Class documentation of Concepts

No Matches
concepts::TColumnBlock< F, dim > Class Template Reference

#include <tmatrix.hh>

Inheritance diagram for concepts::TColumnBlock< F, dim >:
concepts::TColumn< F > concepts::OutputOperator

Public Member Functions

 TColumnBlock (const uint *n, const uint idx, TColumn< F > *lnk=0)
 TColumnBlock (const TColumnBlock< F, dim > &t)
 TColumnBlock (const TColumnBlock< F, dim > &t, const uint *n)
 Transformation constructor to higher number of rows.
operator[] (uint *i) const
F & operator[] (uint *i)
 Returns the /c i th entry in the column. /c i an array of size dim.
void write (TColumnTensor< F, dim > &t, uint k)
uint ldof (uint *i) const
const uintn () const
 Returns the range of the multiindices as an array.
const uint n (uint i) const
 Returns the range of the multiindex for one direction i.
virtual TColumnBlock< F, dim > * clone () const
 Returns a copy of itself.
operator[] (uint i) const
 Returns the ith entry in the column.
F & operator[] (uint i)
 Returns the ith entry in the column.
const F * values () const
 Returns the array of entries.
F * values ()
 Returns the array of entries.
uint index () const
 Returns the index of the column in a matrix.
TColumn< F > * link () const
 Returns the pointer to the next column of the linked list.
void append (TColumn< F > *T)
 Appends a linked list of TColumns at the end.
void clear ()
 Deletes all member of the linked list.

Protected Member Functions

virtual ::std::ostream & info (::std::ostream &os) const
virtual std::ostream & info (std::ostream &os) const
 Returns information in an output stream.
uint successors_ () const
 number of successors

Protected Attributes

Array< F > val_
 The data of the column itself.

Detailed Description

template<class F, int dim>
class concepts::TColumnBlock< F, dim >

A column of a T matrix. More than one T column are arranged in a linked list. These columns are inserted into the T matrix.

This T column can be used for 2 and 3 dimensional problems where the T column needs to have a block form (ie. for the application of an S matrix). Each block represents one vector component.

It is assumed that the T matrices have a multiindex.

The first /c dim indices are used for the tensorised shape functions. The range of the first indices could be different in the different blocks. E.g. that is used with edge elements (e.g. hp2Dedge::Quad).

The last index is used for the block structure. The number of blocks is equal to the dimension of elements /c dim.

I.e. the T matrix of tensorised shape functions in 2 dimensions has a threefold multiindex.

The appropiate S matrix is SMatrixBlock

See also
Kersten Schmidt, 2004

Definition at line 216 of file tmatrix.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TColumnBlock() [1/2]

template<class F , int dim>
concepts::TColumnBlock< F, dim >::TColumnBlock ( const uint n,
const uint  idx,
TColumn< F > *  lnk = 0 


nAn array of size (/c dim^2) with the range of the multiindices, e.g. /c dim=2, /c n = {2, 3, 3, 2} builds two blocks of with the particular ranges of the multiindex (0..1,0..2,0) and (0..2,0..1,1)
idxIndex of the column in a T matrix
lnkPointer to the next column (linked list)

◆ TColumnBlock() [2/2]

template<class F , int dim>
concepts::TColumnBlock< F, dim >::TColumnBlock ( const TColumnBlock< F, dim > &  t)

Copy constructor The link to the next element in the linear list (lnk_) is not copied!

Member Function Documentation

◆ clone()

template<class F , int dim>
virtual TColumnBlock< F, dim > * concepts::TColumnBlock< F, dim >::clone ( ) const

Returns a copy of itself.

Reimplemented from concepts::TColumn< F >.

◆ index()

template<class F >
uint concepts::TColumn< F >::index ( ) const

Returns the index of the column in a matrix.

Definition at line 76 of file tmatrix.hh.

◆ info()

virtual std::ostream & concepts::OutputOperator::info ( std::ostream &  os) const

Returns information in an output stream.

