Class documentation of Concepts

No Matches
hp2D::LinearFormHelper_2< F > Class Template Reference

#include <linearFormHelper.hh>

Public Member Functions

 LinearFormHelper_2 (const concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F > frm)

Protected Member Functions

void computeIntermediate_ (const BaseQuad< concepts::Real > &elm) const

Protected Attributes

ArrayElementFormula< F > intermediateValue_
concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F > frm_

Detailed Description

template<class F>
class hp2D::LinearFormHelper_2< F >

Helper class for linearforms l(v), where v is a two form

\[\displaystyle l(v)
 = \int\limits_K f(x)v(x)\,dx
 = \int\limits_{\hat{K}} f(F_K(\xi)) \hat{v}(\xi) d\xi\]

Here, $F_K$ is the element mapping from reference element $\hat{K} = [0,1]^2$, $J$ is the Jacobian matrix.

Precomputes intermediate data for element matrix computation, this is


which is stored for each quadrature point.

The class can be used as well for bilinear forms a(u,v) where u is a 0-form and v is a 2-form. One example is the bilinear form hp2Dedge::Graduv.

Kersten Schmidt, 2015

Definition at line 166 of file linearFormHelper.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~LinearFormHelper_2()

template<class F >
virtual hp2D::LinearFormHelper_2< F >::~LinearFormHelper_2 ( )

Definition at line 170 of file linearFormHelper.hh.

Member Function Documentation

◆ computeIntermediate_()

template<class F >
void hp2D::LinearFormHelper_2< F >::computeIntermediate_ ( const BaseQuad< concepts::Real > &  elm) const

Compute the intermediate data for element matrix computation

This method is important for the derivated linear forms.

Member Data Documentation

◆ frm_

template<class F >
concepts::ElementFormulaContainer<F> hp2D::LinearFormHelper_2< F >::frm_


Definition at line 185 of file linearFormHelper.hh.

◆ intermediateValue_

template<class F >
ArrayElementFormula<F> hp2D::LinearFormHelper_2< F >::intermediateValue_

Intermediate vector (on each quadrature point)


Definition at line 182 of file linearFormHelper.hh.

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