Class documentation of Concepts

No Matches
Inheritance diagram for estimator::BMarking:
estimator::Marking concepts::OutputOperator

Public Member Functions

template<class F = concepts::Real>
 BMarking (const concepts::Estimator< F > &estimator, concepts::Real theta=0.7)
const concepts::Set< uint > & marks () const

Protected Member Functions

virtual std::ostream & info (std::ostream &os) const
 Returns information in an output stream.

Protected Attributes

concepts::Set< uint > mark_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 95 of file marking.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BMarking()

template<class F = concepts::Real>
estimator::BMarking::BMarking ( const concepts::Estimator< F > &  estimator,
concepts::Real  theta = 0.7 

Marking strategy just marks the cells with theta*100% most error appearence

Definition at line 102 of file marking.hh.

Member Function Documentation

◆ info()

virtual std::ostream & estimator::BMarking::info ( std::ostream &  os) const

Returns information in an output stream.

Reimplemented from concepts::OutputOperator.

Definition at line 132 of file marking.hh.

◆ marks()

const concepts::Set< uint > & estimator::Marking::marks ( ) const

Definition at line 17 of file marking.hh.

Member Data Documentation

◆ mark_

concepts::Set<uint> estimator::Marking::mark_

Definition at line 19 of file marking.hh.

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