Reimplemented in concepts::Mumps< F >, concepts::MumpsOverlap< F >, aglowav::M< d >, aglowav::M< 2 >, aglowav::M< d >, aglowav::Haar3d000< F >, aglowav::C2W< F >, aglowav::W2C< F >, aglowav::C2_tl2< F >, aglowav::C2tl2< F >, aglowav::CGt2< F >, aglowav::ComposeN< F >, aglowav::BiHaar3d< F >, aglowav::BiHaar3d< concepts::Real >, aglowav2::Haar3d000< F >, aglowav2::Haar3d000< concepts::Real >, aglowav2::Haar3d000< F >, aglowav2::Operator00< F >, aglowav2::Haar3d0< F >, aglowav2::Haar3d0< concepts::Real >, aglowav2::C2W< F >, aglowav2::W2C< F >, concepts::FormulaExpImag1D, concepts::FormulaExpImag2D, concepts::FormulaExpImag2DRadialDer, concepts::FormulaExpImag2DGrad, concepts::FormulaNormalOuterSP2D< F >, concepts::ComposeFormulaMatVec< F, DIM, G >, concepts::ComposeFormulaVecEntry< F, DIM, G >, concepts::FormulaIncPlaneWaveSource, concepts::FormulaPMLPowerSigma< F >, concepts::FormulaPMLPowerSigma2D< F >, concepts::FormulaPMLPowerSigmaB2D< F >, concepts::FormulaPMLCart, concepts::FormulaPMLBoxRestriction< F, G >, concepts::FormulaPMLRadia, concepts::ExceptionBase, concepts::WrongInputException, concepts::MissingFeature, concepts::Assertion, concepts::FileOpenError, concepts::FortranException, concepts::NoConvergence, concepts::multiplies< F, G, H >, concepts::multiplies< G, G, F >, concepts::OutputMatlab< F >, concepts::OutputMatlab< Point< F, dim > >, concepts::OutputMatlab< Mapping< F, dim > >, concepts::OutputMatlab< F * >, concepts::OutputMatlab< std::string >, concepts::OutputMatlab< bool >, concepts::OutputMatlab< std::set< F > >, concepts::OutputMatlab< std::map< F, G > >, concepts::OutputMatlab< std::vector< F > >, concepts::OutputMatlab< std::queue< F > >, concepts::OutputTecplot< F >, concepts::OutputTecplot< std::complex< F > >, concepts::OutputTecplot< Array< F > >, concepts::OutputTecplot< Point< F, dim > >, concepts::NoMPIInit_Error, test::TestSuiteError, bem::Dirac3d000< F >, bem::Linear3d000< F >, bem::Constant3d000< F >, bem::Constant3d001< F >, bem::Constant3d001< F >, bem::Constant3d002< F >, bem::Constant3d002< concepts::Real >, bem::Constant3d002< F >, bem::LinTriGraphics, bem::ConstTriGraphics, bem::D< F >, bem::D_1< F >, bem::Dirac3d< F >, bem::Linear3d< F >, bem::Constant3d< F >, bem::AdaptiveSpace< F >, bem::AdaptiveSpace< concepts::Real >, bem::AdaptConst3d000< F >, bem::AdaptConst3d001< F >, bem::AdaptConst3d002< F >, bem::TriangleGraphics< F >, cluster::F01< NodeX, NodeY >, cluster::F02< NodeX, NodeY >, cluster::F03< NodeX, NodeY >, cluster::F04< NodeX, NodeY >, cluster::Operator01< NodeX, NodeY >, cluster::Operator02< NodeX, NodeY >, cluster::X01< Node >, cluster::Y01< Node >, constraints::ConstraintsList< F >, constraints::Element< F >, constraints::Space< F >, parallel::SFCDstr, eigensolver::ArPack< F, G, H >, eigensolver::ArPack< Real >, eigensolver::ArPackFabric, eigensolver::ArPackppStd< T >, eigensolver::ArPackppStd< F >, eigensolver::ArPackppStd< typename eigensolver::OperatorType< Cmplx, Real >::type >, eigensolver::ArPackppSymGen, eigensolver::ArPackppGen< F, G, H >, eigensolver::ArPackppGen< typename eigensolver::OperatorType< F, concepts::Real >::type, F, concepts::Real >, eigensolver::ArPackSymm, eigensolver::Constrained, eigensolver::DirPowIt< F, G >, eigensolver::EigenSolver< F >, eigensolver::EigenSolver< Cmplx >, eigensolver::EigenSolver< concepts::Cmplx >, eigensolver::EigenSolver< G >, eigensolver::EigenSolver< Real >, eigensolver::EigenSolver< ScalarT >, concepts::ShiftAndInvertOperatorForGEVPs< F >, eigensolver::InexactInvFabric, eigensolver::InexactInv< F >, eigensolver::JdbSym, eigensolver::JdbSymFabric, eigensolver::SmallES< F >, estimator::LocalMesh2, estimator::LocalProjections_S< F, H >, estimator::LocalProjections_P< dim, F, H >, estimator::BuergDoerfler< F >, estimator::BuergRefinement< F >, concepts::ExplicitResidual< F >, hp2D::ExplicitResidual2D< F >::Distance, hp2D::ExplicitResidual2D< F >::EdgeWeight, concepts::FluxesError, concepts::ImplicitEquilibratedA0Error, concepts::InnerResidual< F >, concepts::InnerResidual< concepts::Real >, estimator::error_index, estimator::AMarking, estimator::BMarking, estimator::MVMarking, concepts::MacroElementNode, concepts::MeshGraph2, hp2D::ApproxMoments< F >, hp2D::ApproxMoments< concepts::Real >, hp2D::EquilibratedMomentsAO< F >, geometry::quad_loc, geometry::edge_dof, geometry::ElementPatch, geometry::EdgePatch, geometry::VtxToElmSupportMap, geometry::VtxToEdgeSupportMap, geometry::VtxToPatchMaps, estimator::Prediction< F, dim >, estimator::AprioriVertex< F, dim >, estimator::PolynomialDegrees< dim >, estimator::KeysInfo< F >, concepts::BesselJ< n >, concepts::BesselY< n >, concepts::Boundary, concepts::ConstFormula< F >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F, G >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< Cmplx >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Mapping< F, dim >, typename Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Mapping< Real, 2 > >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Mapping< typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type, 2 > >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Mapping< typename concepts::Realtype< Real >::type, 2 > >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Point >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Point< concepts::Real, 2 > >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Point< F, 2 > >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Point< F, 2 >, G >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Point< F, 3 > >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Point< F, dim *dim >, typename Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Point< Real, 2 > >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< concepts::Real >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F, typename Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< Real >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< Real, Real >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< Real2d >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< typename Datatype< F >::type >, concepts::ElementNotInDomainOfFormula, concepts::PointerToEmptyElementFormula, concepts::PointerToEmptyFormula, concepts::FormulaContainer< F >, concepts::Exp_i_n_phi, concepts::Cos_n_phi, concepts::Sin_n_phi, concepts::Exp_i_n_x, concepts::Cos_n_x, concepts::Sin_n_x, concepts::Exp_i_n_y, concepts::Cos_n_y, concepts::Sin_n_y, concepts::Frm_Product< F, H, J >, concepts::Frm_Sum< F, H, J >, concepts::FrmE_Component< F, G, H >, concepts::FrmE_Component_Matrix< F, G, H >, concepts::FrmE_Conjugate< F, G >, concepts::FrmE_Inverse< F, G >, concepts::FrmE_PointToMapping< dim, F, G >, concepts::FrmE_PointsToMapping< 2, F, G >, concepts::FrmE_Trace< dim, F, G >, concepts::FrmE_Product< F, H, J, G >, concepts::FrmE_Sum< F, H, J, G >, concepts::FormulaSyntaxError, concepts::ParsedFormula< Real >, concepts::ParsedFormula< Cmplx >, concepts::ParsedFormula< Real2d >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaBase< F >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaBase< Cmplx >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaBase< Cmplx2d >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaBase< concepts::Point >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaBase< concepts::Point< Cmplx, 2 > >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaBase< H >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaBase< Point< Cmplx, 2 > >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaBase< Point< F, dim > >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaBase< Point< H, dim > >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaBase< Real >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaBase< Real2d >, concepts::SphericalFormula< Real >, concepts::SphericalFormula< Real2d >, Cube, Cube2, Cube3, test::Container< F >, concepts::VectorElementFormulaBase< F, dim, G >, concepts::VectorElementFormulaBase< F, 2, G >, concepts::VectorElementFormulaBase< F, 3, G >, concepts::VectorElementFormulaBase< F, dim, typename Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::VectorFormula< F, dim >, concepts::Function< F >, concepts::Function< Cmplx >, concepts::Function< concepts::Real >, concepts::Function< G >, concepts::Function< Real >, concepts::Function< ScalarT >, concepts::CmplxPart, concepts::RealPart, concepts::ImagPart, concepts::ComplexFunction, concepts::ElementFormulaVector< dim, F, G, H >, concepts::ElementFormulaVector< dim, Real, Real, Real >, concepts::ElementFormulaVector< 1, F, G, H >, concepts::LinearForm< F, G >, concepts::LinearForm< concepts::Real >, concepts::LinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::LinearForm< Real >, concepts::Neumann< F >, concepts::Neumann< Real >, concepts::SubVector< F >, concepts::Vector< F >, concepts::Vector< Cmplx >, concepts::Vector< concepts::Real >, concepts::Vector< G >, concepts::Vector< Real >, concepts::Vector< ScalarT >, concepts::BoundaryConditions, concepts::EdgeNd, concepts::Edge1d, concepts::Edge2d, concepts::Triangle2d, concepts::Quad2dSubdiv4, concepts::Quad2dSubdiv2H, concepts::Quad2dSubdiv2V, concepts::Quad2d, concepts::InfiniteQuad2d, concepts::InfiniteRect2d, concepts::Triangle3d, concepts::Quad3d, concepts::NegativeJacobian, concepts::Tetrahedron3d, concepts::Hex3dSubdiv8, concepts::Hex3dSubdiv2x, concepts::Hex3dSubdiv2y, concepts::Hex3dSubdiv2z, concepts::Hex3dSubdiv4x, concepts::Hex3dSubdiv4y, concepts::Hex3dSubdiv4z, concepts::Hexahedron3d, concepts::Parallelepiped3d, concepts::CellCondition, concepts::CellConditions, concepts::Circle, concepts::Connector, Cube, Cube2, Cube3, concepts::Cuboid, concepts::CellDiameter, concepts::EdgeMesh, concepts::CircleBoundary, concepts::StraightPeriodicBoundary, concepts::EdgeTraceType, concepts::EdgeTraceTypes, concepts::Map1d, concepts::Map2d, concepts::MapEdge1d, concepts::MappingEdge2d, concepts::PartMappingEdge2d, concepts::InverseMappingEdge2d, concepts::MappingStraightEdge2d, concepts::CircleMappingEdge2d, concepts::EllipseMappingEdge2d, concepts::ParabelMappingEdge2d, concepts::MappingParallelEdge2d, concepts::MappingQuadEdge2d, concepts::VertexTriangle2d, concepts::MapTriangle2d, concepts::MappingQuad2d, concepts::MapQuad2d, concepts::VertexQuad2d, concepts::BlendingQuad2d, concepts::PartMappingQuad2d, concepts::InverseVertexQuadSector2d, concepts::Map3d, concepts::MapHexahedron3d, concepts::FacetteTraceType< NormalVectorRule >, concepts::FacetteTraceTypes< NormalVectorRule >, concepts::FacetteTraceTypes< concepts::FaceNormalVectorRule >, concepts::PiecewiseFormula0< F >, concepts::PiecewiseConstFormula< F >, concepts::PiecewiseConstFormula< concepts::Point >, concepts::PiecewiseConstFormula< Real >, concepts::PiecewiseConstDynArrayFormula< F >, concepts::PiecewiseFormula< F >::FormulaFactor, concepts::PiecewiseFormula< F >, concepts::PiecewiseFormula< Cmplx >, concepts::PiecewiseFormula< Cmplx2d >, concepts::PiecewiseFormula< concepts::Point >, concepts::PiecewiseFormula< Real >, concepts::PiecewiseElementFormula< F, G >, concepts::Operation< F >, concepts::OpMult< F >, concepts::OpAdd< F >, concepts::OpRecipr< F >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaFun< F, G >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaFun< Cmplx, Real >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaFun< Real, Real >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaCombine< F, G, H, I >, concepts::CurvatureElementFormula, concepts::CellStripeElement< dimC >, concepts::CellBox< dimC >, concepts::CCell_F< dimC >, concepts::CCell_F_dist< dimC >, concepts::CellMap< dimC, H >, concepts::FFEF_Error, concepts::FormulaFromElementFormula< dim, F, G >, concepts::FrmE_NormalVector, concepts::FrmE_TangentialVector, concepts::FrmE_NormalVector3d, concepts::HexSubdiv8, concepts::HexSubdiv2x, concepts::HexSubdiv2y, concepts::HexSubdiv2z, concepts::HexSubdiv4x, concepts::HexSubdiv4y, concepts::HexSubdiv4z, concepts::SquareTwoInfiniteRects, concepts::SquareOneInfiniteRect, concepts::Mesh, concepts::Import3DTetMesh, concepts::ConvertMeshQuads, concepts::Line, concepts::Import2dMeshBase, concepts::Import2dMesh, concepts::Import2dMeshEz4u, concepts::Ez4uException, concepts::Import2dMeshGeneral, concepts::Import2DMeshGmsh, concepts::GmshInputException, concepts::Import3dMesh, concepts::Import3DMeshGmsh, concepts::PointInCell< dim >, concepts::PointInCell< 1 >, concepts::CellToCellMapping< sdim, tdim >, concepts::RelativeCells, concepts::MutableMesh1, concepts::MutableMesh2, concepts::EdgeNormalVectorRule, concepts::EdgeNormalVectorRuleAttrib, concepts::EdgeNormalVectorRuleMidPoint, concepts::FaceNormalVectorRule, concepts::QuadSubdiv4, concepts::QuadSubdiv2H, concepts::QuadSubdiv2V, concepts::InfQuadSubdiv2V, concepts::Semantics< T >, concepts::Semantics< bool >, concepts::Semantics< Boundary >, concepts::Semantics< CellCondition >, concepts::Semantics< EdgeTraceType >, concepts::Semantics< FacetteTraceType< concepts::FaceNormalVectorRule > >, concepts::Semantics< FacetteTraceType< NormalVectorRule > >, concepts::AttributeBool, concepts::Square, concepts::Square2, concepts::StrategyChange, concepts::Vertex, concepts::Edge, concepts::InfiniteEdge, concepts::Triangle, concepts::Quad, concepts::InfiniteQuad, concepts::Tetrahedron, concepts::Hexahedron, parallel::Mesh, parallel::Mesh1, parallel::Mesh2, parallel::Mesh3, graphics::OutputBase, graphics::BaseOutputCell< F >, graphics::BaseOutputCell< Real >, graphics::BaseOutputCell< typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type >, graphics::BaseDataCell< F, G >, graphics::BaseElementFormulaCell< F, G >, graphics::BaseFormulaCell< F, G >, graphics::BaseMeshCell, graphics::MatlabGraphics, graphics::MatlabMesh, graphics::MatrixCounterCell, graphics::MatrixBaseElementFormulaCell< F, G >, graphics::MatrixSolutionEvaluationCell< F, G >, graphics::TecplotGraphics, graphics::TecplotMesh, graphics::VertexList, hp1D::Laplace< F >, hp1D::Identity< F >, hp1D::IdentityParallel< F >, hp1D::BiLaplace< F >, hp1D::Jump1Jump1< F >, hp1D::Mean2Jump1< F >, hp1D::Jump1Mean2< F >, hp1D::DualSpace, hp1D::BaseElement< F >, hp1D::BaseElement< Real >, hp1D::ElementFormulaInterpGrad< F >, hp1D::Value< F, G >, hp1D::Grad< F, G >, hp1D::Riesz< F >, hp1D::LinearFormGradInterp_Grad< F >, hp1D::GradLinearForm< F >, hp1D::PointEvaluation< F >, hp1D::LineGraphics, hp1D::StiffElementMatrix, hp1D::MassElementMatrix, hp1D::AdvectionElementMatrix, hp1D::RysSpace, hp1D::Space, hp2D::APrioriRefinement, hp2D::APrioriRefinementRule, hp2D::APrioriGeometricRefinement, hp2D::APrioriRegularRefinement, hp2D::BaseQuadGraphics< F >, hp2D::Advection< F >, hp2D::Identity< F >, hp2D::Laplace< F >, hp2D::LaplaceMatrix< F >, hp2D::BilinearFormOnePartDeriv< F >, hp2D::BilinearFormTwoPartDeriv< F >, hp2D::BuildH1VtxTColumns< F >, hp2D::BuildH1EdgeTColumns< F >, hp2D::BuildH1InnerTColumns< F >, hp2D::BuildH1InnerTColumns< concepts::Real >, hp2D::BuildH1InnerTColumnsLinTrunk< F >, hp2D::BuildH1InnerTColumnsHypTrunk< F >, hp2D::BuildL2InnerTColumns< F >, hp2D::BuildL2InnerTColumns< concepts::Real >, hp2D::BuildL2InnerTColumnsLinTrunk< F >, hp2D::BuildL2InnerTColumnsHypTrunk< F >, hp2D::DivDiv< Weight >, hp2D::QuadEdgeBase, hp2D::QuadEdgeFirst, hp2D::QuadEdgeMean, hp2D::QuadEdgeJump, hp2D::EdgeGraphics, hp2D::PolyEdgeRule, hp2D::PolyEdgeMax, hp2D::PolyEdgeMin, hp2D::PolyEdgeMinNeighMaxChild, hp2D::Element< F >, hp2D::Element< Real >, hp2D::H1Extension< F >, hp2D::ElementFormulaInterpGrad< F, 2 >, hp2D::ElementFormulaInterpGradN< F, 2 >, hp2D::ElementFormulaEdgeMean< F >, hp2D::ElementFormulaEdgeJump< F >, hp2D::ElementFormulaSignNormalVector, hp2D::Value< F, G >, hp2D::Grad< F >, hp2D::Grad< Cmplx >, hp2D::Laplacian< F, G >, hp2D::Partial_xx< F, Q >, hp2D::Partial_yy< F, Q >, hp2D::PlCurl< F >, hp2D::PlCurl< Cmplx >, hp2D::Trace< F, G >, hp2D::TraceDeriv< F, G >, hp2D::NeumannTrace< F, G >, hp2D::GridInfo< F >, hp2D::GridInfo< Real >, hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpace< F >, hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpace< Real >, hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceDG< F >, hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceH1, hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceL2, hp2D::Riesz< F >, hp2D::GradLinearForm< F >, hp2D::GradLinearForm< F >, hp2D::PlCurlLinearForm< F >, hp2D::l2::Riesz< F >, hp2D::NTElement_BA< F >::ShapeFunction, hp2D::NTElement_BA< F >, hp2D::NeumannTraceElement< F >::NTShapeFunction, hp2D::NeumannTraceElement< F >, hp2D::NeumannTraceSpace, hp2D::BaseQuad< F >, hp2D::BaseQuad< H >, hp2D::BaseQuad< Real >, hp2D::Quad< F >, hp2D::Quad< H >, hp2D::Quad< Real >, hp2D::InfiniteQuad, hp2D::InfiniteLaguerreQuad, hp2D::KarniadakisDeriv2, hp2D::QuadGraphics< F >, hp2D::InfiniteQuadGraphics, hp2D::RecomputeShapefct, hp2D::APrioriRefinementRuleFactory, hp2D::RotRot, hp2D::Space, hp2D::hpFull, hp2D::TraceSpace, concepts::DirichletElementFormula< F, G >, hp2Dedge::Graduv< F >, hp2Dedge::GraduvMatrix< F >, hp2Dedge::Identity< F >, hp2Dedge::IdentityMatrix< F >, hp2Dedge::RotRot< F >, hp2Dedge::Rotuv, hp2Dedge::EdgeIdentity, hp2Dedge::DirichletCoefficients, hp2Dedge::DirichletRotRot, hp2Dedge::DirichletIdentity, hp2Dedge::QuadEdgeBase, hp2Dedge::QuadEdgeFirst, hp2Dedge::QuadEdgeMean, hp2Dedge::QuadEdgeJump, hp2Dedge::Value< F, G, H >, hp2Dedge::Rot< F, G >, hp2Dedge::Rot< Cmplx >, hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceHCurl, hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpaceHCurl_H1, hp2Dedge::Riesz, hp2Dedge::EdgeRiesz, hp2Dedge::Quad< F >, hp2Dedge::Edge< F >, hp2Dedge::QuadGraphics< F >, hp2Dedge::Space, hp2Dedge::TraceSpace, hp3D::APrioriRefinement, hp3D::LinearElasticity< F >, hp3D::BilinearFormTwoPartDeriv< F >, hp3D::Laplace< F >, hp3D::Identity< F >, hp3D::Advection< F >, hp3D::DivDiv< Weight >, hp3D::Element< F >, hp3D::HexahedronFaceBase, hp3D::HexahedronFaceFirst, hp3D::Hexahedron, hp3D::HexahedronGraphics, hp3D::Hook, hp3D::Riesz, hp3D::NeumannTraceElement3d< F >, hp3D::NeumannTraceSpace3d, hp3D::RotRot, hp3D::Space, hp3D::SpaceTransition, Cube, Cube2, Cube3, hp3D::TraceSpace, hp3D::ElementFormulaVectorOnTrace< dim, F, G >, hp3D::ZeroTangentialValue< F >, concepts::Karniadakis< type, mode >, concepts::Karniadakis< 1, 1 >, concepts::Laguerre, concepts::LaguerreBasis< mode >, concepts::Legendre, concepts::Quadrature< type >, concepts::Quadrature< 0 >, concepts::Quadrature< 4 >, concepts::Quadrature< 5 >, concepts::QuadratureRule1dGaussLobatto, concepts::QuadratureRule1dGaussJacobi, concepts::QuadratureRule1dTrapeze, concepts::QuadRuleFactory, concepts::QuadratureRule2dQuadTensor, concepts::QuadratureRule2dQuadDuffy, concepts::QuadRuleFactoryTensor2d, concepts::QuadRuleFactoryTensorDuffy2d, concepts::Rys, hp1D::LevelRiesz, hp1D::LevelRieszElement, linDG1D::Linear1d, linDG2D::Space, linDG2D::SpaceP1, linDG2D::SpaceP0, linDG2D::Triangle, linDG2D::TriangleP1, linDG2D::TriangleP0, linDG2D::TriangleGraphics, linDG3D::FvdgElement, linDG3D::FvdgP0TetElem, linDG3D::FvdgP1TetElem, linDG3D::FvdgP0TetGraphics, linDG3D::FvdgP1TetGraphics, linDG3D::FvdgSpace, linDG3D::FvdgSpaceP0, linDG3D::FvdgSpaceP1, linearFEM::Line, linearFEM::Triangle, linearFEM::Quad, linearFEM::Tetrahedron, linearFEM::LineGraphics, linearFEM::QuadGraphics, linearFEM::Linear1d, linearFEM::Linear2d, linearFEM::Linear3d, linearFEM::TetrahedronGraphics, linearFEM::TriangleGraphics, concepts::MatfileIOError, concepts::MatfileIO, concepts::InputAdaptiveModels, concepts::Wsym_x< dim >, concepts::Wsym_y< dim >, concepts::Wunsym_x< dim >, concepts::Wunsym_y< dim >, hp2D::Eddy2D_E, hp2D::InputEddy2D_E, concepts::EddyGeometry2D, concepts::EddyGeometry2DRotational, concepts::EddyGeometry2DRectImport, concepts::EddyGeometry2DRotateImport, concepts::InputEddy2DGeometries, hp2D::Eddy2D_H_Interior, hp2D::Eddy2D_H, hp2D::InputEddy2D_H, hp2D::Eddy2D_eField, hp2D::Eddy2D_dissipation, hp2D::Maxwell2D_E, hp2D::InputMaxwell2D_E, hp2D::Maxwell2D_hField, hp2D::Maxwell2D_H_Base, hp2D::Maxwell2D_H, hp2D::Maxwell2D_H_DD, hp2D::InputMaxwell2D_H, hp2D::Maxwell2D_eField, hp2D::Maxwell2D_dissipation, mechanics::Stress3D< F, G >, concepts::Model< F >, concepts::Model< Cmplx >, concepts::ModelControlBase< F >, concepts::ModelControlBase< hp2D::Maxwell2D_H_Base >, concepts::ModelControlBase< Model< Cmplx > >, concepts::AfterIteration< F >, concepts::BelosSolver< T >, concepts::BiCGStab< F, G >, concepts::BiCGStabFabric< F, G >, concepts::BilinearForm< F, G >, concepts::BilinearForm< concepts::Real >, concepts::BilinearForm< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::BilinearForm< F, typename Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::BilinearForm< FX >, concepts::BilinearForm< Real >, concepts::BilinearForm< Real, Real >, concepts::BilinearFormLiCo< F, G >, concepts::BilinearFormContainer< F, G >, concepts::BilinearFormContainer< F, typename Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::BilinearFormContainer< Real, Real >, concepts::PointerToEmptyBilinearForm, concepts::BilinearF_Sum< F, H, J, G >, concepts::BilinearF_W< F, H, J, G >, concepts::CG< F >, concepts::CGFabric< F >, concepts::Operator< F >, concepts::Operator< Cmplx >, concepts::Operator< concepts::Real >, concepts::Operator< FX >, concepts::Operator< G >, concepts::Operator< Real >, concepts::Operator< T >, concepts::Operator< TreeTraits< NodeX >::F >, concepts::Operator< typename eigensolver::OperatorType< Cmplx, Real >::type >, concepts::Operator< typename eigensolver::OperatorType< F, concepts::Real >::type >, concepts::Operator< U >, concepts::Operator< V >, concepts::VecOperator< F >, concepts::VecOperator< Cmplx >, concepts::VecOperator< F::d_type >, concepts::VecOperator< Real >, concepts::VecOperator< T >, concepts::Compose< F, H >, concepts::Multiple< F >, concepts::LiCoI< F >, concepts::LiCo< F >, concepts::Constrained, concepts::DenseMatrix< F >, concepts::DiagonalMatrix< F >, concepts::DiagonalSolver< F >, concepts::DiagonalSolverFabric< F >, concepts::DDSolver< F, G >, concepts::GMRes< F >, concepts::GMResFabric< F >, concepts::_HashedSMatrix_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr >, concepts::LapackChol, concepts::_Matrix_iterator_base< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr >, concepts::_Matrix_iterator_base< F::type, _Ref, _Ptr >, concepts::_Matrix_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr >, concepts::MumpsException, concepts::MumpsFabric< F >, concepts::MumpsOverlapFabric< F >, concepts::NewtonException, concepts::NRLSolver, concepts::Pardiso, concepts::PardisoFabric, concepts::Permutation< F >, concepts::Permutation< Real >, concepts::TrivExtendRestrict< F >, concepts::TrivExtendRestrict< Real >, concepts::PETSc, concepts::PETScMat, concepts::PETScFabric, concepts::SolverConjugate, concepts::SparseMatrix< F >, concepts::SparseMatrix< FX >, concepts::SparseMatrix< Real >, concepts::Spooles, concepts::SubMatrixN< F >, concepts::_SubMatrix_iterator< F, _Ref, _Ptr >, concepts::SuperLU< F >, concepts::SuperLUFabric< F >, concepts::Transpose< F >, concepts::Umfpack, concepts::UmfpackFabric, concepts::Dirichlet< F >, concepts::Dirichlet< Real >, concepts::DDSpace< F >, concepts::DDSpace< F::t_type >, concepts::DDSpace< typename Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::DomainDecomp< F >, concepts::ElementAndFacette< F >, concepts::ElementFormulaLiCo< F, G, H, J >, concepts::ElementFormulaCompose< F, G, H >, concepts::ElementFormulaBoundary, concepts::ElementFormulaRotate2D< F >, concepts::FrmE_ScalarProductNormalEdge2d< F >, concepts::ElementFunction< F, G >, concepts::ElementFunction< Cmplx, F >, concepts::ElementFunction< Cmplx, Q::type >, concepts::ElementFunction< concepts::Cmplx, Real >, concepts::ElementFunction< F, concepts::Real >, concepts::ElementFunction< F, Q::type >, concepts::ElementFunction< F, Real >, concepts::ElementFunction< F, typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::ElementFunction< F, typename Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::ElementFunction< H, G >, concepts::ElementFunction< I, G >, concepts::ElementFunction< Real, F >, concepts::ElementFunction< Real, Q::type >, concepts::ElementFunction< Real, Real >, concepts::ElementFunction< Real, typename concepts::Realtype< Real >::type >, concepts::Squared< F, G >, concepts::AbsoluteComp< F, G >, concepts::Absolute< F, G >, concepts::HRefinement< F, dim >, concepts::PRefinement< F, dim >, concepts::CellIntegral< F >, concepts::CellFaceIntegral< F >, concepts::CellEdgeIntegral< F >, concepts::CellPostprocess< F >, concepts::CellPostprocess< Real >, concepts::CellPostprocess< typename concepts::Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::GlobalPostprocess< F >, concepts::GlobalPostprocess< F >, concepts::GlobalPostprocess< Real >, concepts::RestrictionSpace< F >, concepts::SMatrixBase< F >, concepts::SMatrixBase< Real >, concepts::SMatrix1D, concepts::SMatrixTensor< F, dim >, concepts::SMatrixCompose< F >, concepts::SMatrixGeneralTensor< F, dim >, concepts::SMatrixBlock< F, dim >, concepts::Space< F >, concepts::Space< concepts::Real >, concepts::Space< G >, concepts::Space< H >, concepts::Space< Real >, concepts::Space< typename Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::Space< typename Realtype< Real >::type >, concepts::SpaceOnCells< F >, concepts::SpaceOnCells< concepts::Real >, concepts::SpaceOnCells< Real >, concepts::SpaceOnCoarseCells< dimC, F >, concepts::SpaceOnCoarseCells< 2, F >, concepts::SpaceOnCoarseCells< 2, Real >, concepts::SpaceOnCoarseCells< 2u, Real >, concepts::DummySpace< F >, concepts::DummySpace< concepts::Real >, concepts::DummySpace< Real >, concepts::DummySpace< typename Realtype< F >::type >, concepts::SpaceDebug< F >, concepts::SpacePreBuilder, concepts::SpaceHelper< F, G >, concepts::SpaceHelper< concepts::Real, SpacePreBuilder >, concepts::SpaceHelper< F, hp2D::SpacePreBuilder >, concepts::SpaceHelper< F, SpacePreBuilder >, concepts::SpaceHelper< Real, hp2D::SpacePreBuilder >, concepts::SubspaceHelper< F, G >, concepts::SubspaceHelper< F, hp2D::SpacePreBuilder >, concepts::SubspaceHelper< Real, hp2D::SpacePreBuilder >, concepts::BuildTColumnsBase< F, G >, concepts::BuildTColumnsBase< concepts::Real, SpacePreBuilder >, concepts::BuildTColumnsBase< F, SpacePreBuilder >, concepts::Set< IndexRange >::index_iterator, concepts::Set< IndexRange >, sparseqr::Driver, sparseqr::GivensRotations< F >, sparseqr::GivensRotations< Real >, timestepping::Alpha, timestepping::Euler, timestepping::LimitingEuler, timestepping::Newmark, timestepping::Nystroem, timestepping::RungeKutta2, timestepping::RungeKutta4, timestepping::Theta, timestepping::TimeStepping, timestepping::TvdRK2, timestepping::LimitingTvdRK2, concepts::DynArrayBase, concepts::DynArray< T >, concepts::DynArray< bem::AdaptiveAdjust >, concepts::DynArray< bem::EdgeMap >, concepts::DynArray< bool >, concepts::DynArray< concepts::AdaptiveAdjustP< 1 > >, concepts::DynArray< concepts::AdaptiveAdjustP< 2 > >, concepts::DynArray< concepts::AdaptiveControl<> >, concepts::DynArray< concepts::AdaptiveControlP< 1 > >, concepts::DynArray< Real >, concepts::DynArray< uint >, concepts::HashMap< F >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::AdaptiveAdjustP< 2 > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::AdaptiveAdjustP< dim > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::AdaptiveControl >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::AdaptiveControlP >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Array< F > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Array< Real > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Array< ushort > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::CellMap< dim, typename Realtype< F >::type > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::DenseMatrix< Real > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Edge * >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::ElementMatrix< concepts::Real > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::ElementMatrix< F > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::HashMap< const concepts::ElementWithCell< typename Realtype< F >::type > * > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::LapackChol * >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::MacroElementNode * >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::MeshGraph2_Edge * >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::PiecewiseFormula::FormulaFactor >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Point >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Quad * >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Quad2d * >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Sequence< concepts::ElementAndFacette > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Sequence< uint > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Sequence< UnderlyingElement > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Set< uint > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::StiffArray< 2, ushort > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Vector< concepts::Real > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Vector< Real > >, concepts::HashMap< concepts::Vertex * >, concepts::HashMap< const concepts::Cell * >, concepts::HashMap< const concepts::Connector * >, concepts::HashMap< const concepts::Edge * >, concepts::HashMap< const hp2D::Quad< Real > * >, concepts::HashMap< const ushort * >, concepts::HashMap< DuffyData >, concepts::HashMap< ElementFormulaContainer< F, typename Realtype< F >::type > >, concepts::HashMap< geometry::EdgePatch >, concepts::HashMap< geometry::ElementPatch >, concepts::HashMap< hp1D::GenericElement< Real > * >, concepts::HashMap< hp2D::NeumannTraceElement< Real > * >, concepts::HashMap< hp2D::Quad< Real > * >, concepts::HashMap< hp3D::NeumannTraceElement3d< Real > * >, concepts::HashMap< Real >, concepts::HashMap< Set< Connector1 * > >, concepts::HashMap< std::set< uint > >, concepts::HashMap< uint >, concepts::HashMap< ushort >, concepts::MissingParameter, concepts::InOutParameters, concepts::InputParser, concepts::InputParameter, concepts::InputFile, concepts::ProcessParameter, concepts::MultiIndex< dim >, concepts::MultiEntrance< dim, T >, concepts::MultiEntrance< 1, T >, concepts::MultiArray< dim, T >, concepts::MultiArray< 1, concepts::Attribute >, concepts::MultiArray< 1, concepts::Vertex * >, concepts::MultiArray< 1, int >, concepts::MultiArray< 2, concepts::Attribute >, concepts::MultiArray< 2, concepts::Edge * >, concepts::MultiArray< 2, concepts::MappingEdge2d * >, concepts::MultiArray< 2, concepts::MultiIndex< 2 > >, concepts::MultiArray< 2, int >, concepts::MultiArray< 2, Real >, concepts::MultiArray< 3, concepts::Attribute >, concepts::MultiArray< 3, concepts::Triangle * >, concepts::MultiArray< 4, concepts::Attribute >, concepts::MultiArray< 4, concepts::Quad * >, concepts::MultiArray< 6, concepts::Attribute >, concepts::MultiArray< 8, concepts::Attribute >, concepts::MultiArray< dim-1, T >, concepts::MultiArray< 1, T >, concepts::OutputMatlab< Array< F > >, concepts::OutputMatlab< StiffArray< dim, F > >, concepts::OutputMatlab< Sequence< F > >, concepts::ResultsTable, concepts::BaseSequence< F >, concepts::BaseSequence< bool >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::BilinearForm< F > * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Cell1 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Cell2 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Cell3 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::CellConditions >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Connector0 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Connector1 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Connector2 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Connector3 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Edge * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Edge2d * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::ElementAndFacette >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F > >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::ElementFunction< F > * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::GraphVertex< F > >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::GraphVertex< type * > >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Hexahedron * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::InputParameter * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::InverseVertexQuadSector2d >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::LinearForm< F > * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Operator< F > * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::ParsedFormula< concepts::Real > >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::ParsedFormula< F > >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Point >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Point< Real, dimC > >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Quad * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Sequence< concepts::Edge2d * > >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Set< concepts::IndexRange > >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Set< uint > >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::SparseMatrix< Cmplx > * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::SparseMatrix< Real > * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::SubMatrixN< concepts::SparseMatrix< F > > * >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Vector< F > >, concepts::BaseSequence< concepts::Vertex * >, concepts::BaseSequence< Connector0 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< Connector1 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< Connector2 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< const concepts::Cell * >, concepts::BaseSequence< const concepts::Connector * >, concepts::BaseSequence< const concepts::ElementFormula< F > * >, concepts::BaseSequence< const concepts::ElementFormula< Real > * >, concepts::BaseSequence< const concepts::SparseMatrix< F > * >, concepts::BaseSequence< const Connector0 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< const Connector1 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< const Connector2 * >, concepts::BaseSequence< const hp2D::Quad< Real > * >, concepts::BaseSequence< const Key * >, concepts::BaseSequence< F * >, concepts::BaseSequence< geometry::edge_dof >, concepts::BaseSequence< geometry::quad_loc >, concepts::BaseSequence< Real >, concepts::BaseSequence< uint >, concepts::BaseSet< F >, concepts::BaseSet< Attribute >, concepts::BaseSet< concepts::Attribute >, concepts::BaseSet< concepts::CCell_F< dim > >, concepts::BaseSet< concepts::Cell2 * >, concepts::BaseSet< concepts::CellBox< dim > >, concepts::BaseSet< concepts::IndexRange >, concepts::BaseSet< Connector * >, concepts::BaseSet< Connector0 * >, concepts::BaseSet< Connector1 * >, concepts::BaseSet< Connector2 * >, concepts::BaseSet< const concepts::Connector * >, concepts::BaseSet< const Connector * >, concepts::BaseSet< const Connector0 * >, concepts::BaseSet< const Connector1 * >, concepts::BaseSet< const Connector2 * >, concepts::BaseSet< const Key * >, concepts::BaseSet< const typename concepts::JacobianCell< dim >::cell * >, concepts::BaseSet< IndexRange >, concepts::BaseSet< std::string >, concepts::BaseSet< uint >, concepts::StiffArray< dim, F >, concepts::StiffArray< dim, uint >, concepts::StiffArray< 1, F >, concepts::ParseObjectFromString< F >, parallel::ComMPI, vectorial::BlockOperator< F >, vectorial::BramblePasciak, vectorial::BramblePasciakFabric, vectorial::CGUzawa, vectorial::CGUzawaFabric, vectorial::ElementFunction< F, G >, vectorial::ElementFunctionComponent< F, G >, vectorial::ElementFunctionAllComponents< F, G >, vectorial::SymmetrizeTensor< dim, F, G >, vectorial::Graphics< F >, vectorial::LinearForm< F, G >, Cube, Cube2, Cube3, vectorial::TimeLinearForm, vectorial::TMatrixOffset< F >, vectorial::TMatrix< F >, vectorial::BilinearForm< F, G >, concepts::FormulaPMLEdgeRadia, concepts::RadialPML_2D, concepts::FormulaPMLPowerSigma< F >, concepts::FormulaPMLPowerSigma2D< F >, concepts::FormulaPMLPowerSigmaB2D< F >, concepts::FormulaPMLCart, concepts::FormulaPMLBoxRestriction< F, G >, concepts::FormulaPMLRadia, concepts::RadialPMLFormulas, concepts::FormulaPMLCartNew, concepts::CartesianPMLFormulas, concepts::FormulaPMLHamburger, concepts::HamburgerPMLFormulas, concepts::FormulaExpImag1D, concepts::FormulaExpImag2D, concepts::FormulaExpImag2DRadialDer, concepts::FormulaExpImag2DGrad, concepts::FormulaNormalOuterSP2D< F >, concepts::ComposeFormulaMatVec< F, DIM, G >, concepts::ComposeFormulaVecEntry< F, DIM, G >, concepts::FormulaIncPlaneWaveSource, concepts::FormulaLayerPlaneWaveSource, concepts::FormulaLayerPlaneWaveSourceGrad, concepts::FormulaLayerPlaneWaveLayer, concepts::FormulaLayerPlaneWaveLayerGrad, concepts::Estimator< F >, concepts::LocalEstimator< F >, estimator::Refinement< F >, concepts::Cell, concepts::MappingHexahedron3d, concepts::ShapeFunction1D< F >, concepts::BlendingHexahedron3d, concepts::PartMappingHexahedron3d, concepts::MappingEdge3d, concepts::MappingStraightEdge3d, concepts::CircleMappingEdge3d, concepts::MappingHexahedronEdge3d, concepts::SphericalSurface3d, concepts::Sphere3d, concepts::SphericalSurface, concepts::Sphere, hp1D::hpAdaptiveSpaceL2, hp2D::Extrema< T >, estimator::Refinement< Real >, and concepts::ShapeFunction1D< Real >.

