Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- l -
- l() : bem::AdaptConst3d000< F >, bem::AdaptConst3d001< F >, bem::AdaptConst3d002< F >
- l1() : concepts::Vector< F >
- l2() : concepts::Point< F, dim >, concepts::Vector< F >
- l2_2() : concepts::Point< F, dim >, concepts::Vector< F >
- Laguerre() : concepts::Laguerre
- LaguerreBasis() : concepts::LaguerreBasis< mode >
- Laplace() : hp1D::Laplace< F >, hp2D::Laplace< F >, hp3D::Laplace< F >
- LaplaceBase() : hp2D::LaplaceBase< F, G >
- LaplaceBoundaryBF() : linDG3D::LaplaceBoundaryBF
- LaplaceDL() : bem::LaplaceDL< F >
- LaplaceDLP() : bem::LaplaceDLP< F >
- LaplaceFluxBf() : linDG2D::LaplaceFluxBf
- LaplaceHyp() : bem::LaplaceHyp< F >
- LaplaceInnerBF() : linDG3D::LaplaceInnerBF
- LaplaceMatrix() : hp2D::LaplaceMatrix< F >
- laplaceMatrix_() : hp2D::Maxwell2D_H_Base
- LaplacePLD() : bem::LaplacePLD< F >
- LaplaceSL() : bem::LaplaceSL< F >
- LaplaceSLP() : bem::LaplaceSLP< F >
- LaplaceStabBf() : linDG2D::LaplaceStabBf
- LaplaceTimeLf() : linDG2D::LaplaceTimeLf
- LaplaceVolBf() : linDG2D::LaplaceVolBf
- last() : concepts::_Matrix_iterator_base< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr >
- lastCell() : concepts::MutableMesh2
- lastIdx() : concepts::DomainDecomp< F >, concepts::Subspace, hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpace< F >
- ldof() : concepts::TColumnBlock< F, dim >
- left() : aglowav::Haar3d000< F >
- Legendre() : concepts::Legendre
- length() : concepts::UnitNd< dim >, linDG2D::EdgeInfo
- lengthT() : constraints::AnalyticalConstraint< F >, hp3D::ZeroTangentialValue< F >
- lengthVector() : concepts::MatfileIO
- letters() : concepts::InputAdaptiveModels, concepts::InputEddy2DGeometries, concepts::InputFile, concepts::InputParameter, hp2D::InputEddy2D_E, hp2D::InputEddy2D_H, hp2D::InputMaxwell2D_E, hp2D::InputMaxwell2D_H
- level() : concepts::Edge2d, concepts::Hexahedron3d
- Level() : concepts::Level< dim >
- level() : concepts::QuadNd, concepts::Triangle2d
- LevelRiesz() : hp1D::LevelRiesz
- LevelRieszElement() : hp1D::LevelRieszElement
- lft() : aglowav::BiClNode00< F >, aglowav::BiTreeTraits< Node >
- LiCo() : concepts::LiCo< F >
- LimitingEuler() : timestepping::LimitingEuler
- LimitingTvdRK2() : timestepping::LimitingTvdRK2
- lincomb() : concepts::Point< F, dim >
- Line() : concepts::Line, linearFEM::Line
- Linear1d() : linDG1D::Linear1d, linearFEM::Linear1d
- Linear2d() : linearFEM::Linear2d
- Linear3d() : bem::Linear3d< F >, linearFEM::Linear3d
- Linear3d000() : bem::Linear3d000< F >
- linearform_() : hp2D::Maxwell2D_H_Base
- LinearFormGradInterp_Grad() : hp1D::LinearFormGradInterp_Grad< F >
- lineElement() : concepts::BlendingQuad2d, concepts::MappingQuad2d, concepts::Quad2d, concepts::VertexQuad2d
- linfty() : concepts::Point< F, dim >
- link() : aglowav2::Haar3d000< F >, aglowav2::Haar3dXXX< F >, cluster::Cluster< F >, cluster::Operator01< NodeX, NodeY >::NfldMatrix, concepts::TColumn< F >
- ListScan() : concepts::ListScan< T >
- loadSolution() : concepts::ModelControlBase< F >
- localCoordinChildren() : test::Quad2dTest
- localCoords() : hp2Dedge::Edge< F >
- localMatrix() : constraints::AnalyticalConstraint< F >, hp3D::ZeroTangentialValue< F >
- LocalProjections_P() : estimator::LocalProjections_P< dim, F, H >
- localVector() : constraints::AnalyticalConstraint< F >, hp3D::ZeroTangentialValue< F >
- locscan() : parallel::Mesh1, parallel::Mesh2, parallel::Mesh3, parallel::Mesh