template<class F>
class bem::AdaptLaplaceSL01< F >
Bilinear form for the Laplace Single Layer potential with piecewise constant shape functions and hanging nodes (=> recursive subdivision of the larger triangle). Number of integration points depends on the level of the element. The number of integration points given in the constructor is used for the highest level . For an element on level the number of integration points in each dimension is given by .
number of integration points in the integration formula for the outer ($x$) integration.
number of Gauss points in the integration formula for the inner ($y$) integration and the case where the two panels intersect.
Additional number of integration points per level
distance to distinguish between near/far field (far field if the distance between the two centers of the panels is larger than dist => 1-point formular)
ratio between element size and distance for recursive subdivision ( )
Evaluates the bilinear form for all shape functions on elmX and elmY and stores the result in the matrix em. If this method is not reimplemented in a derived class, the default behaviour is to call the application operator without ep.
The returned matrix em has the correct size.
Left element
Right element
Return element matrix
Element pair holding more information on the pair elmX and elmY