◆ ldof()

template<class F , int dim>
uint concepts::TColumnBlock< F, dim >::ldof ( uint i) const

Returns the number of local dof for ith entry in the column. i is an array of size dim+1, the last entry is the block number

◆ link()

template<class F >
TColumn< F > * concepts::TColumn< F >::link ( ) const

Returns the pointer to the next column of the linked list.

Definition at line 79 of file tmatrix.hh.

◆ n() [1/2]

template<class F , int dim>
const uint * concepts::TColumnBlock< F, dim >::n ( ) const

Returns the range of the multiindices as an array.

Definition at line 259 of file tmatrix.hh.

◆ n() [2/2]

template<class F , int dim>
const uint concepts::TColumnBlock< F, dim >::n ( uint  i) const

Returns the range of the multiindex for one direction i.

Definition at line 261 of file tmatrix.hh.

◆ operator[]() [1/4]

template<class F , int dim>
F & concepts::TColumnBlock< F, dim >::operator[] ( uint i)

Returns the /c i th entry in the column. /c i an array of size dim.

Definition at line 244 of file tmatrix.hh.

◆ operator[]() [2/4]

template<class F , int dim>
F concepts::TColumnBlock< F, dim >::operator[] ( uint i) const

Returns the ith entry in the column. i an array of size dim+1 the last entry is the block number

Definition at line 239 of file tmatrix.hh.

◆ operator[]() [3/4]

template<class F >
F & concepts::TColumn< F >::operator[] ( uint  i)

Returns the ith entry in the column.

Definition at line 68 of file tmatrix.hh.

◆ operator[]() [4/4]

template<class F >
F concepts::TColumn< F >::operator[] ( uint  i) const

Returns the ith entry in the column.

Definition at line 66 of file tmatrix.hh.

◆ values() [1/2]

template<class F >
F * concepts::TColumn< F >::values ( )

Returns the array of entries.

Definition at line 73 of file tmatrix.hh.

◆ values() [2/2]

template<class F >
const F * concepts::TColumn< F >::values ( ) const

Returns the array of entries.

Definition at line 71 of file tmatrix.hh.

◆ write()

template<class F , int dim>
void concepts::TColumnBlock< F, dim >::write ( TColumnTensor< F, dim > &  t,
uint  k 

Copies data of T matrix in tensorised structure into block k. The sizes of T matrix and the target block have to coincide.

Member Data Documentation

◆ val_

template<class F >
Array<F> concepts::TColumn< F >::val_

The data of the column itself.

Definition at line 97 of file tmatrix.hh.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: