Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- o -
- offset() : concepts::DomainDecomp< F >, concepts::Subspace, concepts::SubspaceHelper< F, G >, hp2D::hpAdaptiveSpace< F >
- offsetrow() : concepts::TMatrixBlock< F >
- oldStrategy() : concepts::StrategyChange
- omega() : hp2D::InputEddy2D_H, hp2D::InputMaxwell2D_H
- Omega_i() : hp2D::Eddy2D_H_Interior
- operator const F *() : concepts::Array< F >, concepts::ElementMatrixBase< F >, concepts::Point< F, dim >, concepts::StiffArray< dim, F >
- operator const uint *() : concepts::Set< IndexRange >::index_iterator
- operator F() : concepts::StiffArray< 1, F >
- operator F*() : concepts::Array< F >, concepts::DiagonalMatrix< F >, concepts::ElementMatrix< F >, concepts::Point< F, dim >, concepts::StiffArray< dim, F >, concepts::Vector< F >
- operator int() : concepts::Scan< T >, concepts::Z2, concepts::Z3, concepts::Z4
- operator Mat() : concepts::PETScMat
- operator Sequence< F >() : concepts::BaseSequence< F >
- operator uint() : concepts::Attribute, concepts::Key
- operator!=() : concepts::MultiIndex< dim >
- operator&() : concepts::Sequence< bool >
- operator()() : aglowav2::C2W< F >, aglowav2::Delta00< F >, aglowav2::Delta< F >, aglowav2::DeltaFull< F >, aglowav2::F00< F >, aglowav2::M000, aglowav2::Operator00< F >, aglowav2::W2C< F >, aglowav::C2_tl2< F >, aglowav::C2tl2< F >, aglowav::C2W< F >, aglowav::CGt2< F >, aglowav::ComposeN< F >, aglowav::Est01< F >, aglowav::Est02< F >, aglowav::Est03< F >, aglowav::Est04< F >, aglowav::W2C< F >, bem::AdaptLaplaceDL00< F >, bem::AdaptLaplaceDL01< F >, bem::AdaptLaplaceDLP< F >, bem::AdaptLaplaceSL01< F >, bem::AdaptLaplaceSLP< F >, bem::ArbKrnl000< F, K >, bem::ArbKrnlGal000< F, K >, bem::ArbKrnlGal001< F, K >, bem::D< F >, bem::D_1< F >, bem::Identity< F >, bem::LaplaceDL< F >, bem::LaplaceDLP< F >, bem::LaplaceHyp< F >, bem::LaplacePLD< F >, bem::LaplaceSL< F >, bem::LaplaceSLP< F >, bem::Lpl000< F >, bem::Lpl001< F >, bem::Lpl003< F >, bem::Lpl004< F >, bem::LplCol006< F >, bem::LplCol007< F >, bem::LplGal000< F >, bem::LplGal001< F >, bem::LplGal002< F >, bem::LplGal004< F >, bem::LplGal005< F >, bem::LplGal006< F >, bem::LplGal007< F >, bem::LplGal008< F >, bem::LplGal009< F >, bem::LplGal010< F >, bem::LplGal011< F >, bem::LplGal012< F >, bem::LplGal014< F >, bem::LplGal018< F >, bem::Neumann, bem::Riesz, cluster::BBall000< F >, cluster::BBall< F >, cluster::CebyCenter< Node >, cluster::F01< NodeX, NodeY >, cluster::F02< NodeX, NodeY >, cluster::F03< NodeX, NodeY >, cluster::F04< NodeX, NodeY >, cluster::Operator01< NodeX, NodeY >::NfldMatrix, cluster::Operator01< NodeX, NodeY >, cluster::Operator02< NodeX, NodeY >, concepts::Absolute< F, G >, concepts::AbsoluteComp< F, G >, concepts::AfterIteration< F >, concepts::AttributeBool, concepts::BaseSequence< F >, concepts::BaseSet< F >, concepts::BelosSolver< T >, concepts::BesselJ< n >, concepts::BesselY< n >, concepts::BiCGStabFabric< F, G >, concepts::BilinearF_Sum< F, H, J, G >, concepts::BilinearF_W< F, H, J, G >, concepts::BilinearForm< F, G >, concepts::BilinearFormContainer< F, G >, concepts::BilinearFormLiCo< F, G >, concepts::BlendingHexahedron3d, concepts::BlendingQuad2d, concepts::Boundary, concepts::BoundaryConditions, concepts::CellConditions, concepts::CellEdgeIntegral< F >, concepts::CellFaceIntegral< F >, concepts::CellPostprocess< F >, concepts::CGFabric< F >, concepts::CircleMappingEdge2d, concepts::CircleMappingEdge3d, concepts::ComplexFunction, concepts::Compose< F, H >, concepts::ComposeFormulaMatVec< F, DIM, G >, concepts::ComposeFormulaVecEntry< F, DIM, G >, concepts::ConstFormula< F >, concepts::Cos_n_phi, concepts::Cos_n_x, concepts::Cos_n_y, concepts::DDSolver< F, G >, concepts::DenseMatrix< F >, concepts::DiagonalMatrix< F >, concepts::DiagonalSolver< F >, concepts::DiagonalSolverFabric< F >, concepts::DirichletElementFormula< F, G >, concepts::EdgeTraceTypes, concepts::ElementFormula< F, G >, concepts::ElementFormulaBoundary, concepts::ElementFormulaCompose< F, G, H >, concepts::ElementFormulaContainer< F, G >, concepts::ElementFunction< F, G >, concepts::ElementGraphics< F >, concepts::ElementMatrix< F >, concepts::ElementMatrixBase< F >, concepts::EllipseMappingEdge2d, concepts::Exp_i_n_phi, concepts::Exp_i_n_x, concepts::Exp_i_n_y, concepts::FacetteTraceTypes< NormalVectorRule >, concepts::Formula< F >, concepts::FormulaContainer< F >, concepts::FormulaExpImag1D, concepts::FormulaExpImag2D, concepts::FormulaExpImag2DGrad, concepts::FormulaExpImag2DRadialDer, concepts::FormulaFromElementFormula< dim, F, G >, concepts::FormulaLayerPlaneWaveLayer, concepts::FormulaLayerPlaneWaveLayerGrad, concepts::FormulaLayerPlaneWaveSource, concepts::FormulaLayerPlaneWaveSourceGrad, concepts::FormulaLiCo, concepts::FormulaPMLPowerSigma2D< F >, concepts::FormulaPMLPowerSigma< F >, concepts::FormulaPMLPowerSigmaB2D< F >, concepts::Frm_Product< F, H, J >, concepts::Frm_Sum< F, H, J >, concepts::FrmE_Component< F, G, H >, concepts::FrmE_Component_Matrix< F, G, H >, concepts::FrmE_Conjugate< F, G >, concepts::FrmE_Inverse< F, G >, concepts::FrmE_PointsToMapping< 2, F, G >, concepts::FrmE_PointToMapping< dim, F, G >, concepts::FrmE_Product< F, H, J, G >, concepts::FrmE_Sum< F, H, J, G >, concepts::FrmE_Trace< dim, F, G >, concepts::Function< F >, concepts::GlobalPostprocess< F >, concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >, concepts::HRefinement< F, dim >, concepts::ImagPart, concepts::IndexRange, concepts::InnerResidual< F >, concepts::InverseMappingEdge2d, concepts::LiCo< F >, concepts::LiCoI< F >, concepts::LinearForm< F, G >, concepts::LocalEstimator< F >, concepts::MapEdge1d, concepts::MapHexahedron3d, concepts::MapParallelepiped3d, concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX >, concepts::MappingEdge2d, concepts::MappingEdge3d, concepts::MappingHexahedron3d, concepts::MappingHexahedronEdge3d, concepts::MappingParallelEdge2d, concepts::MappingQuad2d, concepts::MappingQuadEdge2d, concepts::MappingStraightEdge2d, concepts::MappingStraightEdge3d, concepts::MappingTriangle2d, concepts::MapQuad2d, concepts::MapTetrahedron3d, concepts::MapTriangle2d, concepts::MapTriangle3d, concepts::Matrix< F >, concepts::MatrixElementFormula< F, dim, G >, concepts::Multiple< F >, concepts::MumpsFabric< F >, concepts::MumpsOverlapFabric< F >, concepts::Operator< F >, concepts::ParabelMappingEdge2d, concepts::ParsedFormula< Cmplx >, concepts::ParsedFormula< Real >, concepts::ParsedFormula< Real2d >, concepts::PartMappingEdge2d, concepts::PartMappingHexahedron3d, concepts::PartMappingQuad2d, concepts::Permutation< F >, concepts::PETScMat, concepts::PiecewiseConstDynArrayFormula< F >, concepts::PiecewiseConstFormula< F >, concepts::PiecewiseElementFormula< F, G >, concepts::PiecewiseFormula0< F >, concepts::PiecewiseFormula< F >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaBase< F >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaCombine< F, G, H, I >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaFun< F, G >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaVector< dim, F, G, H >, concepts::PiecewiseFormulaVector< 1, F, G, H >, concepts::PrecondSolverFabric< F, G >, concepts::PRefinement< F, dim >, concepts::QuadRuleFactory, concepts::QuadRuleFactoryBase2d, concepts::QuadRuleFactoryTensor2d, concepts::QuadRuleFactoryTensorDuffy2d, concepts::RealPart, concepts::Semantics< T >, concepts::Sin_n_phi, concepts::Sin_n_x, concepts::Sin_n_y, concepts::SMatrix1D, concepts::SMatrixBase< F >, concepts::SMatrixBlock< F, dim >, concepts::SMatrixCompose< F >, concepts::SMatrixGeneralTensor< F, dim >, concepts::SMatrixTensor< F, dim >, concepts::SolverFabric< F >, concepts::SourceFunctionF0_x, concepts::SourceFunctionF0_y, concepts::SparseMatrix< F >, concepts::SphericalFormula< Real >, concepts::SphericalFormula< Real2d >, concepts::Squared< F, G >, concepts::SubMatrixN< F >, concepts::SubVector< F >, concepts::SuperLUFabric< F >, concepts::TColumnSet< F, dim >, concepts::TIndex< F >, concepts::TMatrix< F >, concepts::TMatrixBase< F >, concepts::Transpose< F >, concepts::TrivExtendRestrict< F >, concepts::UmfpackFabric, concepts::VecOperator< F >, concepts::Vector< F >, concepts::VectorElementFormulaBase< F, dim, G >, concepts::VectorFormula< F, dim >, concepts::VertexQuad2d, concepts::VertexTriangle2d, concepts::Wsym_x< dim >, concepts::Wsym_y< dim >, concepts::Wunsym_x< dim >, concepts::Wunsym_y< dim >, eigensolver::SolverFabric< F >, geometry::VtxToEdgeSupportMap, geometry::VtxToElmSupportMap, graphics::BaseDataCell< F, G >, graphics::BaseElementFormulaCell< F, G >, graphics::BaseFormulaCell< F, G >, graphics::BaseMeshCell, graphics::BaseOutputCell< F >, graphics::BoundaryDXCell< F >, graphics::DataDX< F >, graphics::DataDXConnections, graphics::DataDXCoordinates, graphics::DataDXCounts, graphics::DataDXData, graphics::DataGnuplotCell< F >, graphics::DataMatlab, graphics::DataMatlabCell, graphics::MatlabGraphics, graphics::MatrixBaseElementFormulaCell< F, G >, graphics::MatrixBaseMeshCell, graphics::MatrixBasisOutputCell< G >, graphics::MatrixCounterCell, graphics::MatrixSolutionEvaluationCell< F, G >, graphics::MatrixSpaceOutputCell< G >, graphics::MeshDATCell< F >, graphics::MeshDXCell< F >, graphics::MeshEPSCell< F >, graphics::MeshGnuplotCell< F >, graphics::MeshMatlabCell< F >, graphics::MeshTecplotCell< F >, graphics::TopologyDottyCell< F >, graphics::VertexList, hp1D::Grad< F, G >, hp1D::GradLinearForm< F >, hp1D::Jump1Jump1< F >, hp1D::LevelRiesz, hp1D::LinearFormGradInterp_Grad< F >, hp1D::Mean2Jump1< F >, hp1D::Neumann, hp1D::PointEvaluation< F >, hp1D::RefineOrRaise< F >, hp1D::Riesz< F >, hp1D::Value< F, G >, hp2D::APrioriRefinement, hp2D::APrioriRefinementNew, hp2D::BaseQuadGraphics< F >, hp2D::BuildDofsBase, hp2D::BuildEdgeDofs, hp2D::BuildH1EdgeTColumns< F >, hp2D::BuildH1InnerTColumns< F >, hp2D::BuildH1VtxTColumns< F >, hp2D::BuildHCurlEdgeTColumns< F >, hp2D::BuildHCurlInnerTColumns< F >, hp2D::BuildInnerDofs, hp2D::BuildL2InnerTColumns< F >, hp2D::BuildTColumnsBase< F >, hp2D::BuildVertexDofs, hp2D::DistancePost< DistClass, Function >, hp2D::GradLinearForm< F >, hp2D::l2::Riesz< F >, hp2D::Laplacian< F, G >, hp2D::QuadGraphics< F >, hp2D::Riesz< F >, hp2D::ShortestDist, hp2D::SumFactorization< F >, hp2D::TransmissionWeight, hp2D::TransmissionWeightProd, hp2D::TrivialWeight, hp2D::Value< F, G >, hp2Dedge::DirichletIdentity, hp2Dedge::DirichletRotRot, hp2Dedge::EdgeIdentity, hp2Dedge::EdgeRiesz, hp2Dedge::Neumann, hp2Dedge::QuadGraphics< F >, hp2Dedge::Riesz, hp3D::APrioriRefinement, hp3D::BuildDofsBase, hp3D::BuildEdgeDofs, hp3D::BuildFaceDofs, hp3D::BuildInnerDofs, hp3D::BuildVertexDofs, hp3D::DistancePost< DistClass, Function >, hp3D::Grad< F, G >, hp3D::Laplacian< F, G >, hp3D::RefineOrRaise< F, G >, hp3D::Riesz, hp3D::ShortestDist, hp3D::ShortestDistLimited, hp3D::SumFactorization< F >, hp3D::Value< F, G >, linDG2D::IdentityBf, linDG2D::LaplaceFluxBf, linDG2D::LaplaceStabBf, linDG2D::LaplaceTimeLf, linDG2D::LaplaceVolBf, linDG2D::ScalarProductLf, linDG3D::ConstRhs, linDG3D::FvdgBilinearForm, linDG3D::FvdgTimeRhs, linDG3D::FvdgTimeRhsDiff, linDG3D::Identity, linDG3D::LaplaceBoundaryBF, linDG3D::LaplaceInnerBF, linDG3D::LaplaceVolBF, linDG3D::PenaltyBF, linearFEM::Identity2d, linearFEM::Laplace2d, linearFEM::Riesz2d, mechanics::Stress3D< F, G >, sparseqr::GivensRotations< F >, std::hash< concepts::Index >, timestepping::TimeStepping, vectorial::BilinearForm< F, G >, vectorial::BlockOperator< F >, vectorial::ElementFunction< F, G >, vectorial::ElementFunctionAllComponents< F, G >, vectorial::ElementFunctionComponent< F, G >, vectorial::LinearForm< F, G >, vectorial::SymmetrizeTensor< dim, F, G >, vectorial::TMatrix< F >, vectorial::TMatrixOffset< F >
- operator*() : concepts::_HashedSMatrix_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr >, concepts::_Matrix_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr >, concepts::_SubMatrix_iterator< F, _Ref, _Ptr >, concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX >, concepts::Point< F, dim >, concepts::Vector< F >
- operator*=() : concepts::Array< F >, concepts::ElementMatrix< F >, concepts::Function< F >, concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >, concepts::HashedSparseMatrix< T >::Value, concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX >, concepts::Point< F, dim >, concepts::StiffArray< dim, F >, concepts::StiffArray< 1, F >, concepts::SubVector< F >, concepts::Vector< F >
- operator+() : concepts::Level< dim >, concepts::Point< F, dim >
- operator++() : aglowav2::Haar3d0BFSScan< F >, aglowav2::Haar3d0DFSScan< F >, aglowav2::Haar3dBFSScan< F >, aglowav2::Haar3dDFSScan< F >, aglowav::BiHaar3dBFSScan< F >, aglowav::BiHaar3dDFSScan< F >, aglowav::Haar3dBFSScan< F >, aglowav::Haar3dDFSScan< F >, concepts::_HashedSMatrix_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr >, concepts::_SubMatrix_iterator< F, _Ref, _Ptr >, concepts::ArrayScan< T >, concepts::CoeffIterator< F, Mapping< F, dim > >, concepts::CoeffIterator< F, Point< F, dim > >, concepts::Import2dMeshBase::S, concepts::ListScan< T >, concepts::PListScan< T >, concepts::PStlVectorScan< T >, concepts::Scan< T >, concepts::Scan< Cell1 >, concepts::Scan< Cell2 >, concepts::Scan< Cell3 >, concepts::Scan< Connector0 >, concepts::Scan< Connector1 >, concepts::Scan< Connector2 >, concepts::Scan< constraints::Element< F > >, concepts::Scan< ElementWithCell< F > >, concepts::Scan< hp1D::BaseElement< F > >, concepts::Scan< hp2D::Element< F > >, concepts::Scan< hp3D::Element< Real > >, concepts::Scan< linDG3D::FvdgElement >, concepts::Scan< linearFEM::Element >, concepts::Scan< linearFEM::Line >, concepts::Scan< linearFEM::Quad >, concepts::Scan< linearFEM::Tetrahedron >, concepts::Scan< linearFEM::Triangle >, concepts::Set< IndexRange >::index_iterator, concepts::SingletonScan< T >, concepts::StlVectorScan< T, ItType >, concepts::Z2, concepts::Z3, concepts::Z4
- operator+=() : concepts::Array< F >, concepts::DiagonalMatrix< F >, concepts::Function< F >, concepts::IndexRange, concepts::Mapping< F, DimY, DimX >, concepts::Point< F, dim >, concepts::StiffArray< dim, F >, concepts::StiffArray< 1, F >, concepts::SubVector< F >, concepts::Vector< F >
