Class documentation of Concepts

No Matches
eigensolver Namespace Reference


class  ArPack
class  ArPackFabric
class  ArpackOperatorWrapper
class  ArPackppGen
class  ArPackppStd
class  ArPackppSymGen
class  ArpackStdOperatorWrapper
class  ArPackSymm
class  Constrained
class  DirPowIt
class  EasyArPackpp
 Purely virtual class providing methods and instances for its child classes EasyArPackppStd, EasyArPackppGen and EasyArPackppSymGen. More...
class  EasyArPackppGen
 Tool to easily solve general eigenvalue problems. More...
class  EasyArPackppStd
 Tool to easily solve standard eigenvalue problems. More...
class  EasyArPackppSymGen
 Tool to easily solve general eigenvalue problems for symmetric matrices. More...
class  EigenSolver
class  InexactInv
class  InexactInvFabric
class  JdbSym
class  JdbSymFabric
struct  OperatorType
struct  OperatorType< concepts::Real, concepts::Real >
class  SmallES
class  SolverFabric

Detailed Description

Eigenvalue solvers. All classes in this namespace are here to solve eigenvalue problems.

Norbert Fernandes, 2002