. Then the result is combined.

If in a derived class the operator() for complex Operator's is not implemented, a exception is thrown from here.

Implements concepts::Matrix< F >.

◆ operator()() [3/6]

template<class F >
virtual void concepts::Matrix< F >::operator() ( const Function< r_type > &  fncY,
Function< F > &  fncX 
pure virtualinherited

Computes fncX = A(fncY) where A is this matrix.

Reimplemented from concepts::Operator< F >.

Implemented in concepts::DenseMatrix< F >, concepts::DiagonalMatrix< F >, and concepts::Permutation< F >.

◆ operator()() [4/6]

template<class F >
virtual F & concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::operator() ( const uint  i,
const uint  j 

Returns and allows access to entry with indices i and j.

Implements concepts::Matrix< F >.

Definition at line 353 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ operator()() [5/6]

template<class F >
virtual F concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::operator() ( const uint  i,
const uint  j 
) const

Returns entry with indices i and j.

Implements concepts::Matrix< F >.

Definition at line 351 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ operator()() [6/6]

template<class F >
template<class H , class I >
void concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::operator() ( const Vector< H > &  fncY,
Vector< I > &  fncX 

Multiplies the matrix with fncY. The result is fncX.

Definition at line 322 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ operator*=()

template<class F >
SparseMatrix< F > & concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::operator*= ( const F  factor)

Definition at line 355 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ operator==()

template<class F >
virtual bool concepts::Matrix< F >::operator== ( const Matrix< F > &  otherMat) const

Definition at line 179 of file matrix.hh.

◆ resize()

template<class F >
virtual void concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::resize ( uint  m,
uint  n 

Sets a new size, previous data might be lost

Definition at line 361 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ set()

template<class F >
virtual void concepts::Matrix< F >::set ( const uint  i,
const uint  j,
const F  value,
const bool  use_threshold = false,
const Real  threshold_value = 1e-8 

Affectation operator Affet the value to the entry (i,j) if not zero (for use_threshold = false), or if the absolute value is bigger than the threshold_value (for use_threshold = true)

◆ setTimings()

template<class F >
static void concepts::Matrix< F >::setTimings ( InOutParameters timings)

Sets the class to store the timing values in. Additionally, the timeCntr_ is reset to 0. This counter is used to fill in the values into the arrays listed below in subsequent calls. The following timings are taken and stored in timings:

  • evaluation of bilinear form in bilinear_form
  • application of T matrix in tmatrix_apply
  • assembling into global matrix in global_assembly

◆ show_messages()

template<class F >
virtual void concepts::Operator< F >::show_messages ( )

Reimplemented in concepts::MumpsOverlap< F >.

Definition at line 100 of file compositions.hh.

◆ storeMatlab()

template<class F >
bool concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::storeMatlab ( const std::string  filename,
const std::string  name = "",
bool  append = false 
) const

Stores the matrix in a Matlab sparse matrix

true if the writes was successfull

◆ timings()

template<class F >
static bool concepts::Matrix< F >::timings ( )

Returns true if the class is able to do timings. The ability to do timings depends on a compiler switch in file.

◆ transpMult() [1/3]

template<class F >
virtual void concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::transpMult ( const Vector< c_type > &  fncY,
Vector< c_type > &  fncX 

Implements concepts::Matrix< F >.

◆ transpMult() [2/3]

template<class F >
virtual void concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::transpMult ( const Vector< r_type > &  fncY,
Vector< F > &  fncX 

Multiplies the transpose of the matrix with fncY and adds the results to fncX.

◆ transpMult() [3/3]

template<class F >
virtual void concepts::Matrix< F >::transpMult ( const Vector< r_type > &  fncY,
Vector< F > &  fncX 
pure virtualinherited

Computes fncX = AT fncY where A is this matrix.

Implemented in concepts::DenseMatrix< F >, concepts::DiagonalMatrix< F >, and concepts::Permutation< F >.

◆ used()

template<class F >
virtual uint concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::used ( ) const

Returns the number of used entries in the matrix.

Implements concepts::CRSConvertable< F >.

Definition at line 433 of file sparseMatrix.hh.

◆ write()

template<class F >
void concepts::SparseMatrix< F >::write ( char fname) const

Writes the matrix to a file.


Member Data Documentation

◆ dimX_

template<class F >
uint concepts::Operator< F >::dimX_

Dimension of image space and the source space.

Definition at line 104 of file compositions.hh.

◆ dimY_

template<class F >
uint concepts::Operator< F >::dimY_

Definition at line 104 of file compositions.hh.

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