- operator-() : concepts::Array< F >, concepts::Level< dim >, concepts::Point< F, dim >
- operator--() : concepts::Z3, concepts::Z4
- operator-=() : concepts::Array< F >, concepts::Function< F >, concepts::Point< F, dim >, concepts::StiffArray< dim, F >, concepts::StiffArray< 1, F >, concepts::SubVector< F >, concepts::Vector< F >
- operator->() : concepts::_HashedSMatrix_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr >, concepts::_Matrix_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr >, concepts::_SubMatrix_iterator< F, _Ref, _Ptr >
- operator/() : concepts::Point< F, dim >
- operator/=() : concepts::Point< F, dim >, concepts::StiffArray< dim, F >, concepts::StiffArray< 1, F >
- Operator00() : aglowav2::Operator00< F >
- Operator01() : cluster::Operator01< NodeX, NodeY >
- Operator02() : cluster::Operator02< NodeX, NodeY >
- operator<() : concepts::CellBox< dimC >, concepts::Index, concepts::IndexRange, concepts::Level< dim >, concepts::Orders< number >, hp3D::Element< F >
- operator=() : bem::AdaptiveAdjust, concepts::_HashedSMatrix_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr >, concepts::_Matrix_iterator< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr >, concepts::_Matrix_iterator_base< _Tp, _Ref, _Ptr >, concepts::_SubMatrix_iterator< F, _Ref, _Ptr >, concepts::AdaptiveControlTag, concepts::Array< F >, concepts::Boundary, concepts::CellCondition, concepts::CmplxPart, concepts::ComplexFunction, concepts::DiagonalMatrix< F >, concepts::ElementMatrix< F >, concepts::Function< F >, concepts::IndexRange, concepts::Level< dim >, concepts::Point< F, dim >, concepts::StiffArray< dim, F >, concepts::StiffArray< 1, F >, concepts::SubVector< F >, concepts::Symmetry< Edge >, concepts::Symmetry< Quad >, concepts::Vector< F >, concepts::Z2, concepts::Z3, concepts::Z4, graphics::DataDX< F >
- operator==() : concepts::Attribute, concepts::BaseSequence< F >, concepts::BaseSet< F >, concepts::Connector, concepts::Index, concepts::IndexRange, concepts::Key, concepts::Level< dim >, concepts::MultiIndex< dim >, concepts::Orders< number >, concepts::Set< IndexRange >::index_iterator
- operator>() : concepts::Level< dim >
- operator[]() : aglowav2::X00< F >, aglowav2::XY00< F >, aglowav2::Y00< F >, cluster::ClstXY< Node >, cluster::X01< Node >, cluster::XY01< Node >, cluster::Y01< Node >, concepts::Array< F >, concepts::Dirichlet< F >, concepts::DynArray< T >, concepts::Import3dMesh::NodeCell, concepts::Index, concepts::InnerResidual< F >, concepts::Joiner< T, nlnk >, concepts::MultiArray< dim, T >, concepts::MultiArray< 1, T >, concepts::multilevelindex, concepts::Permutation< F >, concepts::PiecewiseConstFormula< F >, concepts::Point< F, dim >, concepts::Set< IndexRange >, concepts::StiffArray< dim, F >, concepts::StiffArray< 1, F >, concepts::TColumn< F >, concepts::TColumnBlock< F, dim >, concepts::TColumnTensor< F, dim >, geometry::ElementPatch, geometry::VtxToEdgeSupportMap, geometry::VtxToElmSupportMap, parallel::HilbertSFC
- operator^() : concepts::Point< F, dim >
- operator|() : concepts::Sequence< bool >
- operator~() : concepts::Sequence< bool >
- Orders() : concepts::Orders< number >
- OrdersBase() : concepts::OrdersBase
- ortho() : concepts::Point< F, dim >
- outerBoundary() : concepts::EddyGeometry2D
- OutputBase() : graphics::OutputBase
- OutputMatlab() : concepts::OutputMatlab< std::queue< F > >
- outputParameters() : concepts::InputParser
- overWrite() : concepts::MatfileIO
- ownEdge() : concepts::MutableMeshBase