Class documentation of Concepts

No Matches

#include <compositions.hh>

Inheritance diagram for concepts::LiCoI< F >:
concepts::Operator< F > concepts::OutputOperator

Public Types

typedef Realtype< F >::type r_type
 Real type of data type.
typedef Cmplxtype< F >::type c_type
 Real type of data type.
 Type of data, e.g. matrix entries.

Public Member Functions

 LiCoI (Operator< F > &A, F a=1.0, F b=1.0)
virtual void operator() (const Function< r_type > &fncY, Function< F > &fncX)
virtual void operator() (const Function< c_type > &fncY, Function< c_type > &fncX)
bool collapse (Matrix< F > &dest, const F fact=1.0) const
virtual void operator() ()
virtual const uint dimX () const
virtual const uint dimY () const
virtual void show_messages ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual std::ostream & info (std::ostream &os) const
 Returns information in an output stream.

Protected Attributes

uint dimX_
 Dimension of image space and the source space.
uint dimY_

Detailed Description

template<class F>
class concepts::LiCoI< F >

Linear combination of an operator with the identity. The application operator evaluates a*A + b*I.

Definition at line 306 of file compositions.hh.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ c_type

template<class F >
typedef Cmplxtype<F>::type concepts::LiCoI< F >::c_type

Real type of data type.

Definition at line 311 of file compositions.hh.

◆ r_type

template<class F >
typedef Realtype<F>::type concepts::LiCoI< F >::r_type

Real type of data type.

Definition at line 309 of file compositions.hh.

◆ type

template<class F >
typedef F concepts::Operator< F >::type

Type of data, e.g. matrix entries.

Definition at line 45 of file compositions.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LiCoI()

template<class F >
concepts::LiCoI< F >::LiCoI ( Operator< F > &  A,
a = 1.0,
b = 1.0 

Definition at line 313 of file compositions.hh.

Member Function Documentation

◆ collapse()

template<class F >
bool concepts::LiCoI< F >::collapse ( Matrix< F > &  dest,
const F  fact = 1.0 
) const

Collapses the linear combination of matrices into one matrix. This only works, if the linear combination is made out of linear combinations and matrices. This method calls addInto on each matrix which makes part of this linear combination or itself on a linear combination.

The method fails if it encounters something else than a LiCo, LiCoI or a matrix.

True, if the operation was succesful
destMatrix into which the operator should be collapsed. Should be zero on startup since the components are added into the matrix.
factFactor by which both components should be multiplied. Defaults to 1, ie. can be omitted.

◆ dimX()

template<class F >
virtual const uint concepts::Operator< F >::dimX ( ) const

Returns the size of the image space of the operator (number of rows of the corresponding matrix)

Examples,, and

Definition at line 93 of file compositions.hh.

◆ dimY()

template<class F >
virtual const uint concepts::Operator< F >::dimY ( ) const

Returns the size of the source space of the operator (number of columns of the corresponding matrix)


Definition at line 98 of file compositions.hh.

◆ info()

template<class F >
virtual std::ostream & concepts::LiCoI< F >::info ( std::ostream &  os) const

Returns information in an output stream.

Reimplemented from concepts::Operator< F >.

◆ operator()() [1/3]

◆ operator()() [2/3]

template<class F >
virtual void concepts::LiCoI< F >::operator() ( const Function< c_type > &  fncY,
Function< c_type > &  fncX 

Application operator for complex function fncY.

Computes fncX = A(fncY) where A is this operator. fncX becomes complex.

In derived classes its enough to implement the operator() for complex Operator's. If a real counterpart is not implemented, the function fncY is splitted into real and imaginary part and the application operator for real functions is called for each. Then the result is combined.

If in a derived class the operator() for complex Operator's is not implemented, a exception is thrown from here.

Reimplemented from concepts::Operator< F >.

◆ operator()() [3/3]

template<class F >
virtual void concepts::LiCoI< F >::operator() ( const Function< r_type > &  fncY,
Function< F > &  fncX 

Application operator. Calculates

\[ x=a \cdot Ay + b \cdot y = (aA + bI)y \]

where $A$ is the matrix and $a$ its respective coefficient.


Reimplemented from concepts::Operator< F >.

◆ show_messages()

template<class F >
virtual void concepts::Operator< F >::show_messages ( )

Reimplemented in concepts::MumpsOverlap< F >.

Definition at line 100 of file compositions.hh.

Member Data Documentation

◆ dimX_

template<class F >
uint concepts::Operator< F >::dimX_

Dimension of image space and the source space.

Definition at line 104 of file compositions.hh.

◆ dimY_

template<class F >
uint concepts::Operator< F >::dimY_

Definition at line 104 of file compositions.hh.

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