Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- e -
- EasyArPackpp() : eigensolver::EasyArPackpp< T >
- EasyArPackppGen() : eigensolver::EasyArPackppGen< F, G, H >
- EasyArPackppStd() : eigensolver::EasyArPackppStd< F, G, H >
- EasyArPackppSymGen() : eigensolver::EasyArPackppSymGen
- Eddy2D_E() : hp2D::Eddy2D_E
- Eddy2D_H() : hp2D::Eddy2D_H
- Eddy2D_H_Interior() : hp2D::Eddy2D_H_Interior
- EddyGeometry2D() : concepts::EddyGeometry2D
- EddyGeometry2DRectImport() : concepts::EddyGeometry2DRectImport
- EddyGeometry2DRotateImport() : concepts::EddyGeometry2DRotateImport
- EddyGeometry2DRotational() : concepts::EddyGeometry2DRotational
- edg_ : concepts::InfiniteQuad, concepts::Quad
- EdgCorr_ : concepts::Import2dMeshGeneral
- edge() : concepts::BlendingQuad2d, concepts::CellData, concepts::Connector2, concepts::Connector3
- Edge() : concepts::Edge
- edge() : concepts::EdgeData, concepts::Hexahedron, concepts::InfiniteQuad, concepts::MappingQuad2d, concepts::PartMappingQuad2d, concepts::Quad, concepts::Sphere, concepts::SphericalSurface, concepts::Tetrahedron, concepts::Triangle, concepts::VertexQuad2d, hp2D::QuadEdgeBase, hp2Dedge::Edge< F >
- Edge() : hp2Dedge::Edge< F >
- edge() : hp2Dedge::QuadEdgeBase, hp3D::SingularEdge, linDG2D::EdgeInfo
- Edge1d() : concepts::Edge1d
- Edge2d() : concepts::Edge2d
- edgeAssertion_() : concepts::InfiniteQuad, concepts::Quad
- edgeCenter() : linDG3D::FvdgElement
- EdgeData() : concepts::EdgeData
- edgeDof() : hp2D::hpFull, hp2D::SpacePreBuilder
- edgeIndex() : hp2D::InfiniteQuadFunctions, hp2D::QuadFunctions, hp3D::HexFunctions, linDG3D::FvdgElementPair
- EdgeInfo() : linDG2D::EdgeInfo
- edgeInfo() : linDG2D::ElementPair, linDG2D::MeshInfo
- edgeListEnd() : hp2D::BuildDofsBase, hp3D::BuildDofsBase
- edgeListFind() : hp2D::BuildDofsBase, hp3D::BuildDofsBase
- edgeMap() : concepts::Quad2d
- edgemap_ : concepts::InverseMappingEdge2d
- EdgeMesh() : concepts::EdgeMesh
- EdgeNd() : concepts::EdgeNd
- EdgeNormalVectorRuleAttrib() : concepts::EdgeNormalVectorRuleAttrib
- EdgeNormalVectorRuleMidPoint() : concepts::EdgeNormalVectorRuleMidPoint
- edgeOrientation() : hp2D::QuadFunctions, hp3D::HexFunctions
- edgeP() : hp2D::hpFull, hp2D::Quad< F >, hp2D::SpacePreBuilder, hp3D::Hexahedron
- EdgePatch() : geometry::EdgePatch
- EdgeRiesz() : hp2Dedge::EdgeRiesz
- edges_ : concepts::EdgeMesh
- EdgesOfVertices() : concepts::EdgesOfVertices
- edgesScan() : hp3D::SingularSet
- EdgeTraceTypes() : concepts::EdgeTraceTypes
- EdgRadia_ : concepts::Import2dMeshGeneral
- edgradia_() : concepts::Import2dMeshGeneral
- eField() : hp2D::Eddy2D_H, hp2D::Maxwell2D_H
- element() : aglowav2::Haar3d000< F >, aglowav::BiClNode00< F >, aglowav::Haar3d000< F >, aglowav::Haar3dXXX< F, d >, cluster::Cluster< F >
- Element : concepts::DomainDecomp< F >, concepts::Element< F >, constraints::Element< F >, hp2D::Element< F >, hp3D::Element< F >, linearFEM::Element
- element() : test::IntegralTest
- element_() : concepts::PiecewiseFormulaVectorBase< F, G, H, I >
- elementFormula() : graphics::BaseElementFormulaCell< F, G >, graphics::DataGnuplotCell< F >, graphics::MatrixBaseElementFormulaCell< F, G >
- ElementFormulaContainer() : concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F, G >
- ElementFormulaRotate2D() : concepts::ElementFormulaRotate2D< F >
- ElementFormulaVector() : concepts::ElementFormulaVector< dim, F, G, H >, concepts::ElementFormulaVector< 1, F, G, H >
- ElementFormulaVectorBase() : concepts::ElementFormulaVectorBase< F, G, H, I >
- ElementFormulaVectorOnTrace() : hp3D::ElementFormulaVectorOnTrace< dim, F, G >
- elementFunction() : graphics::BaseDataCell< F, G >, graphics::DataGnuplotCell< F >, graphics::MatrixSolutionEvaluationCell< F, G >
- ElementMatrixBase() : concepts::ElementMatrixBase< F >
- ElementNotInDomainOfFormula() : concepts::ElementNotInDomainOfFormula
- ElementPair() : linDG2D::ElementPair
- ElementPairList() : concepts::ElementPairList< F >, linDG2D::ElementPairList
