Class documentation of Concepts

No Matches
bem::Constant3d000< F > Class Template Reference

#include <element.hh>

Inheritance diagram for bem::Constant3d000< F >:
concepts::ElementWithCell< F > concepts::Element< F > concepts::OutputOperator

Public Types

typedef F type

Public Member Functions

 Constant3d000 (const concepts::Triangle3d &cell, uint idx)
const concepts::TMatrixBase< F > & T () const
 Returns the T matix of the element.
const concepts::Unit3dn () const
 Returns the normal of the element.
const concepts::Trianglesupport () const
 Returns the support.
const concepts::Real3dvertex (uint i) const
virtual const concepts::Triangle3dcell () const
 Returns the cell on which the element is built.
virtual const concepts::ElementGraphics< F > * graphics () const
Real3d elemMap (const Real coord_local) const
Real3d elemMap (const Real2d &coord_local) const
Real3d elemMap (const Real3d &coord_local) const
uint & tag ()
 Returns the tag.

Protected Member Functions

std::ostream & info (std::ostream &os) const
 Returns information in an output stream.

Detailed Description

template<class F = concepts::Real>
class bem::Constant3d000< F >

Constant triangular element. The vertices are computed only once in the contructor.

FField of the element (valid Real or Cmplx).

Definition at line 239 of file element.hh.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ type

template<typename F >
typedef F concepts::ElementWithCell< F >::type

Definition at line 81 of file element.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Constant3d000()

template<class F = concepts::Real>
bem::Constant3d000< F >::Constant3d000 ( const concepts::Triangle3d cell,
uint  idx 


idxMap from the local to the global DoF

Member Function Documentation

◆ cell()

template<class F = concepts::Real>
virtual const concepts::Triangle3d & bem::Constant3d000< F >::cell ( ) const

Returns the cell on which the element is built.

Implements concepts::ElementWithCell< F >.

Definition at line 258 of file element.hh.

◆ elemMap() [1/3]

template<typename F >
Real3d concepts::ElementWithCell< F >::elemMap ( const Real  coord_local) const

Definition at line 86 of file element.hh.

◆ elemMap() [2/3]

template<typename F >
Real3d concepts::ElementWithCell< F >::elemMap ( const Real2d coord_local) const

Definition at line 90 of file element.hh.

◆ elemMap() [3/3]

template<typename F >
Real3d concepts::ElementWithCell< F >::elemMap ( const Real3d coord_local) const

Definition at line 94 of file element.hh.

◆ graphics()

template<class F = concepts::Real>
virtual const concepts::ElementGraphics< F > * bem::Constant3d000< F >::graphics ( ) const

Reimplemented from concepts::Element< F >.

◆ info()

template<class F = concepts::Real>
std::ostream & bem::Constant3d000< F >::info ( std::ostream &  os) const

Returns information in an output stream.

Reimplemented from concepts::OutputOperator.

◆ n()

template<class F = concepts::Real>
const concepts::Unit3d & bem::Constant3d000< F >::n ( ) const

Returns the normal of the element.

Definition at line 250 of file element.hh.

◆ support()

template<class F >
const concepts::Triangle & bem::Constant3d000< F >::support ( ) const

Returns the support.

Definition at line 278 of file element.hh.

◆ T()

template<class F = concepts::Real>
const concepts::TMatrixBase< F > & bem::Constant3d000< F >::T ( ) const

Returns the T matix of the element.

Implements concepts::ElementWithCell< F >.

Definition at line 248 of file element.hh.

◆ tag()

template<class F >
uint & concepts::Element< F >::tag ( )

Returns the tag.

Definition at line 66 of file element.hh.

◆ vertex()

template<class F = concepts::Real>
const concepts::Real3d & bem::Constant3d000< F >::vertex ( uint  i) const

Returns a vertex of triangle

iNumber of vertex.

Definition at line 256 of file element.hh.

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