Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- n -
- n() : aglowav2::M000, aglowav::M< d >, bem::Constant3d000< F >, bem::Constant3d001< F >, bem::Constant3d002< F >, bem::Linear3d000< F >, concepts::Absolute< F, G >, concepts::AbsoluteComp< F, G >, concepts::AdaptiveQuadratureRule1d< ruleType >, concepts::ElementFunction< F, G >, concepts::ElementMatrixBase< F >, concepts::Quadrature< type >, concepts::QuadratureRule1d, concepts::QuadratureRule1dGaussJacobi, concepts::QuadratureRule1dGaussLobatto, concepts::QuadratureRule1dTrapeze, concepts::QuadratureRule2d, concepts::QuadratureRule2dQuadDuffy, concepts::QuadratureRule2dQuadTensor, concepts::QuadratureRule, concepts::ShapeFunction1D< F >, concepts::Squared< F, G >, concepts::SubVector< F >, concepts::TColumn< F >, concepts::TColumnBlock< F, dim >, concepts::TColumnTensor< F, dim >, concepts::TMatrixBase< F >, concepts::Vector< F >, graphics::BaseDataCell< F, G >, graphics::BaseElementFormulaCell< F, G >, graphics::BaseFormulaCell< F, G >, graphics::BaseMeshCell, graphics::BaseOutputCell< F >, graphics::MatrixBaseElementFormulaCell< F, G >, graphics::MatrixSolutionEvaluationCell< F, G >, hp1D::Grad< F, G >, hp1D::Value< F, G >, hp2D::ElementFunction< dim, F, Q >, hp2D::ElementFunction< 1, F, Q >, hp2D::Laplacian< F, G >, hp2D::ShapeFunction2D< F >, hp2D::Value< F, G >, hp3D::Grad< F, G >, hp3D::Laplacian< F, G >, hp3D::ShapeFunction3D< F >, hp3D::Value< F, G >, mechanics::Stress3D< F, G >, vectorial::ElementFunction< F, G >, vectorial::ElementFunctionAllComponents< F, G >, vectorial::ElementFunctionComponent< F, G >, vectorial::SymmetrizeTensor< dim, F, G >
- n0() : concepts::Edge2d, concepts::MappingEdge2d, concepts::Quad3d
- name() : concepts::ParseObjectFromString< F >
- ncell() : concepts::Circle, concepts::CircleBoundary, concepts::ConvertMeshQuads, concepts::Cuboid, concepts::EdgeMesh, concepts::Import2dMeshBase, concepts::Import2dMeshEz4u, concepts::Import2DMeshGmsh, concepts::Import3dMesh, concepts::Import3DMeshGmsh, concepts::Import3DTetMesh, concepts::Line, concepts::Mesh, concepts::MutableMesh1, concepts::MutableMesh2, concepts::Square2, concepts::Square, concepts::SquareOneInfiniteRect, concepts::SquareTwoInfiniteRects, concepts::StraightPeriodicBoundary, concepts::UniformlyRefinedMesh2, Cube2, Cube3, Cube, estimator::LocalMesh2
- ncells() : hp2D::hpFull
- nchild() : aglowav::Haar3dXXX< F, d >
- nclst() : aglowav::Tree01< BiClNode >, aglowav::Tree02< BiClNode >, cluster::Tree01< CNode >, cluster::Tree02< CNode >, cluster::Tree03< CNode >, cluster::Tree< CNode >
- nDoF_() : linDG2D::SpaceP1
- NegativeJacobian() : concepts::NegativeJacobian
- nelement() : aglowav2::Haar3d000< F >
- nelm() : aglowav2::Haar3d0< F >, aglowav::BiHaar3d< F >, bem::AdaptConst3d000< F >, bem::AdaptConst3d001< F >, bem::AdaptConst3d002< F >, bem::Constant3d< F >, bem::Dirac3d< F >, bem::Linear3d< F >, concepts::DomainDecomp< F >, concepts::DummySpace< F >, concepts::RestrictionSpace< F >, concepts::Space< F >, concepts::SpaceOnCells< F >, constraints::Space< F >, hp1D::DualSpace, hp1D::hpAdaptiveSpaceL2, hp1D::RysSpace, hp1D::Space, hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpace< F >, hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceDG< F >, hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceHCurl_H1, hp2D::NeumannTraceSpace, hp2D::Space, hp2D::TraceSpace, hp2Dedge::Space, hp2Dedge::TraceSpace, hp3D::NeumannTraceSpace3d, hp3D::Space, hp3D::TraceSpace, linDG1D::Linear1d, linDG2D::Space, linDG3D::FvdgSpace, linearFEM::Linear1d, linearFEM::Linear2d, linearFEM::Linear3d
- nEntries() : concepts::TMatrix< F >
- Neumann() : bem::Neumann, concepts::Neumann< F >, hp1D::Neumann, hp2Dedge::Neumann
- NeumannTrace() : hp2D::NeumannTrace< F, G >
- NeumannTraceElement() : hp2D::NeumannTraceElement< F >
- NeumannTraceElement3d() : hp3D::NeumannTraceElement3d< F >
- NeumannTraceSpace() : hp2D::NeumannTraceSpace
- NeumannTraceSpace3d() : hp3D::NeumannTraceSpace3d
- newCell_() : concepts::ImportMesh
- newEdge() : concepts::InfQuadSubdiv2V, concepts::InfQuadSubdivision, concepts::QuadSubdiv2H, concepts::QuadSubdiv2V, concepts::QuadSubdiv4, concepts::QuadSubdivision
- newElement_() : hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpace< F >, hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceH1, hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceL2
- newfile_() : concepts::ModelControlBase< F >
- Newmark() : timestepping::Newmark
- newNode() : aglowav::ClstBiTreeTraits< BiClNode >
- newStrategy() : concepts::StrategyChange
- Newton() : concepts::Newton< F >
- NewtonException() : concepts::NewtonException
- newVertex() : concepts::InfQuadSubdiv2V, concepts::InfQuadSubdivision, concepts::QuadSubdiv2H, concepts::QuadSubdiv2V, concepts::QuadSubdiv4, concepts::QuadSubdivision
- next() : timestepping::Alpha, timestepping::Euler, timestepping::LimitingEuler, timestepping::LimitingTvdRK2, timestepping::Newmark, timestepping::Nystroem, timestepping::RungeKutta2, timestepping::RungeKutta4, timestepping::Theta, timestepping::TimeStepStrategy, timestepping::TvdRK2
- NfldMatrix() : cluster::Operator01< NodeX, NodeY >::NfldMatrix
- nglobcell() : parallel::Mesh1, parallel::Mesh2, parallel::Mesh3, parallel::Mesh
- nleaf() : aglowav::BiClNode00< F >, aglowav::One2ManyTree< o2mNode >, aglowav::Tree01< BiClNode >, aglowav::Tree02< BiClNode >, cluster::Cluster< F >, cluster::Tree01< CNode >, cluster::Tree02< CNode >, cluster::Tree03< CNode >, cluster::Tree< CNode >
- nloccell() : parallel::Mesh1, parallel::Mesh2, parallel::Mesh3, parallel::Mesh
- nlvl() : aglowav2::Haar3d0< F >, aglowav2::Haar3d< F >, aglowav::BiHaar3d< F >, aglowav::Haar3d< F >
- NoConvergence() : concepts::NoConvergence
- NodeCell() : concepts::Import3dMesh::NodeCell
- NodeHexahedron() : concepts::Import3dMesh::NodeHexahedron
- NodeTetrahedron() : concepts::Import3dMesh::NodeTetrahedron
- nofaces() : concepts::Import3dMesh::NodeCell, concepts::Import3dMesh::NodeHexahedron, concepts::Import3dMesh::NodeTetrahedron
- nofCols() : concepts::_Matrix_iterator_base< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr >, concepts::Matrix< F >
- nofRows() : concepts::_Matrix_iterator_base< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr >, concepts::Matrix< F >
- noKey() : concepts::Key
- NoMPIInit_Error() : concepts::NoMPIInit_Error
- normal() : concepts::MappingEdge2d, linDG2D::EdgeInfo, linDG3D::FvdgElementPair
- nP() : concepts::ShapeFunction1D< F >
- nq() : hp2D::ShapeFunction2D< F >, hp3D::ShapeFunction3D< F >
- NTElement_BA() : hp2D::NTElement_BA< F >
- NTShapeFunction() : hp2D::NeumannTraceElement< F >::NTShapeFunction
- numPairs() : linDG3D::FvdgElementPair
- Nystroem() : timestepping::Nystroem