- ElementPairListIdentic() : vectorial::ElementPairListIdentic< F >
- ElementPatch() : geometry::ElementPatch
- ElemFormulaMap : concepts::PiecewiseElementFormula< F, G >
- elemMap() : concepts::Cell2, concepts::Cell, concepts::Edge1d, concepts::Edge2d, concepts::Hexahedron3d, concepts::InfiniteRect2d, concepts::Quad2d, concepts::Quad3d, concepts::Sphere3d, concepts::SphericalSurface3d, concepts::Triangle2d, concepts::Triangle3d
- EllipseMappingEdge2d() : concepts::EllipseMappingEdge2d
- elm : concepts::ElementAndFacette< F >, hp2Dedge::Edge< F >, linDG2D::Space
- elm1() : concepts::ElementPair< F >, constraints::Element< F >, hp3D::TransitionPair, linDG1D::DGElementPair, linDG2D::ElementPair, linDG3D::FvdgElementPair, vectorial::ElementPair< F >
- elm2() : concepts::ElementPair< F >, constraints::Element< F >, hp3D::TransitionPair, linDG1D::DGElementPair, linDG2D::ElementPair, linDG3D::FvdgElementPair, vectorial::ElementPair< F >
- elm_ : concepts::PiecewiseFormulaVectorBase< F, G, H, I >
- elmleft() : aglowav::Haar3d000< F >
- elmPairList() : constraints::Space< F >
- elmright() : aglowav::Haar3d000< F >
- empty() : concepts::BilinearFormContainer< F, G >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F, G >, concepts::FormulaContainer< F >
- end() : concepts::ConnectorData, concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >, concepts::Matrix< F >, concepts::SparseMatrix< F >, concepts::SubMatrixN< F >, graphics::VertexList
- eos() : aglowav2::Haar3d0BFSScan< F >, aglowav2::Haar3d0DFSScan< F >, aglowav::BiHaar3dBFSScan< F >, aglowav::BiHaar3dDFSScan< F >, concepts::ArrayScan< T >, concepts::Import2dMeshBase::S, concepts::ListScan< T >, concepts::MultiArray< dim, T >::Scanner, concepts::PListScan< T >, concepts::PStlVectorScan< T >, concepts::Scan< T >, concepts::SingletonScan< T >, concepts::StlVectorScan< T, ItType >
- eps_ : hp2D::Maxwell2D_H_Base
- epsilon() : concepts::BiCGStab< F, G >, concepts::CG< F >, concepts::GMRes< F >, vectorial::BramblePasciak, vectorial::CGUzawa
- erase() : concepts::MultiArray< dim, T >, concepts::MultiArray< 1, T >, concepts::Set< IndexRange >
- erase_last() : concepts::MultiArray< dim, T >
- Est01() : aglowav::Est01< F >
- Est02() : aglowav::Est02< F >
- Est03() : aglowav::Est03< F >
- Est04() : aglowav::Est04< F >
- Euler() : timestepping::Euler
- evaluate() : cluster::CebysevKF< K, Fspc >, cluster::CebysevLaplaceF< Fspc >, cluster::DMultipoleX< F >, cluster::DMultipoleY< F >, cluster::DTaylorX< Fspc >, cluster::DTaylorY< Fspc >, cluster::ExpansionF< Fspc >, cluster::ExpansionXY< F >, cluster::MultipoleLaplaceF< Fspc >, cluster::MultipoleX< F >, cluster::MultipoleY< F >, cluster::TaylorLaplaceF< Fspc >, cluster::TaylorX< Fspc >, cluster::TaylorY< Fspc >, concepts::Symmetry< Edge >, concepts::Symmetry< Quad >, linearFEM::Quad
- evaluateD() : linearFEM::Quad
- evaluateInverse() : concepts::Symmetry< Edge >, concepts::Symmetry< Quad >
- ExactEstimator() : estimator::ExactEstimator< F >
- ExceptionBase() : concepts::ExceptionBase
- excName_ : concepts::ExceptionBase
- exist() : concepts::BaseSequence< F >, concepts::BaseSet< F >, concepts::IndexRange, concepts::Set< IndexRange >, geometry::EdgePatch, geometry::ElementPatch
- exists() : concepts::HashMap< F >, concepts::MatfileIO
- exp_ : aglowav2::XY00< F >, cluster::XY01< Node >
- Exp_i_n_phi() : concepts::Exp_i_n_phi
- Exp_i_n_x() : concepts::Exp_i_n_x
- Exp_i_n_y() : concepts::Exp_i_n_y
- ExplicitResidual() : concepts::ExplicitResidual< F >
- extend() : concepts::TrivExtendRestrict< F >
- extension() : sparseqr::Driver
- extract() : concepts::TIndex< F >, concepts::TMatrix< F >, concepts::TMatrixBase< F >, concepts::TMatrixBlock< F >, hp1D::AdvectionElementMatrix, hp1D::MassElementMatrix, hp1D::StiffElementMatrix, vectorial::TMatrix< F >, vectorial::TMatrixOffset< F >
- Extrema() : hp2D::Extrema< T >
- Ez4uException() : concepts::Ez4uException